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21.8 million Americans ages 12 and up used illegal drugs in the past month.

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2 21.8 million Americans ages 12 and up used illegal drugs in the past month.

3 Gateway drug Weed, pot, grass, joint, mary jane Smoked or mixed with food Impairs short-term memory Impairs attention, judgment, and other cognitive functions Impairs coordination and balance Psychotic episodes learning skills Can harm the lungs and potentially lead to cancer (smoke)

4 Oxy, ope, heroin, vikes, perks (pain relievers) Orally, injected Euphoria Sedation Nausea Constipation Constricted pupils Inability to feel pain Labored breathing Reduced heart rate

5 High ball, hippie crack, air blast, huff Inhaled through nose or mouth Slurred speech Drunk, dizzy or dazed appearance Inability to coordinate movement Hallucinations and delusions Impaired judgment Unconsciousness Severe headaches Rashes around the nose and mouth Heart failure Death from suffocation

6 Coke, nose candy, snow, dust Smoke, snort, injected -Energy -Anxiety -Release of social inhibition -Paranoia -Insomnia

7 LSD, PCP, Ecstasy Orally, snorted, smoked Increased heart rate and blood pressure Appetite loss Insomnia Tremors Headaches, nausea heart palpitations, blurring of vision, memory loss, trembling, and itching

8 Downers, roofies, yellow jackets Swallowed, injected, smoked or snorted Slowed pulse and breathing, slurred speech, drowsiness, fatigue and confusion, impaired coordination, memory and judgment.

9 Uppers, speed Swallowed, injected, or snorted Exhaustion, sluggishness and depression Paranoia Addiction

10 Meth, XTC, roofies Orally, injected, snorted, drink Loss of muscle and motor control, blurred vision Seizures Heart or kidney failure Drowsiness, unconsciousness, or breathing problems.

11 Substances other than food that change the function of the body or mind

12 Drug Abuse An excessive or improper use of drugs, especially through self- administration for nonmedical purposes

13 Tolerance Body of the abuser needs more and more of the drug to get the same effect.

14 Withdrawal Occurs when a person stops using a drug or medicine because of a chemical dependence. Symptoms nervousness, insomnia, severe headaches, vomiting, chills, and cramps – can lead to hospital

15 Types of drugs to abuse * Prescription medicine * Over the counter (OTC) * Synthetic * Illicit

16 Prescription Medicines Certain medicines can’t be used without a written prescription by a licensed physician.

17 Over the counter drugs Can be bought without a prescription * Cough medicines

18 Synthetic Drugs Chemical substances produced artificially in a lab * FAKE * Strength * Side effects

19 Illicit Drugs Use or sale of any substances that are illegal or otherwise not permitted. * Marijuana * Cocaine * Crystal Meth * Heroin

20 Substances used by athletes to improve their performance – Steroids Anabolic – promote growth Androgenic – promote development of male characteristics – Blood Doping – Boosting the number of red blood cells in the blood stream – Eb8_bKg Eb8_bKg

21 How drugs are taken * Orally * Injected * Snorted * Smoked * Inhaled

22 Drug use can lead to (Consequences) * Death * Addiction * HIV * Unwanted pregnancies * Unwanted sexual encounters * Date rape * STDs/STIs * MUCH MORE

23 Marijuana Quiz 1. Marijuana can be eaten or smoked. 2. Though THC is the main ingredient in pot, when smoked pot produces over 2,000 chemicals. 3. THC will remain in the body for up to 12 hours. 4. Marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing chemicals than cigarette smoke. 5. Marijuana is stored in the fatty tissue surrounding the reproductive organs, the lungs, and the brain. 6. The marijuana sold today is a lot weaker than that sold in the 1960s. 7. Marijuana could lead to the use of other drugs 8. The more pot you smoke, the less you need to get high. 9. A marijuana joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes. 10.Pot, grass, weed, reefer, dope are all slang terms for marijuana.

24 Marijuana Quiz 1. Marijuana can be eaten or smoked. T 2. Though THC is the main ingredient in pot, when smoked pot produces over 2,000 chemicals. T 3. THC will remain in the body for up to 12 hours. F 4. Marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing chemicals than cigarette smoke. T 5. Marijuana is stored in the fatty tissue surrounding the reproductive organs, the lungs, and the brain. T 6. The marijuana sold today is a lot weaker than that sold in the 1960s. F 7. Marijuana could lead to the use of other drugs T 8. The more pot you smoke, the less you need to get high. T 9. A marijuana joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes. T 10.Pot, grass, weed, reefer, dope are all slang terms for marijuana. T

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