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Published byBrenda Hill Modified over 9 years ago
Characterisation of Irish Junior Handball Players Richard Mc Cann
Introduction In 1884 handball was included in the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA ) charter as one of the four Gaelic games organised by the GAA (O’Flynn & Baldwin, 2008). The game is played throughout schools and GAA clubs and consists of several codes based on handball court dimensions and number of walls. For the purposes of this study the emphasis has been placed on profiling and characterising players participating in the 40 feet x 20 feet code of handball. Classified as an indoor court sport which also include squash, racquetball, and badminton (Alexander & Boreskie, 1989). A handball match consists of two games to 21 with a tie breaker (if required)played to 11 while the scoring system dictates that points can only be won when a player is in serve.
Introduction In regards to the literature concerning handball it has received little attention in comparison to the other indoor court sports. Very few papers published over the last 20 years. – An early time motion analysis conducted by Francis (1952). – Loftin (1996), recreational handball players aged 45-50, analysis of singles play. – A time motion, physical and physiological profile was conducted by Alexander and Boreskie (1989) on two elite handball players.
Aims/Objectives The aim of the first part of this research project was to conduct an anthropometric and physical profile of male and female junior Irish handball players. The aim of the second part of the research project was to assess the physiological response of players to the game demands during competition matches. The aim of the third part of the research project was to conduct a match activity analysis to determine match length, game length, rally length, number of shots per rally and actual work time of players.
Study 1 Anthropometric & Physical Profiling
Methods Subject Recruitment: The recruitment of subjects involved contacting GAA handball Ireland for permission. Juveniles from the ages of 14-17 would partake in the study. The selection criterion was based on player performance over several juvenile competitions. Each subject and their parents gave written informed consent before the start of the study. Ethical approval was granted by the ethics committee at Staffordshire University.
Methods Anthropometric & Physical Characterisation: Anthropometric & Flexibility Assessment Power AssessmentSpeed AssessmentAgility AssessmentAerobic Endurance Assessment Height, Mass, ∑ 7 S & R CMJ MBT 5m & 10m Speed 5-10-5 Agility 20m MSFT
Anthropometric Characterisation Results Parameter Age (yrs) Height (cm) Mass (kgs) ∑7 skinfolds (mm) Male (N=19) 16 (±1.2) 174.1 (±8.6)* 64.4 (±10.4)62.8 (±15.6)* Female (N=10) 15 (±1.1)161.7 (±3.8)60.2 (±3.7)107.6 (±18.0) *Significantly different at 0.05 level (2-tailed). Anthropometric characteristics of junior male and female handball players.
Physical Characterisation Results Parameter Male (N=19) Female (N=10) Flexibility 18.8 (±6.4)23.1 (±3.1) Counter Movement Jump (cm) 29.2 (±4.0)*24.2 (±2.4) Medicine Ball Throw (m) 3.93 (±0.62)*3.04 (±0.15) Left Hand Grip Strength (kgs) 38.3 (±8.1)*29.7 (±3.5) Right Hand Grip Strength (kgs) 37.9 (±8.8)*26.6 (±5.6) 5m Speed (seconds) 1.15 (±0.09)*1.25 (±0.08) 10m Speed (seconds) 1.95 (±0.11)*2.14 (±0.10) 5-10-5 Pro Agility (seconds) 5.27 (±0.26)*5.89 (±0.44) 20m Multi Stage Shuttle Run (shuttles) 106.2 (±19.7)*71.2 (±17.9) Estimated VO 2max (ml·kg −1 ·min −1 )53.6 (±5.6)*44.3 (±5.1) *Significantly different at 0.05 level (2-tailed). Physical characteristics of junior male and female handball players.
Correlation Analysis R = Pearson's R, P = Sig (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Correlation matrix of anthropometric test results of junior male and female handball players. ParameterAgeHeightMass∑7 Age R 1.459 *.489 ** -0.072 P0.0120.0070.709 Height R 1.710 ** -.523 ** P.0000.004 Mass R 1 -0.044 P 0.82 ∑7 R 1 P
Correlation Analysis VariableAgeMass∑7CMJMBTGrip LeftGrip Right5m Speed10m SpeedAgility20m MSFT Age R1.489 ** -0.072.576 **.537 **.629 **.571 ** -0.002-0.185-0.0310.154 P 0.0070.7090.0010.003.0000.0010.9910.3370.8750.425 Mass R 1-0.0440.353.788 **.776 **.759 ** -0.193-.371 * -0.2850.059 P 0.820.06.000 0.3160.0480.1340.763 ∑7 R 1-.505 ** -.419 * -0.348-.418 *.462 *.580 **.783 **.631 ** P 0.0050.0240.0650.0240.0120.001.000 CMJ R 1.636 **.767 **.710 ** -.462 * -.545 ** -.500 **.373 * P.000 0.0120.0020.0060.046 MBT R 1.885 **.899 ** -.410 * -.585 ** -.533 **.407 * P.000 0.0270.0010.0030.029 Grip Left R 1.911 ** -0.304-.488 ** -.475 **.394 * P.0000.1090.0070.0090.034 Grip Right R 1-.438 * -.585 ** -.547 **.434 * P 0.0170.0010.0020.019 5m Speed R 1.899 **.639 ** -0.226 P.000 0.239 10m Speed R 1.696 ** -0.315 P.0000.096 Agility R 1.638 ** P.000 Correlation matrix of fitness test results of junior male and female handball players. R = Pearson's R, P = Sig (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Physical Characterisation Comparison Parameter Male (N=19) Female (N=10) Elite Male Elite Female Age (yrs) 16 (±1.2)15 (±1.1) 2931 Height (cm) 174.1 (±8.6)161.7 (±3.8) 174.5170.0 Mass (kgs) 64.4 (±10.4)60.2 (±3.7) 77.262.8 ∑7 skinfolds (mm) 62.8 (±15.6)107.6 (±18.0) 44.272.1 Flexibility 18.8 (±6.4)23.1 (±3.1) 32.124.5 Counter Movement Jump (cm) 29.2 (±4.0)*24.2 (±2.4) 44.627.7 Medicine Ball Throw (m) 3.93 (±0.62)*3.04 (±0.15) 5.703.70 Left Hand Grip Strength (kgs) 38.3 (±8.1)*29.7 (±3.5) 54.040.4 Right Hand Grip Strength (kgs) 37.9 (±8.8)*26.6 (±5.6) 44.944.1 5m Speed (seconds) 1.15 (±0.09)*1.25 (±0.08) 1.081.28 10m Speed (seconds) 1.95 (±0.11)*2.14 (±0.10) 1.752.02 5-10-5 Pro Agility (seconds) 5.27 (±0.26)*5.89 (±0.44) 4.765.17 20m Multi Stage Shuttle Run (shuttles) 106.2 (±19.7)*71.2 (±17.9) 136111 Estimated VO 2max (ml·kg −1 ·min −1 )53.6 (±5.6)*44.3 (±5.1)61.354.3 Comparison of fitness test results to male and female world champions
Results Comparison Mahoney & Sharp (1995) reported V O 2max values ~53 ml/kg/min of male Irish elite junior players. Alexander & Boreskie (1989) V O 2max values ~53-55 ml/kg/min of elite senior players. Ghosh et al (1993) Junior female Indian players V O 2max results of 44-46ml/kg/min Pipes (1979) V O 2max values ~58 ml/kg/min in elite pros This study V O 2max values ~44-54 ml/kg/min of junior players. RacquetballSquashHandball
Study 2 Physiological Profiling
Methods Physiological Characterisation of Players During Games: A Polar heart rate team sport system, (Polar Electro Kempele, Finland) was utilised to monitor heart rate response. Heart rate signal was recorded and stored at 5 second intervals. Eight players were monitored (4 male and 4 female), the monitor was placed on the athletes’ chest in the changing rooms prior to their match. Once the games were completed, the data from the belts were downloaded to a computer using the Polar Precision 5.0 software (Polar, Kempele, Finland). Data were processed and expressed in absolute values and reported in relation to the individual maximal heart rate (HR max ) of the participants.
Physiological Assessment Results Player heart rate profiles during a handball match between players A and B.
Physiological Assessment Results Game heart rate response of male and female Irish handball players.
Physiological Assessment Results Match heart rate response of male and female Irish handball players. ? 89-91%
Results Comparison Reilly (1990) 88% of max HR Recreational players Alexander & Boreskie (1989) 80-88% of max HR Elite pros Chin et al (1995) 88-92% of max HR male and female International players Montgomery (1981) 87% of max HR Loftin et al (1996) 85% max HR Masters level RacquetballSquashHandball
Study 3 Match Activity Analysis
Methods Match Activity Analysis: Eight matches (four female and four male) were recorded using a Panasonic HDC- HS60 video recording camera mounted upon a tripod at the rear of the handball court. The video footage was then uploaded into dartfish (Switzerland) performance analysis software version 5.5. A tagging panel was designed to record match variables e.g. match length, game length, number of rallies, number of shots per rally, rally time and rest duration. To determine game and match time, all player timeouts and rest between games were extracted to give a more accurate reflection of the demands placed on the players.
Match Activity Results VariableFemale (n=4)Male (n=4) Match length (mm:ss)35:12 (± 07:09)41:53 (± 06:34) Game 1 length (mm:ss)13:36 (± 04:52)19:20 (± 05:53) Game 2 length (mm:ss)21:37 (± 04:11)22:33 (± 02:24) Shots per game494 (± 112)624 (± 38) Rallies per match112 (± 18)139 (± 7)* Shots per rally4.4 (± 0.4)4.5 (± 0.2) Average rally duration (s)9.3 (± 0.96)9.8 (± 3.0) Average rest duration (s)11.1 (± 1.7)10.6 (± 1.3) Work to rest ratio1:1.2 (± 0.11)1:1.1 (± 0.42) Active time (%)49.8 (± 3.5)47.5 (± 4.4) Shots per rally time (s- 1 )2.1 (± 0.08)2.2 (± 0.76) Handball match activity characteristics of female and male junior Irish handball players. *Significantly different at 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Sport Activity Comparisons Alexander & Boreskie (1989) Active time= 49% Rally times = 9 secs Shots per rally = (5.1-6.1) Rest time = 11 secs Francis (1952) Active Time = 59% Rally times = 10.8 secs Rest time = 8.7 secs Montgomery (1981) Active time = 52% Rally time = 7.7 secs Faria and Lewis (1982) 90% rallies <10 secs active time = 32% Montpetit (1990) Active time= 49.1-53.7% Rally times = 6.9-7.2 secs Shots per rally = 3-3.1 Rest time = 7.2 secs SquashRacquetballHandball
Physical characterisation revealed that male players were significantly faster, stronger, more powerful, greater agility and aerobically fitter than their female colleagues. Strong correlations with body composition and speed, power agility and aerobic endurance fitness components. Players V O 2max results similar to those of junior male and female squash and badminton players. Match activity analysis revealed that matches lasted approximately 35-42 minutes. Heart rate response averaged ~90% of maximum heart rate during matches for both sexes. Game is intermittent in nature with demands placed on the alactic and lactic anaerobic systems. High aerobic fitness a key component to ensure a high intensity match play. Coaches should therefore design training regimes to induce the development of a sufficient endurance capacity. To complement aerobic capacity training coaches should also base training on a large number of competitive actions of high intensity but short duration that reflect the intermittent nature of the sport.
Reflections/Limitations More match activity and heart rate analysis required. No anaerobic capacity tests were conducted. More in depth strength and power profiling required. Development of a handball specific test protocol.
Future Work Profile senior elite male & female players. Profile singles vs doubles matches. Profile 60 x 30 games. Use of GPS units (which are fitted with gyroscopes and accelerometers) could be used to give a truer reflection of the movement demands required in the game of handball. Utilising portable metabolic carts in conjunction with lactate analysis during games may give us more information on the metabolic demands required during matches.
References Alexander, J.L., Borenskie, L. (1989). An analysis of fitness and time-motion characteristics of handball. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 17, 76-82. Chin M, Steininger, Clark C.R, Wong A.S.K. (1995). Physiological profiles and sport specific fitness of Asian elite squash players. Br J Sports Med, 29, 158–164. Faria, I. E., Lewis. F. (1982). Metabolic response to playing racquetball. Med Sci Sports 1-4. Francis, R.J., (1952). An analysis of certain time, motion, and time-motion factors in eight athletic sports. PhD Dissertation Ohio State University. Loftin, M. (1986). Heart rate response during handball singles match-play and selected physical fitness components of experienced male handball players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 36(2), 95-99. Mahoney, C.A. and Sharp, N.C.C. (1995). The physiological profile of elite junior squash players. In Science and Racket Sports (edited by T. Reilly, M. Hughes and A. Lees), pp. 76–80. London. Montpetit, R. (1990). Applied Physiology of Squash, Sports Medicine, 10, 31-4. Montgomery, D. L., (1981). Heart rate response to racquetball. Physician Sportsmed, 9, (10), 59-62. O'Flynn, J., Baldwin, A. (2008). The history of the Gaelic Athletic Association in Canada. Trafford Publishing, p176. Pipes, T.V. (1979). The racquetball pro, a physiological profile. Physician Sportsmed (7:10), 91-94. Reilly, T. (1990). The racket sports. In Physiology of Sports (edited by T. Reilly, N. Secher, P. Snell and C. Williams), pp. 337–370. London.
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