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The APA format Title page

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1 The APA format Title page
This is what your title page should look like. The elements should be located at the top half of the page and should be centered between margins. It should include: The title Your name Institutional Affiliation Please note the page header, also called the running head. Running head: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY PAPER My Awesome Developmental Psychology Paper James C. Braun Brevard Community College

2 The APA format Title page – running head
Running head: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY PAPER The running head is flush left. On the title page only, it starts with Running Head: Then the running head. The running head should be a shortened version of the entire title. The page number is flush right. Below is an example of a running head on the title page. The title is My Developmental Psychology Paper, notice how the running head summarizes the title. My Awesome Developmental Psychology Paper James C. Braun Brevard Community College Running Head: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY

3 The APA format The Abstract
The abstract is not a part of this assignment but to find out more about the APA abstract, please consult:

4 The APA format The First Page of the Body
At the top of the page, place the title of the paper in its entirety then indent the next line and begin your introduction. All paragraphs are indented and double spaced.

5 My Awesome Developmental Psychology Paper
The APA format Example of first page Running head (notice that you do not type in running head any more, simply place the header in all capitals. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY PAPER My Awesome Developmental Psychology Paper Developmental psychology is the study of changes throughout the human life span. Two of the main founders of this branch of psychology is Jean Piaget, Erick Erickson and Sigmund Freud; however it was a gentleman by the name of G. Stanley Hall that is credited with officially founding developmental psychology. He was also

6 The APA format Example of first page
Running head (notice that it is a summary of the actual title) Title of the paper DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY PAPER My Awesome Developmental Psychology Paper Developmental psychology is the study of changes throughout the human life span. Two of the main founders of this branch of psychology is Jean Piaget, Erick Erickson and Sigmund Freud; however it was a gentleman by the name of G. Stanley Hall that is credited with officially founding developmental psychology. He was also Indent and begin introduction

7 The APA format The introduction
The first paragraph of your paper is your introduction. It should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence. The thesis is usually the last sentence of the introduction. Please note, your thesis is an essential part of your paper. Having a weak or no thesis at all will substantially hurt your grade. After your introduction, consider using a heading.

8 The Longitudinal Study
The APA format Headings This assignment is considered an APA general format, thus headings are optional. With specific formats, there are required subtopics such as “Method” or “Results”. In the general format the use of headings help organize the paper. The number of headings in the paper are determined by the author's topic and treatment of the topic. The heading should help organize the paper. Examples would be: My Adolescent Years or The Longitudinal Study Headings are centered and boldfaced, with the first letter of each major word capitalized. Avoid abbreviations in headings

9 The APA format Headings An example of a heading

10 The APA format The conclusion
The conclusion is the last paragraph in the body of the paper. It should not introduce any new evidence; instead, it should synthesize in a meaningful way the information already present in the paper. In this assignment, your conclusion will be looked at closely. Having a weak conclusion, or no conclusion, will result in a significant loss of points.

11 The APA format In-text citations Example: (Jones, 1998)
When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text. Example: (Jones, 1998) A complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. In-text citations

12 The APA format Reference Page
The last page of the paper is your reference page. At the top, centered (without bolding, underlining or using quote marks) type References. All text on your reference page should be double-spaced just like the rest of your essay. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY PAPER References Smith, G. R., & Ferguson, T. T. (2001).Sigmund Freud: Champion of the unconscious. St. Paul, MN: Worth

13 The APA format Reference Page Drew C. Appleby, PhD
The following slides where taken from: Drew C. Appleby, PhD Department of Psychology Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Why and How to Write APA- Style References in the Body and Reference Section of Your Papers. Found at Dr. Appleby’s entire PowerPoint presentation is located in the folder titled “In-text Citations and Reference Page”

14 What questions are answered in an APA-style reference that will enable a reader to perform a successful search? Who wrote this document? When was it written? What was its title? Where was it published? Who published it?

15 Example Suppose you paraphrased information from a book titled Sigmund Freud: Champion of the Unconscious by Gerald R. Smith and Thomas T. Ferguson that was published by Worth Publishers of St. Paul, Minnesota in 2001.

16 Who wrote it? Smith, G. R., & Ferguson, T. T.

17 Smith, G. R., & Ferguson, T. T. (2001).
When was it written? Smith, G. R., & Ferguson, T. T. (2001).

18 What was its title? Smith, G. R., & Ferguson, T. T. (2001). Sigmund
Freud: Champion of the unconscious.

19 Where was it published? Smith, G. R., & Ferguson, T. T. (2001). Sigmund Freud: Champion of the unconscious. St. Paul, MN: If two or more publisher locations are given, use the location listed first in the book or, if specified, the location of the publisher’s home office.

20 Who published it? Smith, G. R., & Ferguson, T. T. (2001).Sigmund Freud: Champion of the unconscious. St. Paul, MN: Worth Include only the publisher’s name, without any unnecessary words like Publisher, Co., or Inc., but do retain the words Books or Press.

21 The APA format For further information on how to write in the APA format, please visit the following websites.

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