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Thank you to the 2015 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium Sponsors

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1 Thank you to the 2015 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium Sponsors

2 Defense Support of Civilian Authorities
COL Bret Van Camp Defense Coordinating Officer 18 March 2015 USARNORTH (FEMA Region III) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

3 AGENDA Mission Statements Defense Support of Civilian Authorities
Task Organization Roles EPLOs / DCO / Installations Types of DoD Support Command & Control overview / relationships Summary

4 Mission Statement US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) Commanding General (CG): United States Northern Command partners to conduct homeland defense, civil support, and security cooperation to defend and secure the United States and its interests. (Admiral William Gortney) US Army North (USARNORTH) Commanding General (CG): US Army North, together with its partners, prepares for unified land operations, conducts security cooperation activities and protects the force to contribute to the defense and security of the United States and its interests. (Lieutenant General Perry Wiggins) Defense Coordinating Officer (DCO) Region III: Partner DoD activities with other agencies conducting Defense Support of Civil Authorities operations within the USNORTHCOM AOR in order to save lives, prevent human suffering, and mitigate great property damage. (Colonel Bret Van Camp) As of: March 4

5 Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)
“… DoD components and agencies are authorized to respond to save lives, protect property and mitigate human suffering under imminently serious conditions, as well as to provide support under their separate established authorities, as appropriate.” National Response Framework, May 2013 “Support provided by U.S. Federal military forces, National Guard forces performing duty in accordance with Title 32, DoD civilians, DoD contract personnel, and DoD component assets, in response to requests for assistance from civil authorities for special events, domestic emergencies, designated law enforcement support, and other domestic activities. Support provided by National Guard forces performing duty in accordance with Title 32 is considered DSCA, but is conducted as a State-directed action. Also known as civil support.” DoDD , January 16, 2009 5

6 Geographic Combatant Command (USNORTHCOM)
PRESIDENT Relationships SECDEF Coordinating COCOM/OPCON Supporting U.S. Coast Guard National Guard Bureau JOINT TASK FORCE NORTH AFNORTH MARFORNORTH ARNORTH NAVNORTH JOINT TASK FORCE ALASKA JOINT FORCE HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION Joint Task Force Civil Support (DCRF) C2CRE A/B C2 = Command & Control CRE = Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Response Enterprise Defense Coordinating Elements (x10) Contingency CP TF 51 6

7 Regional Defense Coordinating Officer & Element (DCO/E)
NY, NJ, PR & VI A permanently assigned DoD representative in each FEMA region to plan, coordinate, and integrate Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) with local, state and federal agencies 7

8 Regional DCO/E Overview The DoD Conduit within each
FEMA Region Day to Day Operations Collocated within the FEMA Regional Headquarters 9 Core; Multiple DSCA Planners (Mission Driven: Reg II, IV, X) Building and Maintaining relationships with: FEMA staff Other Government Agencies State Emergency Responders TAG and JFHQ-State staff Potential Base Support Installations Subject Matter Experts for their Region Collaborate with Federal, State and NGO and Private Sector: Plan Train Support, when directed 9-11 Personnel DCO Colonel (O6) Deputy LTC (O5) RC AGR 3/5/7 LOG COMMS MAJ (O4) OPS OFF GS14 (x2) Emergency Mgt Spec SSG (E6) MAT Mgt NCO SFC (E7) Info Sys Staff NCO SGT (E5) Info Sys NCO SFC (E7) OPS SGT REPLO SEPLO OPCON 8

9 DCE Region III Organizational Structure
DCO Staff Augmentation D/DCO US Army REPLOs USAR, O-6 USAR, O-5 x 2 USAR, O-4 x 3 USAR, E-8 JRMPO Operations Officer EM Spec EM Spec ARNORTH SME’s US Air Force REPLOs USAFR, O-6 x 2 OPS NCO IT NCO (x2) Logistics NCO US Navy REPLOs USNR, O-6 x 2 Pennsylvania SEPLOs: USAR O-6 USAR E-7 USAFR O-6 USNR O-6 West Virginia SEPLOs: USAR O-6 USAR E-7 USAFR O-6 USNR O-6 Deleware SEPLOs: USAR O-6 USAR E-7 USAFR O-6 USNR O-6 US Marine Corps REPLOs USMCR, O-6 USMCR, O-5 x 2 Four components to the DCE “Core” DCE – Nine member full time staff co-located in Philadelphia with the FEMA Region III HQ Regional EPLO Team – Reservists from the services that man the RRCC during an activation (subject to Mission Assignment) State EPLO Teams – Reservists from USAR, USAF, USN that typically perform duty in their assigned state JFHQ and/or EOC USAR EPLOs are OPCON to the DCO; Service EPLOs are TACON during activations (subject to service component activation orders) US Coast Guard REPLO USCGR, O-5 Maryland SEPLOs: USAR O-6 USAR E-7 USAFR O-6 USNR O-6 Virginia SEPLOs: USAR O-6 USAR O-5 USAR E-7 USAFR O-6 USNR O-6 Washington DC SEPLOs: USAR O-6 USAR E-7 USAFR O-6 USNR O-6

10 Day-to-Day Operations
Role of the EPLO Day-to-Day Operations During an Event Provide liaison between service and state and federal agencies Brief DOD Installation commanders regarding DSCA mission Participate in disaster planning and response exercises in state or region Maintain awareness of: State or regional plans State National Guard capabilities and limitations Key assets (local, state, federal) Geography and transportation systems Hazards: natural & man-made DOD installations and assets Deploy as directed by Service to provide liaison to: Regional Response Coordination Centers (RRCCs) State EOCs JFOs Other locations as required Assist with validation of mission assignments Provide subject matter expertise and liaison regarding service capabilities/ viability Provide situational awareness for DOD and service component Provide service-specific expertise for DCO/DCE and other agencies 10

11 Role of the DCO - Contingency Operations -
DoD representative in the disaster area Link between Primary Federal Agency (PFA) representative and DoD Liaison to State, local and other Federal agencies Coordinates requirements with emergency operations center(s) Validates Resource Request Form (RRF) and accepts Mission Assignment (MA) from Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) Assist with receiving, staging, on-ward movement, & integration (JRSOI) of units/personnel Recommends military resource to meet MA requirements; forwards Request for Assistance Provide link to Base Support Installation (BSI) Coordinate administrative & logistical support of deployed military forces (Tier Level I Ops) Controls DoD resources in the disaster area during Tier Level I operations Maintains accounting records for reimbursement Provide Situational Awareness to DoD Agencies 11

12 Presidential Directive
DoD Response Event Local Commander’s Decision Presidential Directive Memorandum of Agreement Immediate Response 10 Day Rule Disaster/ Emergency Economy Act Installation Level National Response Framework (NRF) Save Lives Mitigate Great Property Damage Prevent Human Suffering Stafford Act (Sec 403) USC (Sec 1535) Declaration 12

13 Military Installations
Potential Roles of Military Installations FEMA Distribution Centers – permanent facilities that receive, store, ship, and recover disaster commodities Incident Support Base (ISB) – temporary facilities in AO; commodities controlled by HQ (Natl) Logistics Staging Area (FSA) – temp facilities in AO; commodities under control of JFO or RRCC Base Support Installation (BSI) – in/near AO; designated by DoD to fulfill DoD support requirements

14 Base Support Installation (BSI)
Definition: Any DoD Federal Installation Tasked to Support DCO/E and Committed Forces in Disaster Relief Role. Tasked through command channels based on location and capabilities Incremental expenses reimbursed Potential Missions: OTHER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT STORAGE SUPPLIES POSSIBLE LIAISON TEAM BUSES FLAT BED TRUCKS CONTRACTING SERVICES ROTARY WING SUPPORT (VIP) LIGHT SAR WATER DISTRIBUTION BILLETING

15 Primary Ways DoD Responds
Mutual Aid Agreement (Installations) Based on pre-coordinated conditions Fire EMS HAZMAT Public Safety Immediate Response Authority (Installations/Operational Forces) Short Duration/Request from local Civil Authority (72hrs re-eval) Save lives Prevent human suffering Mitigate great property damage Request for Assistance / Mission Assignment Process (via Primary Federal Agency and, DCO or OSD Exec Sec)

16 Immediate Response Authority (IRA)
Authority: DoD Directive , Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Authorizes local military commanders to take action to: save lives, prevent human suffering, or mitigate great property damage Imminently serious conditions Time does not permit approval from higher HQ Support is usually limited to 72 hrs Requires formal request from local authorities

17 Request for Assistance (RFA)
Process INCIDENT Joint Field Office (JFO) SECDEF * ESFs UNABLE TO SUPPORT DCO DOD SPT TO ALL ESF ASD (HD&ASA) DCE ESFs DCO VALIDATES RRF BECOMES MA IF FCO APPROVES COST AND DCO & FCO “SIGN” LOCAL JDOMS FCO Orders STATE RESOURCE REQUEST FORM (ARF) MISSION ASSIGNMENT SCO NORTHCOM * DCO receives Resource Request Form (RRF) & forwards through command channels similar to a Warning Order - planning only, no action. MA Order Info Coord/Aprv Mission Assignment (MA) comes through command channels similar to an EXORD 17 17

18 DSCA Command & Control Considerations
Note - DCO Remains Single POC for Coordinating Military Response Tier I Tier II Tier III Functional Component Commanders Joint Task Force (JTF) Commanders Joint Force Commander (JFC) Defense Coordinating Officer Army North (CCP/JTF) Air Force North Marine Forces North Civil Support Alaska National Capitol North State(Guard) Other Land Air Marine Event Magnitude (Scope, and Duration) Augmentation As Required Incident(s) Limited in Size and Area Minnesota Bridge Collapse Incident(s) Broader in Scope and Devastation Incident(s) cover large area(s) (e.g. JTF-Katrina; Required Expanded Command Capability) Level of DoD Support

19 Dual Status Command President Governor SECDEF NGB JFHQ’s TAG STATE
USNORTHCOM NGB TAG STATE Title 32 or SAD FEDERAL Title 10 AN/JFLCC JFHQ’s Dual Status JTF CDR 32 Title 10 Forces Title 32 or State Active Duty Forces

20 All requests for military support to the event
DoD Support to NSSEs - Two Models - Model 1 Model 2 PFA PFA USSS USSS All requests for military support to the event Requests for Event Support Activated in Support of PFA FEMA JTF DCO (JFC) Activated to Support FEMA Coordinates for CM SUPPORTS EVENTS EOD MED AVN Plans w/FEMA for CM DCO FEMA

21 Summary DoD deploys in support of domestic civilian authorities
Initiated by a request for assistance DoD may provide personnel, equipment, facilities, material, information Provided to all levels of government – local, State, tribal and federal Provided on a cost reimbursable basis A total force effort (Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard) under the command and control of the appropriate authority The Secretary of Defense retains command of federal military forces

22 Points of Contact Name Position Email Phone
COL Bret Van Camp DCO (210) COL Garrett Johnson VA Army SEPLO (210) LTC Jacqueline Krogulski VA Army- Assist SEPLO CAPT Wesley Carpenter VA Navy SEPLO (434) Col Ralph Anthenien VA Air Force SEPLO (850) SFC Norman Williams VA Army NCO SEPLO (210) Mr. Paul Jensen DCE Emerg Mgt Spc (210) FEMA Region III DCE One Independence Mall 615 Chestnut Street, Sixth Floor Philadelphia, PA 22

23 References DoD Directive 3025.18, Defense Support of Civil
Authorities (DSCA), 29 Dec 10 (w/change 1, Sep 2012) Robert T. Stafford Act Disaster Relief & Emergency Assistance Act Economy Act of 1932 National Incident Management System (NIMS) National Response Framework (NRF) Title 10, United States Code, § mobilization/Activation of Reserve Forces) 23 23

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