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EXPOSED ON IRELAND CONTENTSCONTENTS 1. Identity Card of Ireland 2. Geography 3. Historical facts 4. Typical products 5. Famous people 6. Famous monuments.

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3 CONTENTSCONTENTS 1. Identity Card of Ireland 2. Geography 3. Historical facts 4. Typical products 5. Famous people 6. Famous monuments 7. Conclusion

4 1. I DENTITY C ARD OF I RELAND Country : Ireland Capital : Dublin (Baile Atha Cliath) Population in Dublin : 1 167 100 inhabitants Population : 4 670 976 inhabitants Density : 60/km² Surface area : 70, 273 km² (water: 2%) Currency : Euro Map of European Union Emblem : Blue background and Yellow harp National anthem : “Amhan Na BhFiann” (The Soldier's Song) National day : January 21 st Official religion : Catholic Official languages : English, Irish Coat of Arms Political system : Republic Entry in E.U. : 1973


6 2. G EOGRAPHY Ireland is an island. Ireland is situated in the North- West of Europe. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean (or the North Sea) in the North-East, by the Irish Sea in the East, by Saint George's Channel in the Southeast and by the Celtic sea in the South. There are 4 670 976 inhabitants in the country. There are 1 167 100 inhabitants in Dublin. The density is 60/km². The surface area is 70,273 km² and there are just 2% of water. The relief is high. The biggest mountain is the Carrantuohill and it measures 1 041 m. There are many plains and plateaux. The principal river is the Shannon and it is 386 km long. There is the Liffey, the Lee and the Barrow… There are three importants lakes: the Lough Corrib, the Lough Erne and the Connemara. Topographic map of Ireland Carrauntohil

7 The climate is temperate. About 60% of the annual rainfall falls between August and January. January and February are the coldest months of the year with 4 to 7°C. July and August are the warmest, with mean daily temperature of 14 to 16°C. There are thirty-four departments in Ireland:

8 3. H ISTORICAL FACTS The first human populating of Ireland goes back up towards 7000 avenue J.-C. The most former tracks were found in the region of Munster. The Iron Age begins towards 700 avenue. J.C with the arrival of the Celts in Ireland from Great Britain. The Vikings arrive in Ireland towards 750. They burn churches and monasteries. During the years 830, they go back up rivers and ravage the inside of lands. From 1348 till 1350, the plague (the Black Death) will settle down in Ireland, killing many persons. In 1541, Henri VIII takes the royal title of Ireland but he was English. A terrible famine seized Ireland between 1846 and 1848. They became independent and catholic in 1918. They became a member of the European Union in 1973. « Drakkar » viking Celtic warrior Henri VIII of England

9 4. T YPICAL PRODUCTS Very numerous dishes integrate into their recipe the potato. Irish did not use a lot of fishe. The colcannon is a dish made with the apple of earth, the new garlic and the cabbage : The Irish Stew is also a traditional dish in Ireland. The main element is the lamb and it is accompanied with carrots and potatoes :

10 The Bangers and mash is consists of a sausage and a crushed potato accompanied with a sauce in the onion : To the XXI century, fast foods proliferated but Irish prefer fooding of oyster, salmon, trout, vegetables as potato and fresh cheeses, what is better for the health. Main drinks in Ireland is the whiskey. Bears and Irish Coffee are also famous. Irish whiskeys

11 5. F AMOUS PEOPLE The group U2 are very populated. U2 is an Irish rock group formed in 1976 in Dublin. It consists of Bono (Paul Henson) in the singing, the Edge (David Evans) in the guitar, in the piano and in the singing, Adam Clayton in the bass and Larry Mullen Junior to the battery. Since the environment middle of the 1980, the group defends the cause of Human Rights. This is a song of U2

12 Patrick was born in Great Britain towards 390. He is taken as slave in Ireland. We tell that he made avoid all the snakes and explains the principle of the Trinity by the cloverleaf the concept of sets of three was very wide-spread in the Celtic mythology. The 17 th March, the Irish are celebrity St Patrick!! (St Patrick’s day) There is also a French singer who sang a song on the lakes of Connemara. This artist is called Michel Sardou. The Irish people like him. Soon, we are going to put back to him " the keys of Connemara ", that is a price. This is the song of Michel Sardou St-Patrick

13 6. F AMOUS MONUMENTS The famous monuments are : St Patrick Cathedral, the National Museum, the National Art Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin Castle…

14 7. C ONCLUSION Ireland is a young country. The half of the population have less than 25 years. Moreover, the capital Dublin was elected the more friendly city in 2007 and in 2009. Ireland inspired Michel Sardou and he wrote this famous song : “Les Lacs du Connemara”. This tempts me to go to discover this wonderful country !!! National Anthem of Ireland

15 FINISH!!!!

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