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Chapel 2014-2015 Flipping through the Bible. Sword Drill! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”

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Presentation on theme: "Chapel 2014-2015 Flipping through the Bible. Sword Drill! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapel 2014-2015 Flipping through the Bible

2 Sword Drill! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”

3 Find “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD established their steps."  Proverbs 16:9

4 GE N ESIS The Big “N” ing


6 Joseph Second Youngest of 12 boys Father’s Favorite Son

7 Joseph had dreams #1 – The brother’s sheaves bowed to Joseph. #2 – The sun, moon and 11 stars bowed to Joseph.

8 Brother’s Got Jealous

9 God blessed everything around him.

10 Prison Falsely accused.

11 God was with Joseph

12 Some time later…


14 They had dreams.

15 God could interpret their dreams.

16 Cup Bearer’s Dream

17 God interpreted the dream through Joseph. Three Days

18 Baker’s Dream

19 God interpreted the dream through Joseph. Three Days

20 Three Days Later…

21 Two years later…


23 Joseph was brought to the Pharaoh.

24 Pharaoh wanted Joseph to interpret the Dream. Joseph said that he could not, but only God could.

25 Pharaoh’s Dreams

26 Pharaoh’s Second Dream.

27 Joseph interprets the dream. Seven Years of Plenty!

28 Joseph interprets the dream. Seven Years of Famine!

29 Joseph gives instructions. Seven Years of Plenty!1/5

30 Pharaoh could think of no one more discerning, wiser, and with the Spirit of God upon them than Joseph.

31 Joseph got a lot! Wife: Asenath New Name: Zaphenath Paneah Two Sons: Manasseh: God has made me forget. Ephraim: God has made me fruitful

32 Famine Came!

33 Israel Needed Grain

34 The entire family of Israel came to live in Egypt!

35 8 Joseph

36 Review 1. God Created the World 2. Man Fell in Sin 3. God Flooded the World 4. God Spread the Nations 5. God Made Promises to Abraham 6. God Tested Abraham 7. Jacob became Israel 8. Joseph led Israel went to Egypt

37 Looking Good Lion Pawsitive Note


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