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Jet Streams and Jet Streaks

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1 Jet Streams and Jet Streaks
Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

2 Jet Streams and Jet Streaks
Definition and Basic Characteristics Basic Forcing Mechanism Common Jets in the Mid-latitudes Jet Streaks Vertical Motion Pattern Coupling with Surface Fronts Relationship to Severe Weather Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

3 Jet Streams Basic Characteristics: Long narrow band of strong winds
~ km in length ~ km in width Not a continuous band Maximum winds ~ knots Can be located at any altitude Common mid-latitude types include the polar, subtropical, and low-level jets Migrate and evolve over times scales from a few hours to seasonally Primarily influence the motion and evolution of synoptic-scale systems Contribute to the initiation and evolution of mesoscale systems and deep convection Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

4 Jet Streams J J L H L H Basic Forcing Mechanism:
All jets are a response to flow down strong large-scale pressure gradients (produced by temperature gradients) that is then turned by the Coriolis force All long-lived jets are in thermal wind balance J Mean Zonal Wind J Mean Temperature North Pole L Jet H PGF L PGF Coriolis force turns wind H Maximum N-S Temperature and Pressure Gradient Equator Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

5 Jet Streams Basic Forcing Mechanism: Thermal Wind Balance
Notice how all of the strong upper-level jets (at 300 mb) are located directly above a strong low-level temperature gradient (at 850 mb) Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

6 Isentropic Mean Meridional
Common Jet Streams Polar-Front Jet (PFJ): Often located near 300 mb just below the mid-latitude tropopause Winds are westerly (blow west to east) and often exceed 75 m/s Associated with strong quasi-horizontal temperature gradients at low-levels (Note: Jet migration is a response to the strong temperature gradient moving) Present year round Furthest north (~50ºN) and weakest during the summer months Furthest south (~35ºN) and strongest during the winter months Most deep convection develops equatorward of the polar jet Isentropic Mean Meridional Cross Section Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

7 Isentropic Mean Meridional
Common Jet Streams Subtropical Jet (STJ): Often located near 200 mb just below the tropical tropopause Winds are westerly but rarely exceed 50 m/s Associated with a moderate quasi-horizontal temperature gradients at mid-levels Primarily a wintertime phenomenon Meanders between 20ºN and 35ºN Often is oriented from the southwest to the northeast across the Pacific and southern or western U.S. (“pineapple express”) Most deep convection develops poleward of the subtropical jet Isentropic Mean Meridional Cross Section Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

8 Common Jet Streams Subtropical Jet (STJ):
Often very difficult to distinguish from the polar jet on daily weather maps Since the subtropical jet is located further south (where f is smaller), a strong jet can still develop from a moderate temperature gradient Let’s do a simple analysis assuming the following are held constant: ∂p ~ 800 mb p ~ 500 mb Rd ~ 300 J/kg/K ∂y ~ 1000 km Polar-Front Jet Subtropical Jet Polar Jet: Φ ~ 40ºN ∂T ~ 20 K Subtropical Jet: Φ ~ 20ºN ∂T ~ 10 K ∂ug ~ 98 m/s ∂ug ~ 92 m/s Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

9 Common Jet Streams Low-level Jets (LLJ): Located 500-2000 m AGL
Winds rarely exceed 25 m/s Associated with weak horizontal temperature gradients confined to lower levels Can occur year round 1. Pre-frontal LLJ: Located just ahead (east) of strong cold fronts Responsible for the rapid advection of warm moist air that can help “feed” deep convection along the front LLJ Cold Air Warm Air J Cold Air Warm Air Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

10 Common Jet Streams 2. Nocturnal LLJ: Primarily oriented north-south
Maximum intensity at night in the summer Increased nocturnal thunderstorm activity is partially a result of the LLJ providing a continuous supply of warm, moist air to the storm cloud bases Intensity fluctuations are linked to diurnal changes in the low-level temperature gradients along the gradually sloping (east-west) topography East-West Cross Section June 2002 at 12Z Potential temperature (red contours) Wind speed (shading) Warm Air J Nocturnal Boundary Layer – Radiational Cooling LLJ Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

11 Jet Streaks Basic Characteristics: Faster moving “pockets” of air
embedded within the jet stream ~ km in length ~ km in width Migrate and evolve over times scales from a few hours to a few days Motion is often much slower than the speed of the wind within the jet stream or streak Primarily influence the initiation and evolution of mesoscale systems and deep convection Contribute to the evolution of synoptic-scale systems since most contain strong PVA Jet Streaks Jet Stream Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

12 Jet Streak Vertical Motions
Physical Interpretation of the Basic Pattern: Using a simplified vorticity equation: Thus, the vorticity change experienced by an air parcel moving through the jet streak: Vorticity decrease → Divergence aloft → Upward motion Vorticity increase → Convergence aloft → Downward motion Recall: QG theory provides an alternative explanation (with the same result) Divergence / convergence patterns result from ageostrophic motions Vort Max Left Exit Left Entrance + Vorticity Increase Vorticity Decrease JET Vorticity Change Divergence _ Vorticity Decrease Vorticity Increase Right Exit Right Entrance Vort Min Left Entrance Left Exit Descent Ascent JET Ascent Descent Right Exit Right Entrance Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

13 Jet Streak Vertical Motions
An Example: Divergence = yellow contours Regions of expected upward vertical motion Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

14 Important Considerations!!!
Jet Streak Vertical Motions An Example: Important Considerations!!! Forcing is at upper-levels Forcing is on the synoptic scale Is there a mechanism for low-level lift? Is the low-level environment moist? Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

15 Coupling between Jet Streaks and Fronts
The orientation of a surface front and an upper-level jet streak can lead to either enhanced (deep) convection or suppressed (shallow) convection along the front Enhanced Convection → Left exit or right entrance region is above the front → Helps destabilize the potentially unstable low-level air → Increases the likelihood of deep convection Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

16 Coupling between Jet Streaks and Fronts
The orientation of a surface front and an upper-level jet streak can lead to either enhanced (deep) convection or suppressed (shallow) convection along the front Suppressed Convection → Left entrance or right exit region is above the front → Prevents destabilization of the potentially unstable air → Decreases the likelihood of deep convection Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

17 Coupling between Jet Streaks and Fronts
The orientation of a surface front , an upper-level jet streak, and a low-level jet streak can further enhance deep convection along the front More Enhanced Convection → A “favorable” combination of ageostrophic circulations from each jet streak and the front can create strong lift along the warm (unstable) side of the front → Often the location of the most severe deep convection Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

18 Jet Streaks and Severe Weather
Is severe weather often associated with jet streaks? Recent climatology conducted by Clark et al. (2009) Examined the location all severe weather reports (tornado, hail, winds) relative to any upper-level jet streaks during the warm season (March-September) of Expectations: Most severe weather is associated with jet streaks → Increased vertical shear → Enhanced storm longevity More severe weather in the right entrance and left-exit regions → Enhanced vertical motion → Greater likelihood of surface parcels being lifted to LFC → Greater near-surface moisture convergence Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

19 Jet Streaks and Severe Weather
Answer: Yes - severe weather is regularly associated with jet streaks Results: A total of 126,864 storm reports occurred during the period of study 84% were associated with an upper-level jet streak. Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

20 Jet Streaks and Severe Weather
Where is the severe weather located? Results: Majority of reports are located in the right-entrance region and along the jet streak axis in the exit region Left Entrance Left Exit Right Entrance Right Exit Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

21 Jet Streaks and Severe Weather
Composite Structure: Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

22 Jet Streaks and Severe Weather
Composite Structure: Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

23 References Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin
Beebe, R. G., and F. C. Bates, 1955: A mechanism for the assisting in the release of convective instability. Mon. Wea. Rev., 83, 1-10. Bluestein, H. B., 1986: Fronts and jet streaks: A theoretical perspective. Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, Bluestein, H. B., 1993: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes. Volume II: Observations and Theory of Weather Systems. Oxford University Press, New York, 594 pp. Bonner, W. D., 1968: Climatology of the low level jet. Mon. Wea. Rev., 96, Browning, K. A., and C. W. Pardoe, 1973: Structure of low-level jet stream ahead of mid-latitude cold fronts. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 99, Clark, A. J., C. J. Schaffer, W. A. Gallus, and K. Johnson-Omara, 2009: Climatology of storm reports relative to upper-level jet streaks. Wea. Forecasting, 24, Keyser, D., M. J. Reeder, and R. J. Reed, 1988: A generalization of Pettersen’s frontogenesis function and its relation to the forcing of vertical motion. Mon. Wea. Rev., 116, Krisnamurti, T. N., 1961: The subtropical jet stream in winter. J. Meteor., 18, Murray, R., and S. M. Daniels, 1953: Transverse flow at the entrance and exit to jet streams. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 99, Pyle, M. E., D. Keyser, and L. F. Bosart, 2004: A diagnostic study of jet streaks: Kinematic signatures and relationship to coherent tropopause disturbances. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, Uccellini, L. W., and D. J. Johnson, 1979: The coupling of upper and lower tropospheric jets streaks and implications for the development of severe convective storms. Mon. Wea. Rev., 107, Advanced Synoptic M. D. Eastin

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