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Welcome to my class. Teacher’s Introduction Name : Md. Mahfuzul Haque Designation : Lecturer of English Name of institute : Chokprosad Islamia Alim Madrasah.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to my class. Teacher’s Introduction Name : Md. Mahfuzul Haque Designation : Lecturer of English Name of institute : Chokprosad Islamia Alim Madrasah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to my class

2 Teacher’s Introduction Name : Md. Mahfuzul Haque Designation : Lecturer of English Name of institute : Chokprosad Islamia Alim Madrasah. Naogaon Sodor, Naogaon. E-mail: mahfuz_haque 12

3 Lesson introduction Class : Eleven Subject : English Unit 6 : Our Environment Lesson 2 : How the Environment is polluted Subject matter : Air Pollution Time : 50 minutes Date : 03-06-2013

4 Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson you will have------- 1.Told the meaning & synonym of unknown words. 2.Explained how the air become polluted. 3.Told the name of diseases caused by air pollution. 4.Told in how many ways smoke can be created. 5.Described the usage of rubbish.

5 factories rubbish vehicles cooking Road construction

6 Topic ‘Air Pollution’

7 Vocabulary Main word parts of speech image meaning synonym Smoke noun ধোঁ য়া fume Brick ইটইট noun Coalnoun কয়লা cinder, carbon Wastenoun আবর্ জনা rubbish Emitverb নির্গত করা belch

8 Watch the picture below Carbon di oxide (co 2 )

9 Individual task (2 minutes) Q. How can smoke pollute air?

10 sweeping Poultry farmFish Vegetables chopping

11 Task in pair (4 minutes) Question : In how many ways domestic rubbish can be produced? Make a list.

12 cough Chest pain Affected lungs Smoking Diseases caused by air pollution

13 The Usage of Waste Compost Application of compost in land Waste

14 Group task (10 minutes) Questions : 1. Write the name of diseases caused by air pollution. 2. What is the relationship between smoking & air pollution? Explain. 3. Explain the main causes of air pollution. 4. How can we utilize the waste produced around us ? Discuss.

15 Evaluation (4 minutes) Questions: 1. What is the meaning of the word ‘coal’? 2. Name the diseases caused by air pollution. 3. In how many ways air can be polluted? Mention. 4. What are the main sources of smoke? 5. How can rubbish be used in our cultivable land? Discuss in brief.

16 Home work Question : What are the main reasons of air pollution in your locality? Make a list.

17 Thanks

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