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Putting diversity of thought to work

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1 putting diversity of thought to work #ILSHRM @joegerstandt




5 MT engineers

6 MT management MT engineers

7 MT management MT engineers NASA management

8 MT management MT engineers NASA management

9 MT management MT engineers NASA management

10 Tuesday morning January 28 th 1986

11 MT management MT engineers NASA management

12 MT management NASA management

13 consider decision making… 1 - 10 What makes it better?

14 cognitive diversity The extent to which the group reflects differences in knowledge, including beliefs, preferences and perspectives. -Miller, et al (1998) Strategic Management Journal

15 analytical rational realistic factual logical definitive risk taker creative flexible synthesizer conceptual intuitive persistent planner organized disciplined detailed practical passionate cooperative empathetic expressive harmonizing responsive -Ned Herrmann

16 Solving technical problems Analyzing complex issues Logical approach Interpersonal aspects of situations Ice breakers Socializing in meetings Conceptualizing Innovating Seeing the big picture Routine Meetings Details Structure Expressing ideas Understanding group dynamics Team building Logic ahead of feelings No interaction with people Implementing ideas Developing plans Follow-up and completion “Blue Sky” thinking Not following the rules Joys Frustrations Joys Frustrations Joys Frustrations Joys Frustrations Cerebral Mode (abstract & intellectual thought) Limbic Mode (concrete and emotional processing) Left Mode Right Mode ANALYZE ORGANIZE STRATEGIZE PERSONALIZE

17 analytical rational realistic factual logical definitive risk taker creative flexible synthesizer conceptual intuitive persistent planner organized disciplined detailed practical passionate cooperative empathetic expressive harmonizing responsive -Ned Herrmann

18 analytical rational realistic factual logical definitive risk taker creative flexible synthesizer conceptual intuitive persistent planner organized disciplined detailed practical passionate cooperative empathetic expressive harmonizing responsive potential

19 analytical rational realistic factual logical definitive risk taker creative flexible synthesizer conceptual intuitive persistent planner organized disciplined detailed practical passionate cooperative empathetic expressive harmonizing responsive tension


21 sharing information making meaning from information quality decision making creative problem solving innovation fully utilizing talent

22 The Social Origin of Good Ideas -Ronald Burt, University of Chicago Teams with greater training and experiential diversity introduce more innovations. “Management Team Tenure and Organizational Outcomes” Finkelstein, Hambrick (1999) Administrative Science Quarterly & “Management and Innovation” Bantel, Jackson (2002) Strategic Management Journal

23 MBA Harvard University 100 people

24 MBA Harvard University 100 people team #1

25 MBA Harvard University 100 people team #1 team #2

26 MBA Harvard University 100 people team #1 team #2 friends with cognitive benefits


28 These theorems that when solving problems, diversity can trump ability and that when making predictions diversity matters just as much as ability are not political statements. They are mathematical truths. -Scott Page

29 but…

30 team #1 This team greatly overrates its own problem solving capacity.

31 team #2 This team greatly underrates its problem solving capacity.

32 who how


34 dysfunction

35 dysfunctional disagreement dysfunctional agreement


37 also dysfunction

38 dysfunctional disagreement dysfunctional agreement

39 Groups often fail to outperform individuals because they prematurely move to consensus, with dissenting opinions being suppressed or dismissed. -Hackman, Morris (1975) Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

40 Minority dissent, even dissent that is wrong, stimulates divergent thought. Issues and problems are considered from more perspectives and group members find more correct answers. -Nemeth, Staw (1989) Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

41 dysfunctional disagreement dysfunctional agreement always disagree lack of trust personal conflict us vs. them

42 dysfunctional disagreement dysfunctional agreement always disagree lack of trust personal conflict us vs. them always agree lack of honesty meeting after the meeting lacking skills

43 dysfunctional disagreement dysfunctional agreement sweet spot

44 Survey of 1,800 people asked: Does your boss need to change? Do your peers need to change? Do your subordinates need to change? Do you need to change? 80% agreed that their boss, their peers and their subordinates need to change. 20% believe they need to change. -Sue Annis Hammond, Andrea Mayfield

45 being inclusive have rules

46 being inclusive work to have a beginners mind

47 being inclusive seek out & protect novelty

48 being inclusive convey & invite

49 high difference low difference high interaction learning growth self-organization stress conflict exhaustion celebration reinforcement energy low productivity wasted energy factions low interaction reflection safety clearing the decks isolation misunderstanding frustration comfort belonging rest and recovery boredom stagnation death Difference Matrix Glenda Eoyang HSDI

50 high difference low difference high interaction learning growth self-organization stress conflict exhaustion celebration reinforcement energy low productivity wasted energy factions low interaction reflection safety clearing the decks isolation misunderstanding frustration comfort belonging rest and recovery boredom stagnation death Difference Matrix Glenda Eoyang HSDI

51 high difference low difference high interaction learning growth self-organization stress conflict exhaustion celebration reinforcement energy low productivity wasted energy factions low interaction reflection safety clearing the decks isolation misunderstanding frustration comfort belonging rest and recovery boredom stagnation death Difference Matrix Glenda Eoyang HSDI

52 high difference low difference high interaction learning growth self-organization stress conflict exhaustion celebration reinforcement energy low productivity wasted energy factions low interaction reflection safety clearing the decks isolation misunderstanding frustration comfort belonging rest and recovery boredom stagnation death Difference Matrix Glenda Eoyang HSDI

53 high difference low difference high interaction learning growth self-organization stress conflict exhaustion celebration reinforcement energy low productivity wasted energy factions low interaction reflection safety clearing the decks isolation misunderstanding frustration comfort belonging rest and recovery boredom stagnation death Difference Matrix Glenda Eoyang HSDI

54 high difference low difference high interaction move to low difference: Tell a joke. State a shared value or belief. Share personal experience. Pick a low difference topic. move to low interaction: Stop communicating. Leave the area. Explain yourself. Pick a low communication topic. low interaction move to high interaction: Ask a question. Use another medium. Listen more. Pick a high communication topic. move to high difference: Amplify little differences Play devils advocate Pick a high difference topic Difference Matrix Glenda Eoyang HSDI

55 social network analysis From time to time people discuss important matters with other people. Looking back over the past six months, who are the people with whom you discussed matters important to you?

56 social network analysis Consider the people you communicate with in order to get your work done. Of all the people you have communicated with during the last six months, who has been the most important for getting your work done?

57 social network analysis Consider an important project or initiative that you are involved in. Consider the people who would be influential for getting it approved or obtaining the resources you need. Who would you talk to, to get the support you need?

58 social network analysis Who do you socialize with? (spending time with people after work hours, visiting one another at home, going to social events, out for meals and so on) Over the last 6 months, who are the main people with whom you have socialized informally?

59 Where do good ideas come from? That is simple…from differences. Creativity comes from unlikely juxtapositions. The best way to maximize differences is to mix ages, cultures and disciplines. -Nicolas Negroponte, founder MIT Media Lab

60 8 O 15.99 6 C 12.01 1 H (1.01)



63 402.740.7081

64 resources The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies | Scott Page The Wisdom of Crowds | James Surowiecki A Whole New Mind | Daniel Pink The Medici Effect | Frans Johansson The Geography of Thought | Richard Nisbett

65 resources Achieving Success Through Social Capital: Tapping Hidden Resources in Your Personal and Business Network | Wayne E. Baker The Whole Brain Business Book Ned Herrmann Competitive Advantage Through People: Unleashing the Power of the Work Force | Jeffrey Pfeffer

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