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ASAP support to MADAGASCAR : A beneficial learning process Fenosoa RATSIMANETRIMANANA Executive Secretary of NAC.

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Presentation on theme: "ASAP support to MADAGASCAR : A beneficial learning process Fenosoa RATSIMANETRIMANANA Executive Secretary of NAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASAP support to MADAGASCAR : A beneficial learning process Fenosoa RATSIMANETRIMANANA Executive Secretary of NAC

2 Situation of the epidemic...  First case identified in 1987  Among pregnant women : less than 1%  Among STI Patients : 0% from 1990 to 1999, 0,64% in 2000 and 0,58% in 2005  Among CSW : 0% from 1990 to 1996, 0,25% in 1998 and 1,28% in 2005 A slow increase of the epidemic among the all groups of population but we have to act now, tomorow will be late

3 Major challenges... Major challenges...  How to make visible the invisible ?  How to mantain the HIV prevalence rate under 1% ?  How to mobilize resources in a context of sensitive choice at global level (low prevalence countries v/s high prevalence countries) ?

4 Road towards the victory...  Strong national leadership at all level  Evidence-informed and results-based response (three ones in action )  Performance-based funding (accountability)

5 ASAP/GAMET support...  Fine-tuning the National Strategic Plan with a focus on an evidence-informed response (Where to act ? Act toward whom ? What are the priorities ?)  Finalization of the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan with a focus on a result-based approach (Results, Results, Results)  Development of the epidemiological profile document (to know our epidemic : core drivers...)

6 Lessons learned...  ASAP is a very useful and easy tool available for countries which want to progress : simple procedure, free of charge for countries, participatory approach respecting national counterparts, high level expertises, stimulation of the commitment of some partners...  Importance of the strategic information for the planning and necessity to continuously reorient the interventions according to programme implementation evidences  Necessity of the response ownership through the involvement of all the stakeholders  Do not waste time in reinventing the wheel : build from successful experiences learned from other countries/communities

7 Winning is a team effort... I, You, We hold the key of victory in our hands…

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