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NNSA FRMAC/CM Program Manager

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1 NNSA FRMAC/CM Program Manager
Status of FRMAC DOE / National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Consequence Management Response Team (CMRT) : Concept of Operations Status as of April 2005 Colleen O’Laughlin, NNSA FRMAC/CM Program Manager .

2 General Concept of Operations
Deployment is in Three Standard Phases in Analogy with Nationally Accepted Guidelines CMRT Phase I (“Emergency Phase”) CMRT Phase II (“Intermediate Phase”) CMRT Phase III (“Characterization Phase”) Focus on Technical/Operational Response Needed Within Each Phase to Address Protective Action Guidelines (PAGs) Defined Personnel / Equipment Packages Defined Transportation Plans Protective Action Guidelines specify dose avoidance where actions are required : Emergency – 1 REM in 4 days, Relocation – 2 REM in 1 year, 0.5 REM in any succeeding year (2nd), 5 REM in 50 years; Ingestion .

3 Transportation Single aircraft (each) for Emergency and Intermediate Phases deploying out of Las Vegas All equipment and personnel deploy on single aircraft Phase I - 4 hours wheels up Phase II - 12 hours wheels up Phase III - deploys from hours out of National Laboratories / Remote RAP Regions Mobile Laboratories deploy with Ingestion Phase .

4 CMRT Phase I Overview Mission
Validate or Modify Initial Protective Action Decisions for Protection of the Public – Evacuation & Shelter-in-Place Operations Small, rapidly-deployable team focused on obtaining and assessing gross field monitoring measurements. Close coordination with NARAC, AMS Fixed-Wing, and CM Home Teams Staffed for 24-Hour Operations and Stand-alone response (Consumables for 72 hours without re-supply) - Difference with current Phase I – staffed for 24-Hours Ops and Stand-alone capability – no follow-on required. .

5 CMRT Phase I Team 32 Personnel Total
Includes EPA Senior Official for Remediation Planning Equipment Load 2500 lbs. (200 cubic feet) Logistics / Transportation 4 Hour Wheels-Up Response out of Las Vegas .

6 CMRT Phase II Overview Mission
Accurately define areas where long-term relocation of the population may be warranted – EPA Relocation PAGs Support Temporary Re-Entry of Population into Evacuated Areas Operations Augmentation to CMRT Phase II Focuses on obtaining detailed monitoring data and initiating a comprehensive sampling/analysis process for Characterization and eventual handoff to EPA. Close coordination with AMS Rotary-Wing assets and CM Home Teams Requires augmented analytical support capability Staffed for 24-Hour Operations and Stand-alone response for weeks. Consumables must be re-supplied every few days. Analytical support – sample screening, sample control, sample processing, sample shipping to fixed laboratories, coordination with mobile laboratories – Federal or State

7 CMRT Phase II Team 32 Additional Personnel Equipment Load
39,000 lbs (2400 cubic feet) Analytical Support Sample Screening Management of Laboratory Data Chain of Custody Coordination of Fixed Laboratory Support to FRMAC Fielding of Sample Screening Capability Logistics / Transportation 12 Hour Wheels-Up Response out of Las Vegas .

8 CMRT Phase III Overview
Mission Accurately identify areas where contamination levels of air, water, crops, forage, and livestock may lead to concentrations in excess of nationally accepted guidelines - Dose through Ingestion Pathways Operations Augmentation of Emergency and Intermediate Phase Response Teams Focuses on obtaining detailed sampling/analysis data. Close coordination with AMS Rotary-Wing assets and CM Home Teams Staffed for 24-Hour Operations and Stand-alone response for weeks. Consumables must be re-supplied every few days. .

9 CMRT Phase III Team 46 Additional Personnel Equipment
4500 lbs. (200 cubic feet) Analytical Support NNSA Mobile Laboratory (HotSpot) Logistics / Transportation 24-48 Hour Response out of National Laboratories / Remote RAP Regions .

10 Sample Analysis Needs Analytical equipment to analyze samples on site
To insure compliance with DOT shipping regulations For shipping samples to off-site facilities for analysis Equipment Equipment Maintenance, Training and Drill Upgrade HOTSPOT Quality Assurance / Quality Control Samples Equipment Sample Handling and Processing Equipment ISOCS Calibration of HPGe detectors (+ Shields) Gas Proportional Counting Systems Alpha Spectroscopy Systems Calibration Standards Power Supplies, Computer Hardware and Software Equipment Maintenance, Training and Drills Quality Assurance / Quality Control Samples Can be provided by UNLV out of Congressional Appropriation Upgrade of HOTSPOT analytical equipment and procurement of additional equipment to support CM/FRMAC mission Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Hardware and Software Upgrades

11 CM Home Teams Will bridge gap between call-out and arrival and support deployed operations Virtual, Integrated Home Team stood up at RSL, LANL, LLNL, SNL, and NARAC Reach back capabilities Provide FRMAC Web passwords to approved personnel Maintain FRMAC database of products developed .

12 Proposed “Greenfield” Response for CM
Provide capability to set up Technical Operations Center (TOC) and Forward Operations Center (FOC) in “Green Field” Includes tents, tables, chairs, generators to set up TOC (C&C, Assessment, GIS, Database) and FOC (Field Monitoring Operations Center) Does not include berthing and in-field meals – assume local infrastructure or DoD will provide support .

13 What We’re Working On Turbo FRMAC Print functionality
Uranium ratio calculation tool Improvements on User Interface Intuitiveness Incorporate Default Scenarios Integration With: ERDS and RSL GIS Tools RASCAL output LLNL ARAC Effects Modeling Tools SNL ACRID and SHARC Effects Modeling Tools EPA tools for final event cleanup

14 What We’re Working On (Cont.)
CM/FRMAC Laboratory Analysis HOTSPOT In-Field Laboratory Analysis Laboratory Information Management System -LIMS Laboratory Database

15 What We’re Working On (Cont.)
Pet Portal Radiological Assessment Training System (RATS) -Drill & Exercise data program -PDA/GPS based

16 What We’re Working On (Cont.)
FRMAC LAN Field Team Data Telemetry Automated M&S Forms Procedures FRMAC Website Updates FRMAC Web Server

17 What We’re Working On (Cont.)
Integrated FRMAC Presentation Request for Federal Play in IPXs Population Monitoring

18 FRMAC Manuals Health & Safety, May 2001 M&S
Monitoring Division Volume I, April 2004 Radiation Monitoring and Sampling Volume II, Sep 2002 Assessment, April 2003 Methods, Volume I Tables, Worksheets, Volume II Default Scenarios, Volume III Laboratory Analysis, June 2004 FRMAC Operations, June 2004 With Addendums for Logistics and Positions FRMAC Mission Analysis Incorporate NRP/NIMS requirements

19 FRMAC Information Completed: GIS Pamphlet
Public Monitoring Needs Guidelines Document, July 2004 Working On: FRMAC Overview Pamphlet CMHT Pamphlet

20 FRMAC Communications FRMAC Web-Site
NARAC Web-Site EOTA web-Site Bi-annual State/FRMAC Conference Call First Wednesday of January and July

21 NNSA FRMAC/CM Program Manager
Colleen O’Laughlin NNSA / NSO

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