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Craigavon Inclusive Leisure Project Craigavon Borough Council Christine Wright Community Sport Active Inclusion Officer ​   ​ ​

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Presentation on theme: "Craigavon Inclusive Leisure Project Craigavon Borough Council Christine Wright Community Sport Active Inclusion Officer ​   ​ ​"— Presentation transcript:

1 Craigavon Inclusive Leisure Project Craigavon Borough Council Christine Wright Community Sport Active Inclusion Officer ​   ​

2 Statutory Requirements
Equality Scheme Disability Action Plan Fair employment monitoring Annual reporting But much more …

3 Craigavon Borough – 2011 Census
Population of 93,023 22% aged under 16 and 13.5% aged over 65 but aging population slowly increasing 49% male and 51% female 2% from ethnic minority background 20.67% with a long term health problem/disability

4 Our main challenges Providing services for people with disabilities/long term health problems An increasingly aging population Slowly increasing ethnic minority population

5 Front line training Ongoing Equal Opportunities Awareness training mandatory for all councillors and staff focus Dementia awareness training with Alzheimer’s Society (part of their Dementia Friendly Communities initiative) Visual impairment awareness with RNIB Autism awareness training with Autism NI LGBT awareness training

6 Diversity Champion Initiative
One Diversity Champion at elected member level and two at officer level Raising the profile of diversity within the organisation Sharing good practice across the Diversity Champion network Point of contact for staff and public

7 Received Employers for Disability NI member accreditation in 2012
Formally adopted the Equality & Diversity Framework in 2013 LNDC – William Keown Trust Access Award

8 Promoting equality in Leisure
Improved access: Fishing Stands throughout Borough Bird Hides at LNDC 3D Archery Course at LNDC Electric Scooters Active Communities Programme 8 Coaches working with 12,362 participants, including 1,854 (15%) people with a disability

9 Shine Disability Summer Scheme
Concession Card For those in receipt of DLA to access Leisure Facilities at a reduced rate Shine Disability Summer Scheme - 35 children for 2 weeks of the summer, supported by Southern Health and Social Care Trust

10 Access Improvements in Community Development
Changing Places Toilet installed at Brownlow Community Hub Killicomaine and Brownstown Sensory Garden completed recently at North Lurgan Community Centre (DSD Neighbourhood Renewal Fund)

11 Working in Partnership...
Fit 4 U programmes - "With limited resources within our organisations, positive impacts are still being made within our local communities due to close partnership working. Together we support each other in the planning and delivery process, to reach the goal of making sport and activity more inclusive to all." Mairead Casey, Fit 4 U Co-ordinator, Southern Health and Social Care Trust

12 Working in Partnership...
Get Active Day - “The organisations involved have provided a high quality opportunity for people with disabilities to get involved in fun physical activities and working together makes this possible.” Cathy McAdam, Community Access Officer, Southern Health and Social Care Trust

13 Craigavon Inclusive Leisure Project
Partnership between Council and Disability Sport NI Sport NI Building Sport Grant – upgrade of Fitness Suite including equipment, signage, staff training Employment of Inclusive Leisure Officer 10 week gym induction programme Staff and club coach training Wheelchair Basketball Club DCD Wildcats

14 Other work areas Developing a policy framework for work placements and volunteering Working towards achieving the Arts & Disability Equality Charter Award at Artspace and Millennium Arts Centre Communications e.g. improving accessibility to website, promoting availability in alternative formats, use of Plain English

15 Looking ahead - ABC Development of new Equality Scheme and Disability Action Plan for new Council Working with Armagh and Banbridge councils on harmonisation of policies and services Harmonisation of staff training Amalgamation and updating of consultation databases

16 Craigavon Inclusive Leisure Project
Colleen Connolly Inclusive Sports & Leisure Officer 11th November 2014 Find us on Facebook Like us on LinkedIn Follow us on Twitter

17 BACKGROUND At time of development 5-10% of people with disabilities regularly took part in sport & physical activity. Increasing demand in lead up to London 2012 CILP - Partnership between Disability Sport NI & Craigavon Borough Council 2 Distinct Elements – 1) Establishment of fully inclusive fitness suite at Craigavon Leisure Centre 2) Appointment of Inclusive Sports & Leisure Officer (Funded by Sport NI)

18 CILP OBJECTIVES Inclusive Fitness Suite
100% increase in memberships Disability Sports & Leisure Programmes 522 participants Yr1 Inclusive Clubs Training Information and Advice CILP OBJECTIVES

19 Examples of Successful Programmes
Wildcats – DCD Monday Club Craigavon Boccia Club Portadown Panthers Disability Gym

20 Case Study ...That one phone call could change your life!"
"Without the regular activity and the support and encouragement of Colleen (and Paddy) I am confident that I would be walking with two sticks by now if not already in a wheelchair. My new notebook (the old one was too small to record all the equipment I now can use) shows the progress we have made since February. I have said, “we” because I did not do this alone. Colleen’s patience and encouragement are essential elements and I would encourage anyone who is not as fit as they could be, to contact the centre and speak to Colleen... ...That one phone call could change your life!"

21 Thank You Find us on Facebook Like us on LinkedIn
Follow us on Twitter

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