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Nanotoxicity and Nanosafety; the nanomedicine perspective Recommendations from the Nanomedicine Community 1 Adriele Prine-Mello Trinity College Dublin,

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Presentation on theme: "Nanotoxicity and Nanosafety; the nanomedicine perspective Recommendations from the Nanomedicine Community 1 Adriele Prine-Mello Trinity College Dublin,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nanotoxicity and Nanosafety; the nanomedicine perspective Recommendations from the Nanomedicine Community 1 Adriele Prine-Mello Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Chair of Characterization and Toxicology Working Group

2 Kicking off on the perspective ETPN Submitted nanoparticle selection Physical characterization Chemical characterization In vitro assays In vivo assays Clinical use Pre-clinical approval of nanoparticles Intentional administration NanoSafetyCluster Particle synthesis Particle characterization in-situ and ex-situ Mechanism of interaction Particle exposure assessment (in vitro, in vivo, in silico) Nanosafety Impact of exposure to nanoparticles Non intentional exposure 7 th nanoTOX2014 Antalya 23-26 April 2014

3 3 Everything is Relative One of the most toxic drugs known Rat i.v. DL50 = 8 mg/kg Insecticide to treat pet Dog i.v. DL50 = 7 mg/kg Ketoconazale, fungicide to treat dandruff Man oral DL50 = 45 mg/kg Introduction Toxic drugs known Rat i.v. DL50 = 85 mg/kg 7 th nanoTOX2014 Antalya 23-26 April 2014

4 Improving the Risk-Benefit Ratio… Risk Benefit …of currently-available medical treatment with nanotech is possible! Nano ©TCD 2014 Nanomedicine perspectives TCD © 2014 – Prina-Mello / Movia

5 Nanomedicine tiered approach Tier 2 Tier 3 » Physico-chemical characterisation » Internalization: mechanism and time-dependence » Cytotoxicity » Biodegradation » Biocompatibility » Targeted drug delivery Shell-coated NPs Purpose-specific functionalized NPs Safe-by-design Risk Benefit Adapted from Movia D. et al., Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 9, 2543-2557 ©TCD 2014 WG T&CWG T&C WG T&CWG T&C

6 Big deals in nanomed in 2013 : > 1 Billion US$ 6 180M US$ 210M US$ 200M US$ 7 th nanoTOX2014 Antalya 23-26 April 2014

7 The European approach to improve translation …..including toxicity and safety 7 th nanoTOX2014 Antalya 23-26 April 2014

8 ETPN Translational process and focus (WG T&C) Translation process Design Synthesis Clinical tests Clinical tests Nano characterisation Nano characterisation cGMP manufacturing Accelerating translation of engineered nano-products for medicine applications to medicinal products Proof of concept Toxicity Safety PK PD Risk/Benefit analysis Validation to Standards QC, QA Certification Nanomedicine Commons Extras 7 th nanoTOX2014 Antalya 23-26 April 2014

9 Translation process Full characterisation Clinical trials Scale up Manufacturing Approval Proof of concept NSC: Database Database Expertise Expertise Models Models Experience Experience Large EU network Large EU network NSC: Regulatory Regulatory EHS EHS 7 th nanoTOX2014 Antalya 23-26 April 2014

10 ETPN Translation hub 7 th nanoTOX2014 Antalya 23-26 April 2014

11 Impacts on EU Economic –>500 SMEs in nanomedicine in Europe –Nearly 250 “nano”-products are used or tested in humans Societal –Diagnostics tools and better healtcare treatments for a more targeted and more personalised medicine with less side-effects for a more cost-effective healthcare ETPN Impact on H2020 White paper SRIA

12 For more information, contact: Consult to Download reports and documentsDownload reports and documents Find further informationFind further information Become a memberBecome a member …

13 For more information: Adriele Prina-Mello, Msc, PhD Andreas Falk, MSc E: E: P. +353 1 896 3259W: Linkedin: adriele-prina-mello/1/393/b13 Google scholars: Adriele Prina-Mello Research Gate profile: Adriele_Prina-Mello Thank you for your attention

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