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Instructional Technology & Design Office 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892 Insert Workshop Name Presented by Your Name Here.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Technology & Design Office 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892 Insert Workshop Name Presented by Your Name Here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Technology & Design Office 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892 Insert Workshop Name Presented by Your Name Here

2 Beginning Web Design: an introduction to HTML and CSS Fall 2013 ITD Workshop

3 PURPOSE + LEARNING OBJECTIVES Scope: Agenda: -Introduction of HTML/CSS -Basic code elements -Current code/design standards -Last 20 minutes: working on a webpage together

4 SOME THINGS YOU WILL NEED 1.A code editor -For Macintosh: o Text Wrangler -For Microsoft Windows: o Notepad++ -Some simple-text editors will work (e.g., TextEdit) 2.A place to put your web page files on the Internet -I: Drive -Google Sites, Wix, Weeble -Web hosting service provider with domain name You can also view HTML webpage files locally in your favorite web browser.

5 WHAT IS HTML? HTML = HyperText Markup Language Tim Berners-Lee created the first version in the late 1980s as a way to share research. HTML became standardized in November 1995 as HTML 2.0. The current standard is HTML5. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the international standards organization for the World Wide Web. W3C maintains the standards for HTML, CSS, XML, among many other languages.

6 HTML AS MARKUP LANGUAGE Each element has three components: Tags are enclosed in angle brackets – Attributes may be included in the start tag Content is always placed in between the two tags content


8 BASIC HTML TAGS TextStructural -,, ListsLinks & Images Link Anchor Links: Text Link Comments

9 TEXT TAGS Heading Tags Heading 1 - Heading 6 Used for titles, subtitles to create a hierarchy in the content Inherent font-size with h1 the largest and h6 the smallest Don’t skip heading numbers Paragraph Tag Text text text text Encompasses big blocks/paragraphs of text. Use a for every paragraph/text block

10 LISTS Ordered Lists : Numbered List Item 1 List Item 2 Unordered Lists : Bullet Pts. List Item 1 List Item 2 Nested Lists List Item 1 Sub Item 1 Sub Item 2 List Item 2 List Item 1 Sub Item 1 Sub Item 2 List Item 2

11 LINKS UIUC Homepage Go to top Set by This is the top

12 IMAGES What is the plural of TARDIS?

13 ELEMENT elements allow you to designate containers around elements that you want to control in CSS. IDs Class

14 WHAT IS CSS? CSS=Cascading Style Sheet CSS is used to describe the look and formatting of a markup language, such as HTML. CSS was developed primarily to allow for a separation of the document content from the document presentation. Benefits of separating content from presentation: Improved accessibility Cleaner webpages More control over the look of the website Easier to update

15 LINKING YOUR CSS AND HTML Hello HTML World Hello world!

16 CSS RULES h1 {color: blue; font-size: 1em; } Selecto r Declaration {property: value;} Types of Selectors HTML Elements : h1 Div ID : #id Div Class :.class

17 COMMON CSS DECLARATIONS TEXT Font color {color: #efefef;} Font type {font-family: } Alignment {text-align: center;} {text-align: right;} {text-align: justify;} Indent {text-indent: 50px;} Layout Padding {padding: 10px;} Margin {margin-bottom: 10px} Border {border: 1px solid #000;} Background-color {background-color: #efefef;}

18 COMMENTS Comments are a way for you to make notes in your code. They are never shown in the web browser. HTML Comments This text is shown in the web browser. CSS Comments /* This is a comment in CSS.*/


20 QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS… Thank you for attending our workshop! Contact GSLIS Help Desk: Feedback is always appreciated!

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