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This presentation is the first in an educational series about the current behavior of our Sun, its effect on the climate of the Earth and the technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation is the first in an educational series about the current behavior of our Sun, its effect on the climate of the Earth and the technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation is the first in an educational series about the current behavior of our Sun, its effect on the climate of the Earth and the technologies that farmers can use to grow the food needed for survival. The late Dr. R.W. Fairbridge of Australia proposed the following Solar Inertia Motion Theory: “The Sun goes through regular, repeating, periods of time when the Sun’s behavior becomes chaotic and adversely affects the climate of Earth.” Let’s start with the Milky Way Galaxy in order to better understand what is happening.


3 On December 21, 2012 our Sun lined up with the long axis of the Milky Way Galaxy that looks like a cat’s eye in the center. This happens every 25,920 years. We were able to look into the center of our universe on that date. Then we started on another orbit around the Milky Way, as our solar system travels through space. Mayan calendars plus the oral histories of other indigenous peoples say we entered the 5 th World or 5 th Hoop on this date. This means that humans have more than 100,000 years of history on this planet.

4 Milky Way Galaxy

5 The Milky Way Galaxy is a huge, swirling mass of many stars and planets. It is not flat but is shaped like the vortex formed when swirling water is sucked down a bathtub drain. The orbit of our Sun is not flat either, but also has a vortex shape. In addition, the planets Jupiter and Saturn are so large that their force of gravity can change the Sun’s orbit. Normally, there is a regular, smooth, tri-lobed pattern to the Sun’s movement through space. The Sun’s orbit traces the pattern shown on the next page.


7 Our Sun goes through periods that are active and then sometimes dormant. You can also see the retrograde orbit when the Sun reverses itself. This behavior is caused by the gravitational attraction between the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. This pattern is repeated about every 50 years.


9 The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are at 120 degrees from each other, forming an equilateral triangle. As they travel though space, they trace a tri-lobed pattern. Approximately every 50 years, the Sun traces the patterns shown on the next page. The dates are shown with each.

10 Tri-lobed, 50-year Patterns of the Sun’s Orbit

11 Regularly repeating patterns are on the top of the page. The drawings on the bottom of the page are periods when the Sun becomes dormant and wobbles. These patterns are chaotic. The drawing labeled Dalton is the period which is called the Dalton Minimum or the Little Ice Age. During this period, the Sun’s behavior became chaotic. The climate of the Earth made drastic weather changes during this time. It was a time of global floods and droughts. Chaotic weather affected food production. The drawing labeled Next? is the current Sun period. Does it look regular or is it beginning to become chaotic?

12 Tri-lobed, 50-year Patterns of the Sun’s Orbit

13 The number of sun spots is another way to study solar activity. The next page graphs the number of sun spots for the 11-year Solar Cycles. Normally, there is a peak of more than 100 sun spots during a Solar Cycle. However, during the Dalton Minimum, the number was less than 50. This was a period of chaotic Sun activity with very adverse weather.


15 Every since the Dalton Minimum, the Sun has had a pattern of consistent activity with large numbers of sun spots. This means increased solar activity. During this time, the Industrial Revolution also started producing greenhouse gases. The combination of these two events has resulted in a consistent rise in atmospheric temperatures known as Global Warming.


17 Sun Cycle #24 started in December 2008. For the next three years there was a record-breaking low of sun spot activity with a few powerful solar flares. This is a good example of the extremes that are possible during a chaotic sun period. The next page shows the last three 11-year Solar Cycles and the beginning of our current Sun Cycle..


19 Compare the graphs of past Solar Cycles to the newest Solar Cycle. Do you think the current Solar Cycle will reach the same level as the previous Cycles?


21 Dr. R.W. Fairbridge died in 1987, before the solar probe Ulysses, which was launched in 1991, would reach the Sun. He postulated that Ulysses would find the Sun to be less active as the Solar Inertia Motion Theory had predicted.

22 “The latest Ulysses finding confirms that the Sun’s activity and solar wind is currently at its weakest levels ever measured. The observed long-term trend implies that the Earth’s buffer against galactic cosmic rays is shrinking.” Result: More cosmic radiation reaches the atmosphere which causes increased cloudiness, cooling and adverse weather. FEBRUARY 2009

23 The solar wind produced by the Sun creates a magnetic field around the Earth called the magnetosphere. It surrounds and protects the Earth. It is currently shrinking because less solar wind is being produced by the Sun.

24 There is a rhythm or pattern to the Sun’s activities which affects the Earth’s climate. The current period of chaotic behavior could adversely affect Earth’s weather until about 2050. The Sun might have a greater impact than man’s global warming activities on changing chaotic climate. The next page is a climate prediction issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for 2015.


26 According to the Untied Nations, global food supply peaked in 2009 and has been declining ever since due to chaotic weather conditions. In July 2012, the National Weather Service issued a drought forecast for the United States. Drought is predicted to last for the next two decades. The Sun is currently in a period of chaotic behavior that is likely to produce adverse weather conditions on a global scale, as has happened in the past.

27 History records droughts, floods and famines in the past. Science predicts chaotic weather patterns in the future. The “next” period of chaotic weather is happening now. What can we do?

28 Future farmers will be forced to grow their crops indoors to protect them from floods and droughts, along with other adverse weather such as untimely frosts, hail and high winds. However, it is not economical or practical to grow food indoors using current technology. Plus, food grown indoors is not as tasty nor nutritious as food grown outdoors.

29 "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana We must combine the study of history and science if we are to survive the coming chaotic weather. We must combine traditional farming methods used before the invention of toxic chemicals with the latest, most cutting-edge, agricultural technologies that exist. The next presentation in this educational series about the Second Green Revolution is titled: Cosmic Gardening with Quantum Mechanics

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