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Published byGwenda Whitehead Modified over 9 years ago
Writing a Summary (pisanje povzetkov) Mag. Nada Vukadinović 2006
Pomen pisanja povzetkov Pisanje povzetka odraža vaše razumevanje besedila. Pri povzemanju gre za sposobnost sintetiziranja večjega obsega informacij v skrajšano obliko besedila. Zato si s pisanjem povzetkov hkrati urite vaše bralne sposobnosti in sposobnosti pisanja. To, kar je avtor napisal, morate znati povedati s svojimi besedami. Povzetek mora biti napisan tako, da bo bralec razumel za kaj gre.
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Postopek Članek si najprej natisnite in preberite. Prvo branje naj bo hitro, zatem sledi podrobnejše branje. Podčrtajte pomembne stavke, fraze, besede. Iz vsakega odstavka izluščite sporočilo. Če besed ne razumete, uporabite slovar. Izločite stavke, ki niso pomembni. Ugotovite, ali avtor izraža svoje mnenje ali navaja samo dejstva in nekaj opisuje. Za koga je bil članek pravzaprav napisan? Kakšna je vaša reakcija na vsebino? Na rob teksta napišite svoje opazke. Ali ste članek razumeli? Berite še enkrat. Določite ključne besede, ki označujejo besedilo in jih potem tudi uporabite v vašem povzetku.
Primer, kako povzamemo sporočila iz enega odstavka Original text: Animal overpopulation is a serious problem. Every year, millions of dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens are killed in shelters. In addition, millions more are living on the streets. No one knows exactly how many, but in 2000, there were over 18,000 dogs living on the streets of Taipei alone. We see the effects of homeless animals every day. They make noise, scare people, and make the streets and parks dirty. However, the animals suffer more than we do. Their lives are filled withhunger, danger, and disease. Summary: There are too many dogs and cats. This oversupply creates problems for society and extreme hardship for the animals as well.
Primer povzemanja daljšega besedila: Originalno besedilo A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repell, attract, or mitigate any pest. Target pests include any living organism that causes damage or economic loss, or transmits or produces disease. Pests can be animals like insects, birds or mice, unwanted plants (weeds), or microorganisms like plant diseases and viruses.Throughout history, pests have caused problems. Diseases transmitted by insects and rodents led to epidemics of deadly diseases like bubonic plague and yellow fever. Famines resulted when locusts, molds and other pests destroyed crops. Ireland's great potato famine of 1845-1849 -- in which a third of the nation's population died--was caused by a potato fungus called late blight. Late blight can now be controlled by pesticides. People have been trying to control pests with chemicals since ancient times. Prior to World War II, common pesticides included arsenic, sulfur, and some heavy metals. After World War II, many synthetic chemicals were introduced into agriculture. The new products helped prompt the so-called "Green Revolution," increasing crop yields dramatically and making available plentiful grains and a bountiful variety of inexpensive fruits and vegetables. However, during the 1960s, society changed its view of pesticides. We became aware that pesticide use had costs. Concerns about chronic health effects, environmental contamination, effects on wildlife, and the increasing immunity of some pests to chemicals led to stricter regulation. Some products, like DDT, were banned. Presently there is a greater use of reduced-risk practices that combine biological, cultural, and physical controls with judicious pesticide use to minimize economic, health, and environmental risks. Because most pesticides are designed to be toxic to their target organisms, and because any substance can be harmful if used improperly, pesticides are closely regulated. The word pesticide is often misunderstood to mean only an insecticide. Actually, pesticide refers to not only insecticides but herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides and even biological, pest-destroying organisms such as Bacillus thuringiensis. Household products account for a major portion of pesticide sales. Such familiar products as toilet bowl cleaners, disinfectants, cleansers, bleaches, mildew removers, and ant and roach sprays are all pesticides. Herbicides are pesticides used to control weeds on lawns, and along roadways, waterways and other public areas. And, thanks to fungicides, food today is virtually free of mold and other types of fungi. Some fungi produce the most potent carcinogens yet discovered. (Source:
Primer povzemanja daljšega besedila: Povzetek besedila The author explains what pesticides are. They are the agents for combating pests which can be either insects, birds, weeds or microorganisms. Pesticide control has long history and with an intensive use of these chemicals crop yields increased significantly. However, due to their toxicity, people recognized that the overuse of pesticides contaminates the environment which led to the use of reduced-risk pesticides which minimize environmental risks. Nowadays pesticides the use of pesticides is strictly regulated. The author also clarifies the term pesticides, which does not refer to insecticides only but also includes herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides and biological organisms.
Uporabni začetki stavkov The article is about.... The action takes place.... The text is divided into.. parts. The main point is that.... I think that... The message of the article is...
Struktura povzeta Uvod (v uvodu povejte, za kaj v članku gre, kaj je glavna tema) Jedro (predstavite glavne ideje, podatke, primere, ki jih avtor navaja) Zaključek (dodajte vaše mnenje komu je bil članek namenjen) ! Pri pisanju povzemajte besedilo (parafrazirajte) in ne prepisujte celih stavkov!
Pisanje Navedite naslov članka ter ime avtorja Dodajte vaše ime in priimek, smer študija in letnik Dolžina povzetka naj bo pribl. 15 - 20% originalnega besedila
Preberite, kaj ste napisali Ali vaš povzetek odraža iste misli kot originalni tekst? Ali vsebuje uvod, jedro, zaključek? Ste stavke lepo povezali med sabo? Bo tisti, ki bo bral vaš povzetek razumel za kaj gre? Preverite, če besedilo ne vsebuje slovničnih in tipkarskih napak.
Ocenjevanje Povzetek bo ocenjen po naslednjih parametrih: 1. Vsebina (zajemanje bistva) 2. Struktura 3. Jezik 4. Tipkarske napake, nepravilno črkovanje
Oddajanje povzekta Oddajte povzetek v roku in obliki, ki jo določi učitelj.
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