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1 ITK Lecture 7 - Writing Filters, Part 1 Methods in Image Analysis CMU Robotics Institute 16-725 U. Pitt Bioengineering 2630 Spring Term, 2006 Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ITK Lecture 7 - Writing Filters, Part 1 Methods in Image Analysis CMU Robotics Institute 16-725 U. Pitt Bioengineering 2630 Spring Term, 2006 Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ITK Lecture 7 - Writing Filters, Part 1 Methods in Image Analysis CMU Robotics Institute 16-725 U. Pitt Bioengineering 2630 Spring Term, 2006 Methods in Image Analysis CMU Robotics Institute 16-725 U. Pitt Bioengineering 2630 Spring Term, 2006 Damion Shelton

2 2 Where we are  You should understand  What the pipeline is and how to connect filters together to perform sequential processing  How to move through images using iterators  How to access specific pixels based on their location in data space or physical space  You should understand  What the pipeline is and how to connect filters together to perform sequential processing  How to move through images using iterators  How to access specific pixels based on their location in data space or physical space

3 3 What we’ll cover  How to write your own filter that can fit into the pipeline  For reference, read Chapter 10 from the ITK Guide  How to write your own filter that can fit into the pipeline  For reference, read Chapter 10 from the ITK Guide

4 4 Is it hard or easy?  Today: writing filters is really, really easy  Next lecture: well… it can be tricky at times  Remember, don’t panic!  Today: writing filters is really, really easy  Next lecture: well… it can be tricky at times  Remember, don’t panic!

5 5 Cheat as much as possible!  Never, ever, ever, write a filter from scratch  Unless you’re doing something really odd, find a filter close to what you want and work from there  Recycling the general framework will save you a lot of time and reduce errors  Never, ever, ever, write a filter from scratch  Unless you’re doing something really odd, find a filter close to what you want and work from there  Recycling the general framework will save you a lot of time and reduce errors

6 6 Much of the filter is already written  Most of the interface for an ImageToImageFilter is already coded by the base classes  For example, SetInput and GetOutput are not functions you have to write  You should never have to worry about particulars of the pipeline  Most of the interface for an ImageToImageFilter is already coded by the base classes  For example, SetInput and GetOutput are not functions you have to write  You should never have to worry about particulars of the pipeline

7 7 The simple case  You can write a filter with only one * function! (* well, sort of)  Overload GenerateData(void) to produce output given some input  We’ll look at ReflectImageFilter as an example (look in /Code/BasicFilters)  You can write a filter with only one * function! (* well, sort of)  Overload GenerateData(void) to produce output given some input  We’ll look at ReflectImageFilter as an example (look in /Code/BasicFilters)

8 8 The header - stuff that’s “always there”  itkNewMacro sets up the object factory (for reference counted smart pointers)  itkTypeMacro allows you to use run time type information  itkGetMacro and itkSetMacro are used to access private member variables  itkNewMacro sets up the object factory (for reference counted smart pointers)  itkTypeMacro allows you to use run time type information  itkGetMacro and itkSetMacro are used to access private member variables

9 9 The header cont. Prototypes for functions you will overload: void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const; void GenerateData(void); Prototypes for functions you will overload: void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const; void GenerateData(void);

10 10 More header code  You will also see:  Many typedefs: Self, Superclass, Pointer, and ConstPointer are particularly important  Constructor and destructor prototypes  Member variables (in this example, only one)  You will also see:  Many typedefs: Self, Superclass, Pointer, and ConstPointer are particularly important  Constructor and destructor prototypes  Member variables (in this example, only one)

11 11 Pay attention to...  #ifdef, #define, #endif are used to enforce single inclusion of header code  Use of namespace itk  The three lines starting with #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION control inclusion of the.txx file, since compilers don’t recognize the.txx as compilable source  #ifdef, #define, #endif are used to enforce single inclusion of header code  Use of namespace itk  The three lines starting with #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION control inclusion of the.txx file, since compilers don’t recognize the.txx as compilable source

12 12 Does this seem complex?  That’s why I suggested always starting with an existing class  You may want to use find and replace to change the class name and edit from there  Moving on to the.txx file...  That’s why I suggested always starting with an existing class  You may want to use find and replace to change the class name and edit from there  Moving on to the.txx file...

13 13 The constructor  In ReflectImageFilter, the constructor doesn’t do much  Tell the pipeline framework that we want one and only one input  Initialize the member variable  In ReflectImageFilter, the constructor doesn’t do much  Tell the pipeline framework that we want one and only one input  Initialize the member variable

14 14 GenerateData()  This is where most of the action occurs  GenerateData() is called during the pipeline update process  It’s responsible for allocating the output image (though the pointer already exists) and filling the image with interesting data  This is where most of the action occurs  GenerateData() is called during the pipeline update process  It’s responsible for allocating the output image (though the pointer already exists) and filling the image with interesting data

15 15 Accessing the input and output  First, we get the pointers to the input and ouput images typename Superclass::InputImageConstPointer inputPtr = this->GetInput(); typename Superclass::OutputImagePointer outputPtr = this->GetOutput(0);  First, we get the pointers to the input and ouput images typename Superclass::InputImageConstPointer inputPtr = this->GetInput(); typename Superclass::OutputImagePointer outputPtr = this->GetOutput(0); Filters can have multiple outputs, in this case we only have one

16 16 Allocating the output image outputPtr->SetRequestedRegion( inputPtr- >GetRequestedRegion() ); outputPtr->SetBufferedRegion( inputPtr- >GetBufferedRegion() ); outputPtr->SetLargestPossibleRegion( inputPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ); outputPtr->Allocate(); outputPtr->SetRequestedRegion( inputPtr- >GetRequestedRegion() ); outputPtr->SetBufferedRegion( inputPtr- >GetBufferedRegion() ); outputPtr->SetLargestPossibleRegion( inputPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ); outputPtr->Allocate(); Question: How big is output image compared to the input?

17 17 The meat of GenerateData()  Iterate “forwards” through input image and “backwards” through the output image  Set the output pixel equal to the input pixel  We can globally reverse the direction of iteration with m_Direction - i.e. forwards becomes backwards and vice-versa  Iterate “forwards” through input image and “backwards” through the output image  Set the output pixel equal to the input pixel  We can globally reverse the direction of iteration with m_Direction - i.e. forwards becomes backwards and vice-versa

18 18 PrintSelf  PrintSelf is a function present in all classes derived from itk::Object which permits easy display of the “state” of an object (i.e. all of its member variables)  The testing framework requires that you implement this function, otherwise it will fail the “PrintSelf test”  PrintSelf is a function present in all classes derived from itk::Object which permits easy display of the “state” of an object (i.e. all of its member variables)  The testing framework requires that you implement this function, otherwise it will fail the “PrintSelf test”

19 19 PrintSelf, cont.  First, we call the base class implementation Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);  And second we print all of our member variables os << indent << "Direction: " << m_Direction << std::endl;  First, we call the base class implementation Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);  And second we print all of our member variables os << indent << "Direction: " << m_Direction << std::endl;

20 20 What we’ve just done  We now have a filter that:  Is single threaded (executes on one processor)  Produces an output image the same size as the input  Assumes a one-to-one mapping between input and output pixels  This works, but seems a bit limiting...  We now have a filter that:  Is single threaded (executes on one processor)  Produces an output image the same size as the input  Assumes a one-to-one mapping between input and output pixels  This works, but seems a bit limiting...

21 21 Questions?  How can we make multithreaded filters?  What if the input and output images are not the same size? E.g., convolution edge effects, subsampling, etc.  What about requested regions?  How can we make multithreaded filters?  What if the input and output images are not the same size? E.g., convolution edge effects, subsampling, etc.  What about requested regions?

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