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The Irish Revolution By: Nick Burgess. About the Revolution The term Irish Revolution refers to the period 1912-1922 when Ireland (Southern) gained independence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Irish Revolution By: Nick Burgess. About the Revolution The term Irish Revolution refers to the period 1912-1922 when Ireland (Southern) gained independence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Irish Revolution By: Nick Burgess

2 About the Revolution The term Irish Revolution refers to the period 1912-1922 when Ireland (Southern) gained independence from the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland chose not to join Free Ireland, instead they stayed in the United Kingdom. Two main opponents: Nationalists and Unionists, and later on Pro-Treaty and Anti- Treaty.

3 Chronology i. 1914-1918: War World I ii. 1916: The Easter Rising iii. 1919: The Dail declare Ireland independent of Great Britain iv. 1920: Bloody Sunday, Burning of Cork v. 1921: Anglo-Irish Treaty signed vi. 1922: Dail split in two: Pro- Treaty and Anti- Treaty, violence ensues vii. 1923: Rebels disband, Irish Free State formed

4 Biography Sir Edward Carson  Unionists leader.  Political leader. Goes on to become a judge. Eamon de Valera Anti-treaty leader and a leader of the Nationalists. Political leader.

5 Analysis The Irish Revolution was split into three parts. It was mainly fought between Ireland and Great Britain. Factions could split against each other in a matter of years. Ireland remains split between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

6 Comparison with French Revolution  Ireland  Unionists vs. Nationalists, Pro-Treaty and Anti- Treaty  No guillotine   Not as much bloodshed  Main place: Dublin  France  Girodins vs. Mountains  Guillotine  Let the blood flow!  Main place: Paris

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