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Add the word linked between the words or and information in the first line of the text. submit.

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Presentation on theme: "Add the word linked between the words or and information in the first line of the text. submit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Add the word linked between the words or and information in the first line of the text. submit

2 Change the word Wednesday ’ s to Thursday ’ s in the Date field in the above letter. Click submit when you have finish submit Wednesday’s Thursday’s Thursday

3 Create a new paragraph between the heading and the main body text in this document

4 submitTry again

5 Select the first letter, which is the capital letter U. submit

6 Select only the 2 nd sentence It show … in the above text submit

7 Select this chart to be delete

8 submitTry again

9 Display the non-printing characters in this document.

10 submitTry again

11 Make paragraph one and paragraph tow in a single paragraph. Press Delete key or backspace

12 submitTry again

13 Type the following text into this document We can insert picture into your presentation. We can insert picture into your presentation. submit

14 Create a new document

15 submitTry again

16 Open the document work.doc that is in the my documents folder. open

17 submitTry again

18 Close this document without closing the application.

19 submitTry again

20 Save this document as Work Paper onto the desktop. Work Paper

21 submitTry again

22 Save this document as a Web Page.

23 submitTry again

24 Modify the top margin of this document to 1 ”

25 submitTry again

26 Change the page size for this document to A4.

27 submitTry again

28 Change the print setting to print on page wider than it ’ s tall.

29 submitTry again

30 Print one copy of this document using the Icdl printer.

31 submitTry again

32 Print 3 copies of the current page of this document

33 submitTry again

34 Which two of the following statement about proofreading are true?  Carrying out a spell check means you don’t have to proofread a document  Print preview lets you see how text and graphics will look when printed. submit

35 Click on the correct location to display multiple pages.

36 submitTry again

37 The above graphic has just been pasted into the document. Use the appropriate command to reverse this action.

38 submitTry again

39 Copy the selected image from minutes.doc and paste it into letter.doc, which already open.

40 submitTry again

41 Cut the selected text from minutes.doc and paste it into Letter.doc, Which is already open.

42 submitTry again

43 Cut the selected word tools and paste it between the words the and menu.

44 submitTry again

45 Delete the selected graphic on screen.

46 submitTry again

47 Use the find and Replace dialog box to automatically replace all instances of the word menu with the word toolbar. menu toolbar Replace all

48 submitTry again

49 Use the find and replace dialog box to find the next instance of the word menu in this document. Replace all menu Find next

50 submitTry again

51 Change the view mode for this document to normal view.

52 submitTry again

53 Remove the standard toolbar from the Microsoft word application window.

54 submitTry again

55 Change the text in the header to Nasrea primary school.

56 submitTry again

57 Insert a manual page break at the insertion point in the document.

58 submitTry again

59 Add a line break (soft carriage return) at the insertion point.

60 submitTry again

61 Insert automatic page numbers into the bottom left corner of all pages in this document

62 submitTry again

63 Insert the copyright symbol © at the insertion point.

64 submitTry again

65 A graphic file named company is stored in the current My pictures folder on the hard disk of this computer. Insert this image into the document at the flashing insertion point. Insert menu

66 submitTry again

67 Insert a current date field in the top left header of this document Use the default option for the date format Insert menu

68 submitTry again

69 Make the selected text underlined. Format menu

70 submitTry again

71 Align the selected text so both edges are straight. Change this selected paragraph to be coordinator on the two sides Format menu

72 submitTry again

73 You wish to copy the format of the selected words On the Tools menu and then apply that format to the words Under Printing options click the toolbar button that would enable you to carry out this task. Format menu

74 submitTry again

75 Make the selected list into a default numbered list. Format menu

76 submitTry again

77 Use the formatting option that would make the selected text look like this: 20 o c. Format menu

78 submitTry again

79 Apply a left indent of 1 ” to this paragraph. Format menu

80 submitTry again

81 In the paragraph containing the insertion point make a hanging indent 1 ” from the left margin of the document. Format menu

82 submitTry again

83 Make spacing above this paragraph 18 points. Format menu

84 submitTry again

85 Change the line spacing for the selected text to single line spacing Format menu

86 submitTry again

87 Add a decimal tab stop at 3 ” on the ruler. Format menu 3 set

88 submitTry again

89 Use the Change Case dialog box to change the selected text to Sentence case Format menu

90 submitTry again

91 Use Microsoft word ’ s Spell check facility to correct the spelling of the selected word in the above document. The correct spelling of the word is tools

92 submitTry again

93 Add the highlighted word to the custom dictionary. Tools menu

94 submitTry again

95 Apply automatic hyphenation to the above document.

96 submitTry again

97 Open the mail merge task pan. Tools menu

98 submitTry again

99 Start anew mail merge document. Tools menu

100 submitTry again

101 Use the icdl database file as a data source located in my document folder.. Tools menu

102 submitTry again

103 Add a salutation into the letter using the Joshua format for the name. Tools menu

104 submitTry again

105 Go to next letter

106 submitTry again

107 Insert an address in the format Mr.Joshua Randall.

108 submitTry again

109 Complete the merge and merge the main document to its data source to create new merge document

110 submitTry again

111 Tools menu

112 submitTry again

113 Tools menu

114 submitTry again

115 Change the default user name for this application to eng ahmed. Tools menu

116 Change the default place of saving and opening files to e:\\ Tools menu

117 submitTry again

118 Change the default saving type of fiels in the word application to.rtf Tools menu

119 submitTry again

120 Use the insert table toolbar button to add a table 5 columns wide by 3 rows deep to this document. Table menu

121 submitTry again

122 Create a new column to the left of the selected column. Table menu

123 submitTry again

124 Add Pink shading to the selected cells. Table menu

125 submitTry again

126 Insert 46 into the math column for ahmed. Move to the next cell in the row when you have finished. Table menu

127 submitTry again

128 Select the entire table. Don ’ t use Click and Drag Table menu

129 submitTry again

130 Delete the selected row and all of its contents. Table menu

131 submitTry again

132 Modify the border style of the selected cells to double lines. Table menu

133 Modify the border color of the selected cells to yellow. Table menu

134 submitTry again

135 Apply the auto format called table classic 3 to the selected table Table menu

136 submitTry again

137 Change the selected row height to be 2.5 ” Table menu

138 submitTry again

139 Switch to the other open document letter. Table menu

140 submitTry again

141 Use the Microsoft Word Help to access information on paste special paste special

142 submitTry again

143 Use the Microsoft Office Assistant to access information on paste special paste special

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