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FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET.

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Presentation on theme: "FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

2 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision Goals and Objectives Traffic Connections Leads Proposals Sales (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

3 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination Team Trusted Agents Internal External Partners Joint Venture FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

4 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination Target Profile Demographics Psychographics Geographic Clients Trends Referral Sources FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

5 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination Resource Inventory Data (eMails) Content Keywords Websites Social Sites FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

6 Resource Inventory Current Prospects\Clients eMails Mobile Phone Other Contacts New 3 rd Party List Sources D&B Info USA Internal Campaigns Joint Venture Partners Current Direct Mail Telemarketing Newsletters Flyers New Social Sites Discussions eVents Blogs Micro-Sites eContests Mobile\Text\Video Current Websites Domain Names Articles Power Points Video Photo Sales Brochures Training Materials New Keywords Blogs Postings DATADATACONTENTCONTENTDELIVERYDELIVERY

7 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination Social Network Sites Facebook LinkedIn Twitter YouTube Blog Sites FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

8 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination Destination Web Site Landing Page Registration Blog Site Telephone Meeting FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

9 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination Launch Plan Assemble Review Test Commit FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

10 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination COACHING ----------------- Activity Measure Adjust Continue FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

11 Confirm Target Define Goals and Objectives Define Inventory Develop Launch Plan Execute RESULTS Social Media Rapid Launch Plan Trusted Agents Build & Optimize Confirm Destination FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET

12 FORWARD PROGRESS Growing your business beyond the Vision (877) 592-6224 www.ForwardProgress.NET Winning the RACE against your competition Rapid Launch Plans Accelerated Lead Generation Consistent Sales Velocity Enhanced Client Retention

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