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Published byGriffin Andrews Modified over 9 years ago
5/17/2015 1 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 1 (U) FOUO DoD Transformation for Data and Information Sharing Version 1.2 DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (DS) and Community of Interest (COI) Training Executive Overview
5/17/2015 2 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 2 Purpose Describe key enablers for DoD transformation –DoD Net-Centric Data and Services Strategies –Community of Interest (COI) Approach Illustrate how use of these enablers can lead to DoD Transformation Solicit your help to achieve effective military and government operations through a Net- Centric approach
5/17/2015 3 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 3 Outline Need for DoD Transformation DoD Net-Centric Data and Services Strategies Community of Interest (COI) –Definition –The COI’s Relationship to the Enterprise –What COIs do DoD CIO Facilitated COIs & their Lessons COI Strategic Rhythm COIs Enable DoD Transformation Conclusions
5/17/2015 4 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 4 4 POTUS: “DoD Will Be Agile” “The United States is going to maintain our military superiority with armed forces that are agile, flexible and ready for the full range of contingencies and threats.” - President Obama “The US joint force will be smaller and leaner. But its great strength will be that it will be more agile, more flexible, ready to deploy quickly, innovative, and technologically advanced. That is the force for the future.” - Secretary Panetta Defense Security Review, 5 Jan 12
5/17/2015 5 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 5 DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (9 May 2003) Purpose –Describes a vision for a net-centric environment and the data goals for achieving that vision –Defines approaches and actions that DoD personnel will have to take as users—whether in a role as consumers and producers of data or as system and application developers DoD Instruction 8320.02 (signed Aug 5, 2013) directs the implementation of the DoD Net- Centric Data and Services Strategies “The…DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy provides a key enabler of the Department’s Transformation by establishing the foundation for managing the Department’s data in a net-centric environment…. The strategy also introduces management of data within communities of interest (COIs) rather than standardizing data elements across the Department.” - John P. Stenbit (former DoD CIO)
5/17/2015 6 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 6 DoD Net-Centric Services Strategy (4 May 2007) Purpose: –Describes the DoD’s vision for establishing a Net- Centric Environment that increasingly leverages shared services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) –Expands upon the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy by connecting services to the Data Strategy goals “The Department of Defense (DoD) Net-Centric Services Strategy (NCSS) reflects the recognition by the DoD that this services oriented approach can result in an explosion of capabilities for our warfighters and decision makers, thereby increasing operational effectiveness.” - John G. Grimes (DOD CIO)
5/17/2015 7 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 7 The Situation and Proposed Solution CURRENT INFORMATION SHARING CHALLENGES Accessible Web Enable Sources Provide assured access Remove Impediments — “Need to Share” Visible Advertise Information Holdings (“Tag” Data) NET-CENTRIC DATA STRATEGY TENETS (DoD Instruction 8320.02) IMPLEMENTATION APPROACHES Understandable Communities of Interest (COIs) — Shared Vocabularies User UNAWARE information exists User knows it exists, but CANNOT ACCESS IT “#$^@!” User can access information, but cannot exploit it due to LACK OF UNDERSTANDING
5/17/2015 8 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 8 DoD Data Strategy Vision Pre-determined “point to point” connections within systems and applications on disparate networks Producer “pushes” information to pre-defined consumers TodayFuture Systems and applications are web- enabled to expose their information Authorized known & unanticipated consumers “pull” or “subscribe to” what they need regardless of who produced the information Information Not Easily Shared Information Ubiquitous on DoD “Web”
5/17/2015 9 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 9 Net-Centric Data Sharing Benefits Manual Data + Interpretation and Context Data SharingInformation Effective Military and Government Operations Where we are today Value Added Services Operational Perspective: Increased accuracy, effectiveness and agility to respond to dynamic information sharing needs and changing enemy tactics Acquisition Perspective: Faster delivery, built-in interoperability, increased flexibility and lower costs Where DoD Net-Centric Strategies Get Us Net-CentricElectronic Net-Centric
5/17/2015 10 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 10 Outline Need for DoD Transformation DoD Net-Centric Data and Services Strategies Community of Interest (COI) –Definition –The COI’s Relationship to the Enterprise –What COIs do OASD(NII)/DoD CIO Facilitated COIs & their Lessons COI Strategic Rhythm COIs Enable DoD Transformation Conclusions
5/17/2015 11 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 11 What is a COI? Cross-Component Cross-Service Cross-Agency Multi-National “A collaborative group of users who exchange information in pursuit of their shared goals, interests, missions, or business processes, and who therefore must have shared vocabulary for the information they exchange.”— CNSSI 4009, 26 Apr 2010 “COIs … come together to address a specific information sharing mission or challenge that the COI can solve by exposing and sharing data. ”— DoD 8320.2-G, April 12, 2006
5/17/2015 12 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 12 COIs Solve Information Sharing Problems by Making Data & Services … Connected to the network with tools to use & provide assured access Discoverable by most users Net-Centric Data Sharing Trusted Governable Syntax (structure) and Semantics (meaning) are well documented Visible Accessible Understandable Governed with sustained leadership; Institutionalize data approaches Source authority (from who, how old, etc.) known and available
5/17/2015 13 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 13 The COI’s Relationship to the Enterprise servicedata service Information Sharing Capabilities JCIDSAcquisition PPBE DOD Components Business Mission Area Warfighting Mission Area Intelligence Mission Area (DoD portion) Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area Recommendations on implementation of COI agreements COI COIs provide recommendations for information sharing capabilities to DoD Components and Mission Area Leads Components use existing processes to plan, budget & manage resources PPBE: Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution JCIDS: Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System Mission Area Leads look across Component plans & budgets in mission area to identify best value for the Enterprise Mission Areas are cross-DoD Component portfolios of related investments
5/17/2015 14 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 14 DoD Instruction 5000.02 Calls for Pilots DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, states: –5.d.(4)(b)2.a. …Risk reduction prototypes will be included … –5.d.(4)(c) … Multiple technology development demonstrations may be necessary … Post Milestone-B programs (Development & Demonstation Phase) can (and should) spend current-year funds on pilot demonstrations to define the next increment! Source: Mr. Dan Risacher, DoD CIO IESP
5/17/2015 15 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 15 More on Funding… COIs succeed through active engagement and commitment of members and leadership to solve a specific information sharing problem COIs don’t directly control resources but COI members and leadership do –COI Authority comes from its membership and leadership Data producers (i.e., programs) should pay to expose their data on the DoD Information Network (DoDIN) The only “COI funding” is administrative overhead !
5/17/2015 16 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 16 What do COIs do? Solve mission-specific information sharing problems affecting their communities –Increase information sharing volume, speed, and reach to known and unanticipated users –Provide a user forum to drive the Net-Centric approach forward Provide information exchange vocabulary stewardship Foster collaboration within and across communities Build trust Identify and help resolve enterprise issues !
5/17/2015 17 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 17 The COI Process Identify information sharing problem Join existing COI or form new COI Identify and prioritize capabilities Address information sharing problem increment Obtain user feedback Make recommendations to Components and Mission Area Leads Disband when appropriate < 3 mo. 9-12 mo. Capability Needed Capability Needed Service Needed Service Needed Data Needed Data Needed Info Sharing Needed Info Sharing Needed Vocab & Implementations Vocab & Implementations Drives Vocabulary = Agreements on terms and definitions common to the COI, including data dictionaries
5/17/2015 18 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 18 A Sampling of COI Metrics C2 SSAMDAStrikeSIGACT StartedSpring 2005Feb 2006June 2006July 2007 Led ByAFSPC/A5Coast Guard Navy USSTRATCOM JFCC GSI/CDR OPNAV N6 Primary Organizations AFSPC, Army, USSTRATCOM Navy, Coast Guard, IC, DoT USSTRATCOM, USA, USN, USAF, USMC, Allies CENTCOM, JIEDDO, DIA, Services, DoJ, DHS, JFCOM Vocab – Size for 1 st pilot 20 elements 56 attributes 10 elements 40 attributes 3 elements 31 attributes Not Applicable Vocab - # implementations 6 43Not Applicable Time to 1 st pilot 12 months8 months16 months Not Applicable Biggest BenefitMany firsts built upon by subsequent COIs Exemplar for SOA imple- mentation Lead to improved DoD & IC collaboration Not Applicable
5/17/2015 19 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 19 Key COI Lessons To Date Cultural change is hard, technology is easy –Willingness to share; TRUST; Optimize for the enterprise Cross-organization participation is essential –Strike COI: UK/Coalition involvement has enhanced community –MDA COI: Active collaboration among DoD, DHS, IC, and DoT Pilots are an effective means to reduce risk –Clearly define scope, expectations, and resource commitments up front; Document information sharing agreements early –Must engage Resource Sponsors for year of execution funds Scoping is vital –Clearly defined so COI members have clarity of mission and unity of effort; Tackle in achievable increments Incentivizing Net-Centric delivery is needed –Consider entire enterprise including unanticipated users COIs expose Net-Centric barriers so they may be taken on as something to be changed
5/17/2015 20 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 20 Service Registry Metadata Registry COI Strategic Rhythm Vocabularies Services Evolve Vocab Transition Vocab Evolve Vocab ID Risks Risk Reduction; Transition Capabilities Program of Record (POR) Program of Record (POR) Data Management Working Group Data Management Working Group Develop Each COI is unique. After addressing an information sharing problem increment a COI may: Disband Address the next Roadmap increment Each COI is unique. After addressing an information sharing problem increment a COI may: Disband Address the next Roadmap increment Register Pilot Working Group (optional) Pilot Working Group (optional) Community of Interest (COI) Information Sharing Need Information Sharing Need Capability Delivery Capability Delivery
5/17/2015 21 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 21 COI Strategic Rhythm – The Big Picture Analagous to the World Wide Web Positive Operational Effect # Net-Centric Services COI A DoD Information Network Kickoff Capability Delivery Your capability deliveries lead to exponential growth in Enterprise Capability COI B COI C Capability Delivery
5/17/2015 22 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 22 COIs Enable DoD Transformation TIME Program COI Data & Services tightly coupled to applications System specific vocabularies Services start to emerge N 2 integration problem Decouple data from applications Service enable data Create standards-based vocabularies (community & core) to enable interoperability Data and Services available on the GIG Composable services Programs provide services or value-added services Program Service Data Organization & processes tied to ITCOIs cut across organizations using existing processes Organization & processes independent of IT Deliver ServicesDeliver Systems
5/17/2015 23 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 23 Conclusions Widely recognized need for Net-Centric Operations DoD Net-Centric Data and Services Strategies are key enablers for Enterprise transformation –COIs facilitate DoD Transformation –COIs provide an opportunity to address Joint, inter- agency, and coalition information sharing challenges But challenges remain – we are pioneering Net- Centric transformation and need your help to: –Implement the things we know how to do –Address the remaining challenges –Continue to innovate as technology changes and needs evolve Progress is being made but your help is needed to achieve effective military and government operations
5/17/2015 24 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 24 (U) FOUO AOC Achieve net-centric operations where anything on the network can be dynamically integrated to support any mission. Get Connected Share Information Achieve Net-Centric Ops No Warrior Fights Alone Courtesy of Fred Stein (COL, USA. ret), Net-Centric Warfare Senior Principal Engineer, MITRE
5/17/2015 25 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 25 Backup Charts
5/17/2015 26 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 26 Tenets of Net-Centric Operations DoDNet-Centric Data Strategy InformationAssuranceStrategy Global Connectivity (TransformationalCommunications) DoD Net-Centric Services Strategy Global connectivity, real-time collaboration, and rapid and continuous information exchange 26 COIs Exercise & Evolve Training Focus
5/17/2015 27 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 27 COIs Support Portfolio Management QDR 2006 moved DoD toward the use of “joint capability portfolios” to change how the department does business DoD Deputy’s Advisory Working Group (DAWG) –A body of the Department’s senior civilian and military leaders co- chaired by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DSD) –Established four pilot portfolios to evolve the Department’s business practices and methodologies COIs and COI pilots address information sharing problems and –Continuously refine the Department’s business processes –Inform acquisition programs to make them more effective “The goal is better effectiveness and, through it, better efficiency – we have to do the right things, and we have to do them right. I can tell you that our work is still not finished. The DAWG is continuing to debate and refine our approach.” - Gordon England, DSD
5/17/2015 28 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 28 Key Challenges Identifying a technical solution is not the biggest challenge…
5/17/2015 29 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER DoD CIO 29 SESGG Vision and Purpose SESGG Vision –Ensure that the DoD and IC Net-Centric Environment (NCE) evolves to an enterprise services-based architecture that improves the joint community’s ability to respond to evolving operations and mission through increased information sharing and agility. SESGG Purpose –To drive a DoD and IC implementation of a joint Net-Centric Services and Data Strategy in support of mission requirements –Ensure that recommendations on data and enterprise services policies, implementation guidance, standards, and processes align with interoperability and information sharing objectives and are made in the best interests of the joint Enterprise –An advisory body to the Director, Information Policy (IP), Office of DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO), and the Deputy Associate Director of National Intelligence for IC Enterprise Architecture, Office ADNI Chief Information Officer (CIO). Increased DoD & IC Info Sharing & Agility Reference: Senior Enterprise Service Governance Group Charter – January 2007
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