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Chapter 4 Attitude, Angry Customers, and Relationship Building

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1 Chapter 4 Attitude, Angry Customers, and Relationship Building
4/15/2017 Chapter 4 Attitude, Angry Customers, and Relationship Building Objectives Describe a customer-oriented attitude Recognize situational examples that elicit rage reactions in customers Identify actions CSRs can take to ensure delivery of comprehensive customer services Describe the customer service benefits of the teamwork approach in organizations Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers WOCS-2 (Odgers)

2 A Customer-Oriented Service Attitude
“The purpose of business is to create a customer” Peter Drucker The ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) Tracks trends in customer satisfaction and provides valuable benchmarking of the consumer economy Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers

3 The Power of a Positive Attitude
4/15/2017 The Power of a Positive Attitude Positive self-talk can help each of us build a positive, winning customer service attitude. Tips to help keep your attitude up: Engage in positive self-talk Focus on successes rather than negatives Use your break time effectively Keep in mind your overall goals Be kind to yourself Take your sense of humor to work Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers WOCS-2 (Odgers)

4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers
4/15/2017 Customer Rage Findings of Report by Customer Care Alliance and ASU School of Business, released in November 2005: 70% of 1,012 survey respondents experienced customer rage, relating that their most serious recent consumer problem made them “extremely” or “very” upset. Customers don’t become dissatisfied because of problems, but with the way they are handled. Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers WOCS-2 (Odgers)

5 Delivering Comprehensive Service
4/15/2017 Delivering Comprehensive Service Customers often filter their service depending on How the customer feels that day Experiences the customer has had that day Experiences the customer has had in the past with the CSR or company Experiences the customer’s friends or family have had with the company The setting, environment, and circumstances of the current interaction Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers WOCS-2 (Odgers)

6 CSRs and the Adversity Quotient®
4/15/2017 CSRs and the Adversity Quotient® Paul Stoltz, author of Adversity Quotient Work, defines AQ as A precise, measurable, unconscious pattern of how people respond to adversity. Core elements are control, ownership, reach, and endurance. CSRs should have high AQs. Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers WOCS-2 (Odgers)

7 Customer Service Rules and Guidelines
4/15/2017 Customer Service Rules and Guidelines Red rules Prescriptive and must be followed exactly as specified Examples: safety issue or legal obligation Blue rules Optional and can be modified on a case-by-case basis Examples: return policies, hours of operation Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers WOCS-2 (Odgers)

8 Building a Teamwork Approach to Customer Service
Internal customer service refers to service directed toward others within the organization. For example, level of responsiveness, quality, communication, teamwork, and morale Good teamwork shows customers that the company is organized and everyone is moving toward satisfying the customer. Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers

9 Teamwork Communication
Critical in serving customers To promote teamwork, CSRs need to Focus any negative feedback on a specific task, not on a co-worker’s personality. Compliment a teammate when he or she is observed doing something well. Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers

10 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers
Teamwork Strategies Support your teammates with information Discuss new policies Identify areas for improvement Show pride in yourself and your coworkers Chapter 4 The World of Customer Service, 2e Odgers

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