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6 th Annual Engineering Conference Procurement Rules & Regulation & SBD Works.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Annual Engineering Conference Procurement Rules & Regulation & SBD Works."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Annual Engineering Conference Procurement Rules & Regulation & SBD Works

2 Outline: I. PPPD & Its Mandate II.Progress III.Clarification/Amendments till date

3 I. Mandate for PPPD: Clause 8.2.2 of the PRR mandates the PPPD with the following functions:  Monitor the Implementation of PRR  Provide Annual Reports to Secretary, MoF  Propose Improvements on PRR & SBDS & related documents  Be Focal Point for queries & decimate information for education.  Conduct research, establish institutional linkage and strengthen capacity to wards professionalizing the procurement function.

4 II. Progress:  PRR and SBDs were Launched in 2009  SBDs for small value procurement is in progress  ICBPP for Professionalizing procurement function through strengthening capacity. Measures underway are:  ToT workshops conducted (PRR, SBD, CPC through ICBPP)  CPC training conducted for five batches & scheduled for 6 th & 7 th batches in September  CIPS Level 4/Foundation Diploma to be introduced in October 2010.

5 II. Progress: contd.  Till date five amendments have been issued

6 Amendment 1 FM/DNP/PD-08/2009/4637 dated April 9,2009 FM/DNP/PD-08/2009/4637  Margin of Preference  Mobilization Advance 7% to 10%

7 Amendment 2 FM/DNP/PD-08/2009/715) dated Sept 7, 2009 FM/DNP/PD-08/2009/715  Clarification on Original & Copy of bid document  What comprises an Original Bid – ITB 12 of SBD (Works) 2009: 1. Bid Form 2. Bid Security 3. Priced BoQ 4. Qualification Information & documents 5. Integrity Pact 6. Alternative offers where invited 7. Any other materials as specified in BDS

8 Amendment 3 FM/DNP/PD-08/2009/802) dated Sept 10, 2009 FM/DNP/PD-08/2009/802 1. Inter Ministerial Tender Committee abolished 2. Higher Level Tender Committee for Autonomous Bodies reconstituted 3. Threshold, Methods & Processes

9 Amendment 4 MoF/PPPD-08/2009/2010/111) dated April 1, 2010MoF/PPPD-08/2009/2010/111 1.DLP min of 6 months for works up to 2 Million (Class D) 2.Secured Advances for fabrication works off site permitted 3.Payment on termination-20% of the value of remaining works but not exceeding 10% of Contract Price 4.Max annual Turnover used not average annual & Bid Capacity factor increased from 1.5 to 2 5.Annual Turnover & Bid Capacity not required for works up to Nu. 5 Million 6.Sample Evaluation Report changed to incorporate the above

10 Amendment 5 MoF/PPPD-08/2009/2010/212) dated June 10, 2010 MoF/PPPD-08/2009/2010/212  Revision of threshold for community contract (Nu. 0.5 M to Nu. 1.5 Million)  SBD(Works) 2009 not applicable to community contracts

11 III. Clarification: * Written & verbal * Problem Log (web based Info, reduce corrs, feedback & amendment) Frequently Asked Question on PRR & SBDsQuestion

12 Discussion

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