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What the Irish Heart Foundation can do to support employers and employees Maureen Mulvihill Health Promotion Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "What the Irish Heart Foundation can do to support employers and employees Maureen Mulvihill Health Promotion Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 What the Irish Heart Foundation can do to support employers and employees Maureen Mulvihill Health Promotion Manager

2 Team Ann Scanlon, Workplace co-ordinator – general enquiries; health checks, active@workactive@work Tanya Comber Rait, National Project Manager, Slí na Sláinte Catherine Laffan and Susan Buckley - Admin Support

3 Happy Heart at Work Est’d 1992 by Irish Heart Foundation Supported by Health Services Executive (formerly Department of Health and children) 750 Companies registered Approx. 400,000 employees

4 Happy Heart at Work  Happy Heart Healthy Eating Award  Physical Activity Passive (environmental) and active (individual) strategies Coordinator guide, materials, leaflets, posters, workshops, information sessions, health checks

5 Healthy Eating  Catering Audit, Monitoring Happy Heart Healthy Eating Award Almost 300 companies received award  Spot Check (2 years)  Talks, Materials, Newsletter

6 Review of Nutrition Programmes HH Healthy Eating Award in line with best practice McMahon & Kelleher, 2002 Comprehensive programmes recommended Glanz, Sorensen & Farmer, 1996 Health at Work - passive strategies better received and more feasible than active strategies Hope et al., 1997

7 Happy Heart at Work Catering Award Presentation Midlands Regional Hospital, Tullamore

8 Heart Health Checks 1 to 1 with IHF trained nurse Blood Pressure check Cholesterol check NEW! Weight measurement – waist and BMI Personal assessment and – physical activity, alcohol consumption, stress Carbon monoxide check (for smokers)

9 Physical Activity – Lifestyle Challenge  6-12 weeks, activity of choice and fitness level - set own goals, peer support  Company provided promotion, incentives  30 companies, 2,000 completing challenge each year Schering Plough, Rathdrum co Wicklow

10 Feedback on programmes 15 years learning; NUIG evaluation Time factor to implementing Lifestyle Challenge Companies always looking for new ideas Practical, easy to implement Needed to provide a comprehensive co- ordinator guide to embace walking, Slí na Sláinte and mixed activities and to incorporate a step by step plan for company

11 Co-ordinator Guide Rationale for PA in the workplace Health, business Plan, Implement, Evaluate Inserts – copied for employees (PAR Q) IHF support, advice, regular newsletters, updates, training

12 Encourage goal setting and self-monitoring Walking Challenge Step Challenge Slí na Sláinte (Path to Health) Slí na Sláinte Time or Distance Heart Points Challenge Desk Work-Out

13 5 week walking challenge Aim to walk at least 30 minutes 5 days a week Employees own time Walking diary Certificate of Achievement Walking Challenge

14 5 week Step Challenge Using a step counter Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day Diary card Certificate of achievement Step Challenge

15 Heart Points Challenge 4 week challenge – any activity or combination Aim to earn 15 heart points a week 1 Heart point = 10 mins moderate activity Diary and planner Detailed informtaion on physical activity Certificate of achievement

16 Desk Work-Out

17 Slí na Sláinte - Intel Indoor signage Time and Distance Promotes active transport also Stair climbing signage

18 Slí na Sláinte Mapped route Sli Virtual Route East Point Buisness Park Installation Manual – 1 to 1 advice and support 20 workplaces have installed these routes Creates a supportive environment


20 Slí na Sláinte Challenge Employees/family in own time Diary, wallet size Aim to complete 100km (1,000 mins) wlaking silver pin 500km (5,000 minutes) walking gold pin

21 Support materials

22 Promotional Poster

23 Promotional poster

24 IHF Contacts Ann Scanlon Tel 6685 001 Email Slí Na Sláinte Tanya Comber RaitTel 6685 001 Email

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