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Normans. Who were the Normans  Normans descended from the Vikings who settled in Normandy, France.  In 1066 their leader William the Conqueror invaded.

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Presentation on theme: "Normans. Who were the Normans  Normans descended from the Vikings who settled in Normandy, France.  In 1066 their leader William the Conqueror invaded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Normans

2 Who were the Normans  Normans descended from the Vikings who settled in Normandy, France.  In 1066 their leader William the Conqueror invaded England.  He defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings.

3 Bayeux Tapestry  The story of the battle was shown on the Bayeux Tapestry.  William the Conqueror's wife, and her ladies in waiting, worked on a tapestry.  The tapestry tells the story of William's successful invasion of England.  There were 72 scenes, Each scene told one piece of the story.  They worked on the tapestry for 10 years. When completed, the tapestry was 20 inches high, and 250 feet long.

4 Two Sections of Bayeux Tapestry Morning of Battle of Hastings Invasion of Britain 1066

5 Why did the Normans come to Ireland ?  In 12 th century Ireland was ruled by powerful families led by chieftains.  Battles for power occurred among these chieftains.  When Ruairí O’Connor was High King he banished Diarmuid McMurrough from Leinster.  Diarmuid asked Henry II (King of England and Normandy) for help.

6 The arrival of Strongbow  Henry allowed Norman Lords to come to Ireland to help Diarmuid McMurrough.  Richard de Clare better known as Strongbow came to Ireland.  Normans landed in Bannow Bay, Wexford in 1169.  Normans were well equipped. Irish couldn’t match them.

7 Strongbow’s deal  Strongbow promised to help Diarmuid McMurrough if he got land in Ireland, permission to marry Aoife, Diarmuid,s daughter and to become King of Leinster when Diarmuid died.  Marriage of Aoife and Strongbow; on display National Gallery of Art, Dublin

8 Normans capture of Irish cities  In 1170 Normans captured Waterford.  They marched to Dublin, Archbishop Laurence O’Toole tried to make peace with them but a group broke into the city and captured it.  In 1171 Diarmuid died suddenly, Strongbow became King of Leinster Strongbow

9 Ruairí O’Connor strikes back  Ruairí returned with an army to try to recapture Dublin. They kept Dublin under siege for two months hoping to starve the Normans out.  One day the Normans broke out Ruairí and his men were taken by surprise. The Normans defeated them.  Strongbow was firmly in place as King of Leinster. High King of Ireland

10 Royal Visit  Henry II feared that Srtongbow and other Normans were becoming too powerful.  In 1171 Henry visited Ireland and took control.  The Norman Lords swore an oath of loyalty to Henry. Henry II arrives in Ireland

11 o Henry proclaimed himself “Lord of Ireland” o He granted Strongbow the title “Lord of Leinster” o He appointed Hugh de Lacy as his viceroy. o A viceroy does the work of the king while the king is out of the country.  Hugh de Lacy married Rose O’Connor, daughter of Ruairí O’Connor.

12 The Normans in Ireland.  Many Normans married Irish women.  Some Normans learned to speak Gaeilge.  It is said that ‘the Normans became more Irish than the Irish themselves’

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