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Clean contacts + smart relationships for InterAction InterAction UK User Group 25 June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Clean contacts + smart relationships for InterAction InterAction UK User Group 25 June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean contacts + smart relationships for InterAction InterAction UK User Group 25 June 2013

2 Contacts = Money  On average, between 30% and 40% of CRM contacts are out-of-date  CRM contacts degrade at a rate of 20% per year  What is the value of a CRM with 60% accurate contacts?  60% value? – No. the value is closer to 0  Why? Confidence – how do your users know which contact is correct and which is out-of-date? Problem: Dirty Data

3 Your CRM is only as valuable as its contacts

4 The ‘Dirty Data’ Truth about CRM  If you’re sourcing CRM contacts from address books, GARBAGE IN = GARBAGE OUT  A CRM with 500,000 contacts has just 230,000 accurate contacts, on average. The rest are out-of-date or soon will be.  Number of Data Stewards required to clean up: 7.5 (assuming they can tell which data is dirty…)

5 5 Hire a bunch of data stewards (impossible) Get rid of your CRM (last resort) gwabbit Options

6 Paradigm shift: Todd Miller CEO gwabbit V: 877 554 9222 F: 831 308 5084 Email signature line contacts are the most current and accurate contacts available

7 gwabbit Enterprise Server How gwabbit works… CRM gwabbit automatically scans firm emails Compares fresh contacts against CRM contacts 1 1 2 2 Transforms signatures to contacts 3 3 Updates CRM contacts (and, optionally, user address books) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4

8 How long does it take to update a contact? 36x faster! Old waygwabbit 6 minutes<10 seconds

9 Why is gwabbit 36x faster? – part 1: which contact is more current? John Smith CTO Raster Instruments, Inc V: 650 659 2672 C: 877 555 1818 F: 650 308 5084 Twitter: johnsmith John Smith CTO Raster Instruments, Inc V: 650 659 2672 C: 877 555 1818 F: 650 308 5084 Twitter: johnsmith John Smith Director, IT Raster Instruments, Inc V: 650 659 2672 C: 877 555 1818 F: 650 308 5084 Twitter: johnsmith John Smith Director, IT Raster Instruments, Inc V: 650 659 2672 C: 877 555 1818 F: 650 308 5084 Twitter: johnsmith Q: Two contacts for the same person sourced from address books – how do you know which is most current? A: you don’t gwabbit solves the problem – how?: a.Signature contacts are current when the email is sent (people do not typically send emails with out- of-date contacts) a.gwabbit date/time stamps the contact a.gwabbit refreshes the date/time stamp every time a duplicate email is received – gwabbit knows with confidence the last time a contact was known to be current

10 10 Signature contact block from email InterAction contact differences are highlighted and updated with one-click Signature contact parsed for side-by-side comparison against InterAction gwabbit Data Quality Manager: contact comparison

11 11 Signature contact block from email LinkedIn® auto-find looks up contacts for quick research LinkedIn auto-find

12 Stats: for an 1,000 attorney law firm based on stats from other gwabbit firms State of the CRM union: how much dirty data? Projection: how many contacts will gwabbit update? Time savings: gwabbit can identify and clean up dirty data 36x faster than traditional methods, with higher quality results Projection: using conservative projections, what is gwabbit’s ROI?

13 Relationships Auto-populates InterAction “Who Knows Whom” Auto-populates InterAction “Who Knows Whom” Makes IA a “one stop shop” for contacts and relationships Makes IA a “one stop shop” for contacts and relationships Scores strength of relationship Scores strength of relationship Adds entire signature contact – not just email address Adds entire signature contact – not just email address Filters out CC contact noise Filters out CC contact noise Full administrative control over relationship strength weighting Full administrative control over relationship strength weighting Auto-populates InterAction “Who Knows Whom” Auto-populates InterAction “Who Knows Whom” Makes IA a “one stop shop” for contacts and relationships Makes IA a “one stop shop” for contacts and relationships Scores strength of relationship Scores strength of relationship Adds entire signature contact – not just email address Adds entire signature contact – not just email address Filters out CC contact noise Filters out CC contact noise Full administrative control over relationship strength weighting Full administrative control over relationship strength weighting

14 Reports – examples: Relationship Trend Line Report Plots relationship macro trend lines between client and individuals Explodes macro trend line to micro individual interactions and strength of relationship Monitor interaction levels with clients to spot downward trends that may require attention Contact Metrics Report Reports total number of emails processed, new contacts harvested, and updates and duplicates identified Breakdown by data steward Graphical display

15 Relationships – new! ? ? LinkedIn Relationships Mash up gwabbit analytics with LinkedIn relationships – overlays gwabbit relationship analytics on user relationships to optimize strength-of-relationship confidence RCM Enterprise gwabbit Analytics BoardEx RCM Sync gwabbit automatically syncs its relationship analytics with BoardEx’s Relationship Capital Management database – shows how people at your firm are connected to the world’s top business leaders

16 16 Optionally, new and updated contacts can be pushed into individual user Outlook address books based on email “TO” address Optional Outlook sync

17 Installation & security Secure – gwabbit resides securely behind firewall, using industry- standard MS Exchange journaling rules Emails are deleted instantly – no copies remain on gwabbit server No information leaves the firm Fast installation – once virtual servers are stood up, gwabbit can be installed and synced with InterAction in as little as 15 minutes, using its installation wizard From the point gwabbit is switched on, it is harvesting contacts. Additional training and optional configuration can be completed in a few hours

18 gwabbit clients include: gwabbit partners:


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