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Social Recruiting Travis Davis, Recruitment Specialist NCDOT Career Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Recruiting Travis Davis, Recruitment Specialist NCDOT Career Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Recruiting Travis Davis, Recruitment Specialist NCDOT Career Services

2 How many have conducted any type of business in the last month via: Phone? Email? Social Media?

3 What is Social Recruiting? Social recruiting is engaging with users of social media tools to source and recruit talent

4 Social Media Tools Facebook Twitter Youtube LinkedIn Blogs Many, many others

5 Social Media Facts By 2011, Generation Y (born 1979-1995) will outnumber baby boomers (born 1946-1964...96% will have joined a social network Social media is now the #1 online activity Twitter: More than 106 million users Facebook: More than 500 million users 55 million tweets per day 3 out of 4 employees use social media technology 2/3 of the internet population visits social networks Job seekers use social media an average of 5 hours/week If Facebook were a country it would be the 4 th largest country in the world

6 Number of years to reach 50 million users Radio (38 years) TV (13 years) Internet (4 years) iPod (3 years) Facebook (added 100 million users in less than 9 months)

7 Purpose

8 Target Audience College students High school students Counselors, teachers, professors, deans Job seekers General public

9 Ways that NCDOT uses social media Notification of career fairs Notification of on-campus recruiting events Notification of youth programs Link to job postings (especially hard-to-fill jobs) Links to other pertinent websites that may be of interest to potential applicants General tips (e.g. interviewing, dress, resume writing, filling out applications) Communication to current employees and interns Building business relationships

10 Benefits Time-saving: Send out information instantly to a large number of people Cost-saving: Completely free Market your company Increase traffic to company website Diversity recruiting: 24% of twitter users are African American. 17% are Hispanic.

11 Some fears of social media The unknown Time consuming Security risks Negative comments/feedback received

12 NCDOT Careers Twitter Account Facebook Account

13 How To Maximize Traffic And Increase Followers Balance promotional, personal, and conversational posts Be a “real person” reflecting a real voice and authenticity Be interesting, informative, and entertaining Regularly promote/highlight others (they will likely reciprocate) Tailor conversations to your targeted recruits Post photos Update 2-3 times a week Press releases Business cards Email signature

14 Good examples of other companies utilizing social media US Department of State UPS

15 Things to avoid on social networks Spamming/Chain letters Not posting enough Too many posts Posting incorrect information Getting too personal

16 Interested? How to setup Get permission Submit a proposal Develop a schedule Develop a list of topics you will be posting Talk to IT department to setup a secured account (username, password, backup user)

17 Questions Travis Davis, NCDOT Recruitment Specialist Email: Phone: 919-733-7685

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