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Organizational Culture Change CSDA Leadership Institute 2013.

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1 Organizational Culture Change CSDA Leadership Institute 2013

2 Ice Breaker  Cross Your Arms  Clasp Your Hands

3 Change Rule #1  If I’m not a part of the planning of the change, I will resist it more strongly Anecdote: Involve those who you know to be resistors up front

4 Change Rule #2  If I do not see the need for the change, I will resist it Anecdote: Be the inspiration and make a compelling case for change, become a storyteller

5 Change Rule #3  My job is going to change and I am fearful that I will no longer be necessary Anecdote: Communicate to people their value to the organization

6 Change Rule #4  My job will change and I am fearful that I will no longer be good at what I do Anecdote: Acknowledge fear and assure people that there will be plenty of support for them as they change and become masters of new ways of thinking and doing

7 Phases of Change  Shock - A realization that my comfortable and known ways of doing things are not suitable for current or future conditions.  Denial - The changes won’t effect me; there really is no need for change; I refuse to change.  Rational Understanding – I begin to understand the need for change.  Emotional Acceptance - Sometimes the “crisis” stage where it is understood that I will need to adapt  Exercising & Learning - Acceptance makes way for the learning to begin. Simple, easier projects or steps in the beginning can lead to the feeling that I am a success  Realization – As learning continues a feedback loop is created and I begin to understand which behavior is effective in each situation, opening my mind further to the experience  Integration – My new behaviors become routine

8 Sense of Mastery in Change Continuum

9 Change is the Work of Leadership  Leaders set the backdrop for change  Providing The Organization with the Understanding of the Need for Change  People do not respond to change for the sake of change, rather they respond when they understand the underlying need  Create more leaders  Communicate Vision  Understand and Work with Human Response to Change

10 Organizational Values and Culture Change  Create values as an entire organization  Infuse your values throughout your workplace  Visible throughout the building  A foundation for recognition programs  As goal setting in coaching and/or evaluations  As part of hiring and promotional consideration  Model the values that are agreed upon  Do not ignore behavior that does not fit your culture

11 Tools to Lessen Resistance  Storytelling: creating a compelling reason for changes  Communicate from the “why” perspective  Tie the changes back to your organization’s set of Values, Vision, and Mission  Tell the story of the history of your organization  Listen to and Acknowledge Fear  Acknowledging fear aloud instantly cuts it in half, moves it from the emotional brain center to the rational brain center  Communicate early and often, inspire and reassure  Set out a plan to help staff regain mastery  Kai zen: small change  Support and feedback  Infuse Organizational Values into everything you do  Praise the good, correct the mis-steps

12 The Culture of Perfection in a Less Than Perfect World  Real substantial culture change takes time  New employees quicken the pace  Eat, sleep, and breathe the changes you desire  Start with those who are excited about the change and create more change agents  Communicate in many ways  Celebrate the small wins  Listen to your employees and honor their experience

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