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Chapter 26 – Section 4: Two Nations Live on the Edge

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1 Chapter 26 – Section 4: Two Nations Live on the Edge

2 Progression of Nuclear Technology
United States detonates H-Bomb in November of 1952 Soviets detonate their H-Bomb in August of 1953 The Nuclear Arms Race now starts Make as many “bombs” as fast as you can

3 The Policy of Brinksmanship
Eisenhower is POTUS in 1952 John Foster Dulles is his Secretary of State Felt we could stop the spread of communism by promising use of force Brinksmanship is being prepared to go to the brink of an all out nuclear war Schools now practice air-raid drills People build bomb and fallout shelters


5 Massive Nuclear Retaliation
Ike proposes a “new look” policy of containment Relies on massive retaliation We now start testing “bombs” like crazy Nuclear buildup has economic roots Nuclear proliferation is cheaper Other countries get in on the nuclear game France and Great Britain


7 What is MAD? MAD is mutually assured destruction
If both sides attack with nuclear weapons there will be no victor Only widespread destruction Emerges from the ideas of deterrence If the only option is MAD we won’t use “bombs” Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


9 Nuclear Accidents Abound
In April of 1950 a B-29 crashes with a “bomb” In March of 1956 a B-27 crashes into the sea with a “bomb” In 1958 an atomic bomb slips out of a B-47 and crushes a house Similar event in New Mexico with an H-Bomb We now begin to question our policies Are brinksmanship and MAD good ideas?

10 Thinking the Unthinkable
In 1960 Herman Kahn writes Thinking about the Unthinkable Nuclear war is winnable We must accept losses of 40 million people Stock an underground system with elite people Other groups challenge the testing of “bombs” Finding elevated radioactivity in babies teeth

11 Eisenhower and the CIA In Iran in 1951 Mossadegh nationalizes oil
Britain stops buying their oil CIA gives millions to pro-Shah supporters In Guatemala in 1954 land is redistributed CIA trains an army and invades Guatemalan army refuses to defend president



14 The Warsaw Pact and Geneva
Tensions thaw a little after Stalin’s death Tensions freeze again when West Germany is allowed to rearm USSR and seven countries form the Warsaw Pact Eisenhower meets with Soviet leaders at Geneva He proposes an “open skies” policy Policy rejected but seen as a step towards peace

15 Israel: Creating a New Nation
Nation of Israel is created from Palestine Gave Jewish people their holy land One of the few issues we agree with Soviet Union on Both saw the horrible tragedies of the Holocaust Angered Palestinian Arabs and Muslims Still see this tension today


17 The Suez War In 1955 Egypt wants to dam the Nile
Nasser of Egypt plays both USSR and USA Dulles pulls our money when he finds out Nasser nationalizes the canal Refused to let Israeli ships through UN gets involved to stop the fighting Egypt retains control of the Suez Canal

18 Revolt in Hungary! An uprising breaks out in Hungary in 1956
Led by Imre Nagy The Soviet response is quick and brutal November 1956 Kill 30,000 Hungarians What about the Truman Doctrine? Didn’t apply to ridding communism from satellite states

19 Space: The Final Frontier
Nikita Khrushchev will seize power in USSR Peaceful coexistence Soviet Union jumps to an early space lead Sputnik is launched in October of 1957 United States now throws money at NASA Launch our first satellite on January 31, 1958 Fund education in math and sciences


21 Cold War Takes to the Skies: The U-2 Incident
“Open skies” policy had been rejected We fly secret, high altitude missions of USSR We use the U-2 plane for this Soviets had been aware of our flights since 1958 Lacked the technology to stop them Ike wishes to stop the flights Upcoming summit with Khrushchev


23 Cold War Takes to the Skies: The U-2 Incident
May 1st, 1960 – Gary Francis Powers is shot down Shot down by a surface to air missile Parachutes to the ground and is captured Sentenced to ten years in prison in USSR Released in prisoner exchange in 18 months Eisenhower denies that we were spying Says we were studying the weather Eventually admits it but refuses to apologize


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