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CSE 1520 Computer use: Fundamentals Fall 2014. CSE 1520 – Computer use: Fundamentals Instructor (Section G): Simone Pisana Course Director: John Hofbauer.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 1520 Computer use: Fundamentals Fall 2014. CSE 1520 – Computer use: Fundamentals Instructor (Section G): Simone Pisana Course Director: John Hofbauer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 1520 Computer use: Fundamentals Fall 2014

2 CSE 1520 – Computer use: Fundamentals Instructor (Section G): Simone Pisana Course Director: John Hofbauer Office: LAS 1012 H Email: Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00-noon Course Website:

3 Evaluation 9 Homework (2% each = 18%) –weekly, paper printouts in dropbox Tests (first, 15%; second, 20%) –in class, approx. 60 minutes long Final Exam (47%) –All multiple choice: 100 M/C questions with answers placed on Scantron form –Content: all readings in Topics

4 How to do well in this course do all the homework exercises! read the book and study the notes attend lectures seek help if confused; ask questions write both tests

5 Video Video: The Machine that Changed the world Primary Website: See “Week-01.1-video.pdf” for more information

6 A short and condensed history of computing Part I: Ancient history Up to 1930

7 Origins of digital computers Abacus First uses 2,000+ years ago Can count, add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, cubic root In decimal or hexadecimal

8 Early calculating machines Pascaline (1642) Mechanical adder with automatic carry mechanism

9 The Jacquard Loom Jacquard Loom (1804)

10 Charles Babbage (1791-1871) Considered as the father of the computer Designed mechanical computing machines: the difference engine and the analytical engine Mechanical hand or steam powered for computations, but very complex and hard to build & use

11 Babbage’s difference engine

12 Babbage’s analytical engine First mechanical general-purpose computer ALU, control flow, integrated memory! Programmed through punch cards Never finished

13 World’s first programmer Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) Lord Byron’s daughter Wrote the first algorithm intended for a general- purpose computer (Babbage’s analytical engine)

14 1880-1901 The birth of the modern mechanical calculator

15 The Hollerith tabulator Built to tabulate the 1890 US census Electrical contacts though punch cards used to activate relays to count and sort results

16 Early pocket calculators

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