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 Great Scenic View  Peaceful Drive  Wonderful to bike  Multiple locations to pull off and enjoy  Connects Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown.

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Presentation on theme: " Great Scenic View  Peaceful Drive  Wonderful to bike  Multiple locations to pull off and enjoy  Connects Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown."— Presentation transcript:




4  Great Scenic View  Peaceful Drive  Wonderful to bike  Multiple locations to pull off and enjoy  Connects Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown spanning 174 years of history! C olonial P arkway 23 miles long, designated an “ALL AMERICAN ROAD” In 2005



7 March 22 to October 31  Daily 10 am to 6 pm  Ride Free  Trolley stops at designated locations every 20 – 25 minutes

8  Merchants Square/Colonial Williamsburg  Williamsburg Shopping Center  High Street Williamsburg  New Town Full Trolley Schedule:  Mon -Thurs - noon to 10:00pm  Fri & Sat - noon to 11:00pm  Sunday - noon to 8:00pm Continuous shopping, dining, and entertainment loop between:


10 W hat is the H istoric T riangle? What will there be to see and do at Jamestown? The Historic Triangle consists of three major events: FIRST MAJOR EVENT: The founding of the first English settlement at Jamestown in 1607  Historic Jamestowne and Jamestown Settlement represent the first permanent English Settlement in America.  Historic Jamestowne is the actual 1607 landing site.  Jamestown Settlement provides the living interpretation of life at Jamestown in the 1600’s.

11  Jamestown Settlement brings to life the world of America’s first permanent English colonists and the Powhatan Indians they encountered oExhibition galleries and outdoor living history area oTrip Advisor: Top 10 Historic Sites  Historic Jamestowne – site of the first permanent English colony in America oPart of Colonial National Historical Park oExcavation of 1607 fort





16 through June 2011 Jamestown Settlement


18 30,000 square foot galleries: interactive and hands-on fun! Three Cultures, One Century, America’s Story: Learn how the West Central Africans, English and Powhatan Indians converged at Jamestown in the 1600’s English Africans Powhatan Indians J amestown S ettlement

19 “From Africa to Virginia” theater in the Jamestown Settlement Gallery J amestown S ettlement


21 Jamestown Settlement Kongolese Ceremonial Sword West African Ceramic Memorial Bust African Carved Ivory Bracelet Pair of copper alloy bracelets, Kingdom of Benin

22 W hat is the H istoric T riangle? What will there be to see and do in Williamsburg? SECOND MAJOR EVENT: The Dream of American Freedom and Independence  Williamsburg, VA  Where the fiery debates on revolution took place  The build up to the American Revolution The Historic Triangle consists of three major events: The founding of the first English settlement at Jamestown in 1607

23  Restored 18th century capital of colonial Virginia … the largest living-history museum in the U.S.  301-acre Historic Area features hundreds of restored, reconstructed, and historically furnished buildings  Southern Living: 10 Best Family Destinations  Travel + Leisure: 10 must-see destinations for grade-schoolers  Duke of Gloucester named one of Top 10 Great Streets in America Be part of the story


25 What is the Historic Triangle? What will there be to see and do at Yorktown? The Historic Triangle consists of three major events: The founding of the first English settlement at Jamestown in 1607 The fiery debates on revolution at Williamsburg THE FINAL EVENT: The most critical battle in the fight for American Revolution  Yorktown, VA  America’s struggle for independence, from the beginnings of colonial unrest to the formation of the new nation  The climatic campaign of the American Revolution in 1781

26  Historic Yorktown - 18th-century homes, museums, battlefields, art galleries and specialty shops... scenic riverwalk and beach  Yorktown Battlefield - site of 1781 British surrender in Revolutionary War oPart of Colonial National Historical Park … galleries and battlefield exhibits  Yorktown Victory Center - museum of the American Revolution oLiving history re-enactments and exhibits

27 Y orktown V ictory C enter

28 L iving H istory M useum and G alleries


30 Participate in Military Drill then Ready, Aim……Fire! Musket Demonstration 1780’s Garden

31 Consumer Ticket Option Popular Online Ticket Options Williamsburg Flex Vacation America’s Historic Triangle Four-Site Value History Is Fun! Jamestown Settlement and Yorktown Victory Center Combination Ticket American Heritage Annual Pass In addition to the ticket options above, a variety of single and multi- day tickets are available to Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Water Country USA, Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown Settlement, Yorktown Victory Center, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! and more.

32 No further discounts apply. Seven Days of Unlimited Admission to Seven Sites 2011 Admission Fees Adult 18+ $177.20 Youth (6-17) $137.70 Children Under 6 Complimentary Consumer Ticket Option 1.Jamestown Settlement 2.Historic Jamestowne 3.Colonial Williamsburg 4.Yorktown Battlefield 5.Yorktown Victory Center 6.Busch Gardens Williamsburg 7.Water Country USA (Seasonal) Memorial Day to Halloween

33 Seven Days of Unlimited Admission to Five Sites 2011 Admission Fees Adult 18+ $79 Youth (6-17) $33.50 Children Under 6 Complimentary Available All Year! AMERICA’S HISTORIC TRIANGLE 1.Jamestown Settlement 2.Historic Jamestowne 3.Colonial Williamsburg 4.Yorktown Battlefield 5.Yorktown Victory Center Consumer Ticket Option – All Year

34 Yorktown Victory Center Yorktown Battlefield Four-Site Value Ticket 7 consecutive days of unlimited admission to: 2011 Admission Fees Adults 18+ $30 Adult/Youth 13-17 $ 20 Youth 6-12 $10 Children Under 6 Free Consumer Ticket Option – All Year Jamestown Settlement Historic Jamestowne 1.Historic Jamestowne 2.Jamestown Settlement 3.Yorktown Battlefield 4.Yorktown Victory Center

35 Consumer Ticket Option – All Year Jamestown Settlement & Yorktown Victory Center 2011 Admission Tickets Special programs & special exhibitions are included with admission. Free parking. Museum Stores. Jamestown Settlement Café. HISTORY IS FUN! Adults - $20 Youth 6 to 12 - $10 Children under 6 are free. (7 consecutive days of unlimited admission when you buy online) 2011 Admission Rates HISTORY, SHOPPING & FUN! ONLINE SPECIAL - Includes the History Is Fun ticket and receive a VIP Coupon Book for Williamsburg Premium Outlets. Valid thru 12/31/2011 2011 Admission RatesAdultYouth (6-12) Jamestown Settlement$15.50$7.25 Yorktown Victory Center$9.50$5.25 Combination Ticket$20.00$10.00 Annual Pass$35.00$17.50 Locals Annual Pass Online Special$20.00$10.00

36 Jamestown Settlement & Yorktown Victory Center Online Special for Locals! Online special for visitors with zip codes between the range of 23000 to 23899. Use the discount code 230238 To save $15 on Adult passes and $7.50 on passes for visitors ages 6-12, children under 6 are free!

37 Party on the Pier at Jamestown Settlement Special After Hours Event At the Jamestown Settlement On Saturday, June 25, 2011 Live Music and Dinner Separate Admission Applies

38 Groups Of All Ages Enjoy Visits To Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown Spring Summer Fall Winter 15 or more qualifies for group rate


40 T hank Y ou

41 What are the three communities represented in the America’s Historic Triangle? What is the name of the scenic 23-mile roadway that connects Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown; and spans 174 years of history? How many miles is the drive from Washington, DC to Williamsburg? Williamsburg is home to the 2 nd oldest college in the nation, can you name this College? What is the name of the European-themed park boasts more than 50 thrilling roller coasters, rides and attractions, nine main stage shows, a variety of award-winning cuisine and world- class shops? True or False? Busch Gardens Williamsburg was voted America's most beautiful amusement park for 20 consecutive years ahead of Walt Disney World! What is the name of the nation's largest living history museum, encompassing 301 acres? Where will you find 500 reconstructed buildings which include homes, stores, and taverns?

42 Where can you visit the Jamestown Rediscovery excavation, where archeologists continue to uncover the remains of the original James Fort How many years was Jamestown established before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth? What are the names of the three replica ships at Jamestown Settlement? Where can you visit a reconstructed Powhatan Indian Village and James Fort, the Riverfront Discovery Area, and an impressive indoor museum? What is one of the top ten outlets in the US and home to over 135 top designer and brand-name outlet stores? What is the name of the largest water park in the Mid-Atlantic, with state-of-the-art water rides and attractions in the middle of a 1950s and '60s surf theme? What is name of the historic town located on the York River? What is the name of the historic town that flourished as a colonial tobacco port and home to landmark battles?

43 True or False. Williamsburg has 14 award-winning golf courses, and was named one of the "Top 25 Golf Destinations in the World"? Guests visiting during autumn should prepare to be scared. From haunted houses to macabre mazes, wicked woods to Halloween-themed shows. Howl-O-Scream is the place for you and your family to be scared silly. Where will you find Virginia's restored colonial capital? Where can you walk through the townsite to see an original church tower dating to the 1690s? What is the name of the Virginia Indian Princess married John Rolfe in Jamestown Church? Where is the 1st permanent English settlement in the New World? Historic town located on the James River Where will you find a 700-foot lazy river and a 33-foot tall slide tower with 3 water slides that descend nearly 200 feet? Where will you find the site of the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington in 1781 landmark battle of the American Revolutionary War? Where in the Williamsbrug area will you find one of the world's largest candle stores? Where you can find over 287 different candle fragrances and it snows everyday

44 What is the site of the first official Thanksgiving in America? Where can you see the longest frame house (300 feet) in America? What is the name of the largest maritime museum in North America? Where can you see the actual rotating gun turret of the ironclad USS Monitor? The College of William& Mary had educated 4 US President's so far…can you name two of them? The Williamsburg area has celebrity ties! Can you name a celebrity educated at the College of W&M? What are the lodging room taxes in Williamsburg area? What are the meal taxes for Williamsburg area? Name the event that takes place in Busch Gardens each October? What is the name interstate that runs through Williamsburg? Route 60 is the main local road that runs right through the heart of Williamsburg, but it has many names? Can you name 3? The Williamsburg area is served by 3 airports. Can you name them?

45 Amtrak has a stop in Williamsburg, do you know where the station is? Can you name any of the larger stores at Williamsburg Premium Outlets? What is the name of the new Segway Tour company offering 1-hour segway tours in Historic Yorktown? What is Colonial Williamsburg? a. Site of the last battle of the American Revolution b. Site of the 18th-century capital of colonial Virginia c. Site of the first permanent English-speaking colony in North America What is significant about Jamestown? a. Site of the last battle of the American Revolution b. Site of the 18th-century capital of colonial Virginia c. Site of the first permanent English-speaking colony in North America

46 Between which years did Williamsburg serve as the captial of colonial Virginia? a. 1607-1620 b. 1699-1780 c. 1861-1865 Which came first? The College of William & Mary or Colonial Williamsburg? Which famous street in Williamsburg did President Franklin Roosevelt call "the most historic avenue in America?" a. Colonial Parkway b. Pennsylvania Avenue c. Duke of Gloucester Street Which of the following taverns can be found in Colonial Williamsburg? a. Billy Goat Taver b. King's Arms Tavern c. Bull & Finch Tavern

47 Which of the following interstates provides easy access through the Williamsburg area? a.I-16 b.I-77 c.I-64 Colonial Williamsburg is home to which 45-hole golf course? a.Thomas Jefferson Golf Links b.Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf c.Golden Horseshoe Golf club

48 What is Yorktown, VA known for? a. Site of the last battle of the American Revolution b. Site of the 18th-century capital of colonial Virginia Name the billionaire philanthropist who served as Colonial Williamsburg's main benefactor. a.John D. Rockefeller, Jr. b.John Paul Getty c.Donald Trump c. Site of the first permanent English-speaking colony in North America

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