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Presenters: Jon Thurmond, Team Fishel Wes Seaton, DARS.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenters: Jon Thurmond, Team Fishel Wes Seaton, DARS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenters: Jon Thurmond, Team Fishel Wes Seaton, DARS

2  Introductions  We’ll be talking about “brand” as well as the Richmond area job market outlook  Don’t hesitate to ask questions

3 There is no “brand jail.”

4  Value - What do you bring to the table?  Audience - Who do you serve?  Service Proposition - What makes you unique?  YOU ARE YOUR BRAND. BE YOURSELF.

5  What pops up when you Google yourself?  Why have an on line presence? ◦ Ability to increase your brand visibility  How do you engage on line? ◦ “Lurker” or “Contributor”  Different platforms with different uses ◦ LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Instagram, Pinterest

6  Professional focused site  Almost 350 million registered users ◦ 107 million in the U.S.  40% check LI account daily  Join groups, post comments and content of interest to you

7  Microblogging site, 140 characters  288 million active users ◦ 35 million in U.S.  Ability to communicate in real time  Find thought leaders in your area, follow them and initiate conversation  Tweet/retweet content of interest to you

8  Why is networking important? ◦ Approximately 80% of jobs are filled through networking ◦ Connect with professionals outside your industry  What’s a networking opportunity? ◦ Opportunities present constantly ◦ Carry business cards, follow up  In networking, it’s NOT all about you ◦ How can you help the other person?

9  Research companies, develop marketing plan  Make sure people know you’re looking  Leverage your network connections  Ensure résumé matches up to job and reflects your brand

10  Hiring managers are risk averse  How can you fix the “pain?”  Many organizations use behavioral questions, use SOAR method to answer: ◦ Situation ◦ Obstacles ◦ Action ◦ Result (many people forget to close with this)

11  Remember that an interview is a 2 way conversation  Have questions prepared for interviewer  Ask about next steps  Be sure to thank interviewers  Follow up accordingly

12  Richmond Metro area: 4.7% ◦ 32,240 unemployed  United States: 7.3% ◦ 11,462,000 unemployed

13 Economic Challenges that Virginia is facing  Economic down-turn in 2008 has created a structural shift in spending for businesses  Changing Federal spending  Next five years will be the most critical for Virginia

14  Health Care  Advanced Manufacturing  Professional, Scientific & Technical Services  Transportation and Warehousing  Construction

15 Political Scientists Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products Epidemiologists Hydrologists Nuclear Technicians Funeral Service Managers Religious Workers Mathematical Science Occupations Gaming Managers Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators Atmospheric and Space Scientists Physicists Microbiologists Drafters Historians Soil and Plant Scientists Animal Scientists Forest and Conservation Technicians Mathematical Technicians


17 Jon: (please personalize your invite) @Jon_Thurmond @TeamFishelJobs Wes:

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