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Who are you as a reader?. Self Reflection Student Self-Assessment: Reading Questionnaire Interview family members Collect memories and artifacts.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are you as a reader?. Self Reflection Student Self-Assessment: Reading Questionnaire Interview family members Collect memories and artifacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are you as a reader?

2 Self Reflection Student Self-Assessment: Reading Questionnaire Interview family members Collect memories and artifacts

3 Organize your ideas… Chronologically Birth to now By books that made an impact Dick and Jane Laura Ingalls Wilder Nancy Drew Harlequin Romance Jane Austen

4 Organization cont. Grade Level Preschool-now Elementary, Middle, High By people My mom My aunt Mr. Schwanebeck Mrs. Ahmann Professor Vander Meulen

5 Be Creative Add color Add pictures You as a child reading Covers of favorite books Pictures of favorite authors Things you associate with reading Snowy day, hot chocolate, favorite blanket, secret spot, etc. Let your personality come through….

6 Show and Tell Bring an artifact to share Favorite blanket Picture of someone that read to you Favorite book Stuffed animal Etc., etc., etc. Be prepared to share 1-2 minutes, explaining the artifact and an important reading memory.

7 Good writing Attention grabbing introduction: anecdote, quote, startling fact, summary, description, etc. Clear thesis Organization Concluding paragraph Strong word choice Sentence fluency Voice Grammar and Usage

8 Introduction: Anecdote From behind me I could hear a voice say, “Schuler do you want to set that book on my desk and pay attention today.” Slowly I could feel the heat creep up my face until I was sure the normally pale pallet o fmy face was a deep crimson. Mr. Johnson reached under my math textbook and unearthed the current harlequin romance that I was trying to stealthily read during his class…obviously not as stealthy as I thought. Oh well, it wasn’t the first time I had been busted in class for reading nor would it be the last.

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