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OPSM 639, C. Akkan1 OPSM 639 Project Management Introduction to Microsoft Project - Part 1: Creating the Work Breakdown Structure and Entering Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "OPSM 639, C. Akkan1 OPSM 639 Project Management Introduction to Microsoft Project - Part 1: Creating the Work Breakdown Structure and Entering Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPSM 639, C. Akkan1 OPSM 639 Project Management Introduction to Microsoft Project - Part 1: Creating the Work Breakdown Structure and Entering Activity Information

2 OPSM 639, C. Akkan2 A Simple Project project 123456

3 OPSM 639, C. Akkan3 Defining A Project in MS Project Steps 1.Create a new project file. 2.Define WBS code structure. 3.Entering activity information.

4 OPSM 639, C. Akkan4 Create an MS Project File 1.Click on White Document Icon 2. Fill in the Project Information and click OK. You can access Project Information later from the Project menu.

5 OPSM 639, C. Akkan5 Getting Specific Help 1.Click on question mark icon 2. Move the cursor onto the Option and click.

6 OPSM 639, C. Akkan6 1.Click on Project 2.Select WBS, then Define Code... Defining WBS Code Structure

7 OPSM 639, C. Akkan7 Level of WBS depends on complexity of the project. In this project there are 2 levels. Code Structure, changes made below settings can be followed by this preview. Generally, for complex projects with many levels, letters are used for upper levels of the WBS hierarchy. It is very important that you set the WBS structure correctly in the beginning : Once you set the it, it it would be difficult to change it. Clearly defined WBS means that the project is already solved in the mind. Defining WBS Code Structure

8 OPSM 639, C. Akkan8 Length of the codes can be set here. Click on Length, the box below will be opened. Select 1, since there are not too many activities in this WBS. Click on Separator. Select “.” Defining WBS Code Structure

9 OPSM 639, C. Akkan9 Entering Activity Information To add activity double click on the any field (e.g. Task Name). … or you can right-click on any field and select Task Information. … or if you right-click on the row header you get access to a wider set of actions..

10 OPSM 639, C. Akkan10 1.Task Name 2.Duration 3.WBS Code Entering Activity Information

11 OPSM 639, C. Akkan11 2. Enter Predecessors1.Click Predecessors Entering Activity Information Now enter work packages (not the summary tasks) which are given to you in the Excel file.

12 OPSM 639, C. Akkan12 Displaying WBS Code Select the column header where you want the new WBS column. Right-click and select Insert Column. Choose WBS as the Field name of the new column.

13 OPSM 639, C. Akkan13 Displaying WBS Codes These codes can be automatically (re)generated using the WBS code structure you have defined earlier.

14 OPSM 639, C. Akkan14 Defining Summary Tasks First insert a task right above the tasks that will make up the summary task, by right-clicking on the row header.

15 OPSM 639, C. Akkan15 Defining Summary Tasks Select the tasks that will make up the summary task, right-click and select Indent. Note how initially a WBS code of 9 is automatically assigned. This will change when Indent operation is complete.

16 OPSM 639, C. Akkan16 Defining Summary Tasks After the Indent operation is complete, and WBC codes are renumbered as described in slide 13, we obtain the structure displayed below. You can hide a summary task by clicking on the minus sign. Summary task duration is calculated automatically.

17 OPSM 639, C. Akkan17 Do NOT forget to save your file as -PART1.

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