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NHnetWORKS December 14, 2009. “The average person knows at least 250 people. Then each of those 250 people knows 250 people. So instantly, you have access.

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Presentation on theme: "NHnetWORKS December 14, 2009. “The average person knows at least 250 people. Then each of those 250 people knows 250 people. So instantly, you have access."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHnetWORKS December 14, 2009

2 “The average person knows at least 250 people. Then each of those 250 people knows 250 people. So instantly, you have access to 62,500 people.” --Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, authors of “The One Minute Millionaire”

3  A business social network to ◦ Expand your network ◦ Access information and resources ◦ Communicate to many professionals ◦ Search for job opportunities  It is not: ◦ A social network ◦ Replacement of face-to-face networking

4  Accounts: Personal and Premium  What to do with LinkedIn? ◦ Build and maintain a trusted professional network ◦ Find and reconnect with colleagues and classmates ◦ Request and provide recommendations ◦ Create a professional presence on the web ◦ Request up to 5 Introductions at a time ◦ Search for and view profiles of other LinkedIn users ◦ Ask and Answer questions in the Answers section ◦ Search for jobs seeing how you are connected to the person offering the job or employees at the company

5  The more information, the more likely you will be found  Your profile is your brand – keep it business-focused  Account & Settings ◦ My Profile ◦ My Profile Photo ◦ Public Profile ◦ Manage Recommendations ◦ Status Visibility ◦ Member Feed Visibility

6  Personal Information ◦ Name and Location ◦ Email Addresses *  to a home, not a work account ◦ Change Password ◦ Close Account  Privacy Settings ◦ Connections Browse ◦ Profile Views ◦ Profile and Status Updates ◦ Partner Advertising ◦ Authorized Applications

7  Email Notifications ◦ Contact Settings ◦ Receiving Emails ◦ Invitation Filtration  Home Page Settings  Groups  Personal Information  Privacy Settings

8  Home page = LinkedIn dashboard ◦ Review connection activities  Navigation ◦ Top Category Navigation& Site Service Navigation

9  Navigation bar at the top of the page  for a cleaner, less-cluttered look provides convenient access to all LinkedIn services. Everything you used to see in the left navigation bar is now available through the drop down menu categories in the top navigation bar. ◦ Your content navigation ◦ Statistics ◦ Inbox ◦ Your Status ◦ Network updates = Content on your connections ◦ People You May Know ◦ Sponsor Ads ◦ Who’s Viewed My Profile? ◦ People Module ◦ Answers Module ◦ Job Search Module

10  Top Box ◦ Your name ◦ A Photo ◦ Your summary ◦ Status update  Middle Box ◦ Current/Past/Education ◦ Recommendations ◦ Connections ◦ Websites ◦ Personal URL

11  Summary ◦ Elevator Pitch ◦ Key Words for Searches  Applications ◦ Presentations ◦ Reading List ◦ Blogs

12  Experience ◦ Most Recent to Oldest ◦ Company, Title, Dates of Employment ◦ Description of your role  Not a job description  What impact did you have?  What strengths did you exhibit?  Education  Additional Information  Personal Information  Contact Settings Create Your Brand!!

13  My Connections  Imported Contacts  Profile Organizer  Network Statistics  Add Connections ◦ Invite Contacts (file upload) ◦ Outlook Toolbar ◦ Colleagues ◦ Classmates  Remove Connections Build your network!!

14  LinkedIn suggests: Accept invitations only from those who you know and trust.  It should be about Quality, not Quantity.  If we are already linked via a Group, we do not need to be connected directly.

15  Get recommendations ◦ From Managers ◦ From Peers ◦ From Subordinates  Give recommendations  More recommendations = More visibility Get noticed for your accomplishments !!

16  My Groups ◦ 50 maximum  Following ◦ Discussions or news articles  Groups Directory  Create a Group Get Exposure to a wider network!!

17  Home page ◦ Search for companies ◦ Add a company  Search results  Company Detail ◦ Description ◦ Employees ◦ New Hires ◦ Popular Profiles ◦ Key Statistics ◦ Related Companies ◦ Career Path / Most Connected To ◦ Recent Promotion and Changes Research before the Interview!!

18  Answers Home ◦ Summary page ◦ Ask a Question ◦ New Questions from Your Network ◦ This Week’s Top Experts ◦ Featured Category ◦ My Q&A ◦ Browse  Advanced Answers Search  My Q&A  Ask a Question  Answer Questions Demonstrate your expertise!!

19  Jobs Home ◦ Simple search  Advanced Job Search ◦ Job function ◦ Company ◦ Industry  Search results ◦ Sort ◦ Detail ◦ Get introduced ◦ Apply Now Find jobs and Get Introduced!!

20  LinkedIn Applications enable you to enrich your profile, share and collaborate with your network, and get the key insights that help you be more effective.  Applications are added to your homepage and profile enabling you to control who gets access to what information.

21  Company Buzz shows you the twitter activity associated with your company.  SAP Community Bio display your certified SAP expertise on LinkedIn.  Huddle Workspaces gives you private, secure online workspaces packed with simple yet powerful project, collaboration and sharing tools for working with your connections.  Tweets - Access the most important parts of the professional conversation with Tweets, a Twitter client you can use right on LinkedIn.

22  Trip It -See where your LinkedIn network is traveling and when you will be in the same city as your colleagues.  WordPress - Connect your virtual lives with the WordPress LinkedIn Application.  Google Presentation -Present yourself and your work. Upload a.PPT or use Google’s online application to embed a presentation on your profile.  Blog Link- you can get the most of your LinkedIn relationships by connecting your blog to your LinkedIn profile.  Events - Find professional events, from conferences to local meet-ups, and discover what events your connections are attending.

23  Reading List by Amazon - Extend your professional profile by sharing the books you’re reading with other LinkedIn members.  SlideShare is the best way to share presentations on LinkedIn!  Polls a market research tool that allows you to collect actionable data from your connections and the professional audience on LinkedIn.  – a files application to manage all your important files online. lets you share content on your profile, and collaborate with friends and colleagues.

24  New, as of 11/10/09  Hot off the press! Rolling out overnight tonight is a new feature that allows you to update your LinkedIN status from your Twitter feed, and your Twitter from your LinkedIN.  In LinkedIN, you will find a Twitter Settings panel that allows you to link your accounts and choose whether your Twitter account appears on your profile. You can also use a check-box to choose specific status updates to Tweet.  In your Twitter settings, you can link your LinkedIn account to your Twitter and then choose whether to always cross-post to LinkedIn OR just send particular tweets by using one of two hashtags: #li or #in.

25  Research Companies  Research hiring managers and potential employees  Enhance and build your network  Get reconnected with former peers, managers, subordinates, alumni, groups, etc.  Increase your ability to be found by recruiters  Build your brand  Get recommendations (they are visible!) and make recommendations  Ask & Answer questions – show your knowledge  Find Jobs

26 Thank you!

27 For more information visit

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