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Chapter 39 Serway & Jewett 6 th Ed.. Fig 39-1a, p.1246.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 39 Serway & Jewett 6 th Ed.. Fig 39-1a, p.1246."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 39 Serway & Jewett 6 th Ed.

2 Fig 39-1a, p.1246

3 Fig 39-1b, p.1246


5 Fig 39-3, p.1248

6 Comparing Stationary and Moving Mirrors

7 Latticework of Clocks Send out light pulse from reference clock at t = 12 noon Nearest neighbors will see the pulse at Set time to noon + 3.3 ns …

8 The Pole-Barn Paradox From Hyperphysics:




12 The pole-barn paradox is a famous one which must be addressed with the ideas of simultaneity in relativity. The fact that two events are simultaneous in one frame of reference does not imply that they are simultaneous as seen by an observer moving at a relativistic speed with respect to that frame. The Pole-Barn Paradox From Hyperphysics:

13 Forbidden Region O ctct z c t = z Allowed Past Allowed Future World Line Light Cone

14 Forbidden Region O ctct z c t = z Light Cone World Line

15 Muon Experiment: Nonrelativistic From Hyperphysics:

16 Muon Experiment: Relativistic Earth Frame From Hyperphysics:

17 Muon Experiment: Relativistic, Muon Frame From Hyperphysics:

18 Muon Experiment: Comparison In the muon experiment, the relativistic approach yields agreement with experiment and is greatly different from the non-relativistic result. Note that the muon and ground frames do not agree on the distance and time, but they agree on the final result. One observer sees time dilation, the other sees length contraction, but neither sees both. Time in terms of From Hyperphysics:

19 Twin Paradox The story is that one of a pair of twins leaves on a high speed space journey during which he travels at a large fraction of the speed of light while the other remains on the Earth. Because of time dilation, each will see the others clock running more slowly. Which twin will be older when the traveling twin returns to Earth? From Hyperphysics: Is this real? Would one twin really be younger?

20 Before Photon Emitted Center of Mass for a discrete distribution: For a continuous distribution: where  = m b / l. l

21 Before Photon Emitted xx After Photon Absrobed The center of mass does not move if ! Photon transfers mass m from one side of car to the other!

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