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Get your CV to the top of the pile. Frances Pickersgill Development Editor Nursing Standard.

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Presentation on theme: "Get your CV to the top of the pile. Frances Pickersgill Development Editor Nursing Standard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get your CV to the top of the pile

2 Frances Pickersgill Development Editor Nursing Standard

3 Getting your CV to the top of the pile When to use a CV When applying for a post speculatively When asked for one If applying for post ‘in writing’ If no application form

4 Get your CV to the top of the pile The principles  Keep it professional : CVs are about your competence and capability to do the job  Keep it brief : CVs are a resume of your professional experience; no more than 2 A4 pages  Keep it interesting : draw the reader in; show your awareness of developments in nursing and health care; tailor it to the job  Keep it up to date: CVs need constant honing and updating; update each time you accomplish a project; revise the personal statement regularly

5 Get your CV to the top of the pile The Basics Need a paper copy of CV; online not always possible and difficult to hand out While paper only; no coloured, patterned or other personalised paper Black ink only : no colours Sans serif font –arial is most common; no gothic, manuscript or other stylised fonts Plain typeface: bold permissible but no underlines, italics No photos, illustrations, diagrams

6 Get your CV to the top of the pile The components Header: name, address, correct contact details – work phone and mobile, email, Twitter, LinkedIn; Personal profile: short and snappy; honest description of yourself; explain why you’re the person for the job; sell yourself; maybe complete this section last Strengths: avoid the obvious; no clichés; what personal attributes is this employer likely to need? Use online tools Employment history: most recent first; most recent should include most detail then in descending order

7 # Get your CV to the top of the pile The components Education history: schools, colleges, qualifications; vocational courses; studies in progress Achievements: include anything relevant for the job eg first aid, course; leading a project; running a club; foreign language Interests: any with relevant/transferable skills eg sport, music; voluntary work References: check OK with referees; past employers, lecturers, no parents, friends, families, lovers; include names and job titles only Cover letter: opportunity to explain yourself, show your personality, include examples of work

8 Get your CV to the top of the pile The covering letter Should include more information about you and your suitability for the specific job; tailo r it to the job Keep it brief – one A4 page only Address it to the person named in the job advert or corresponding person Use key words from the job description If you say you have a skill, give example Show your personality especially aspects that set you apart Check other covering letters for ideas

9 Get your CV to the top of the pile Some resources RCN careers service : CV Clinic: Step by step guide: Edubuzz careers advice :

10 Get your CV to the top of the pile Frances Pickersgill Development Editor Nursing Standard

11 Get your CV to the top of the pile

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