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Position Paper Why should this book be taught in school?

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Presentation on theme: "Position Paper Why should this book be taught in school?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Position Paper Why should this book be taught in school?

2 Organization  Isolation  Awareness  Louie Zamperini  The cycle can be broken  Survive  Hope  Change  Connection

3 Introduction Steps *Hook * Connect it to the book *Thesis – Why this book should be taught ( focus)

4 Thesis  Why should this book be taught in schools?  Answer it with your three topics included, but make it a statement.

5 Thesis- prove  A Child Called It by David Pelzer should be taught in schools because the book brings awareness to students, helps students realize they are not isolated, and it connects to the real world theme of survival.

6 Thesis is my focus= prove it  A Child Called It by David Pelzer should be taught in schools because the book brings awareness to students, helps students realize they are not isolated, and it connects to the real world theme of survival.  Body paragraph- awareness  Body Paragraph - isolation  Body Paragraph- real world theme survival-Louis Zamperini

7 Thesis  Thesis – what you are going to prove  The last sentence in your introduction  Your focus, you wont write about anything else

8 Introduction Steps *Hook * Connect it to the book *Thesis – Why this book should be taught ( focus)

9 Hook  To hook me to WANT to read your paper!!  Why????

10 Hook  NO QUESTION NO NO NO QUESTION…  Analogy- comparison  Anecdote- Short example story to relate to your BIG IDEA  Background Information  Brief Description  Definition of Terms  Historical information

11 Hooks  Humor  Quotation  Short Narration  Startling fact  Statistics  Vivid Contrast  Writers experience

12 Hooks  Approximately 5 children die every day because of child abuse. - fact  n 2010, 1,537 children died of abuse or neglect. 79.4% were under the age of 4 and 47.7% were under the age of 1- Startling Statistic

13 Hook- personal experience  I have been teaching for eight years and for the past eight years I have struggled with being able to get all my students interested in the novel we were reading in class. Finally I had my classes read A Child Called It, by David Pelzer and I can honestly say 100% of my students were in engulfed while reading this book. Now I have students who normally don’t read at all reading three books in one month.

14 Connecting- Bring it all together  A Child Called It by David Pelzer is a autobiography about his abusive life. David Pelzer suffered from extreme physical and mental abuse for five years. He endured starvation, a stabbing and many more horrific events. In short, his alcoholic mother took away his humanity but David never lost his will to survive. There is a lot of debate on whether adolescents should read this book.

15 Connect all the parts  Hook  Connection  Thesis  Remember- It has to all make sense, connect, adhesive, one work ….

16 Focus Paragraph  Prove your thesis  First Reason  Focus  A Child Called It by David Pelzer should be taught in schools because the book brings awareness to students, helps students realize they are not isolated, and it connects to the real world theme of survival.

17 Topic Sentence - Which is your strong argument- Easy Part The main reason why A Child Called It should be taught in schools is because it brings awareness to child abuse. Detail – PROVE IT, Be sure to explain your reasons fully Textual Evidence- I have two Explain/Connect argument Transition- moves to your next argument

18 Focus Paragraph  What is your position concerning this issue?  Be sure to explain your reasons fully  Good argument begins with looking at the data that is likely to become the evidence in an argument and which gives rise to a thesis statement or major claim.

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