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Achieving Equilibrium Team: Borden, Garrison, Holley, Malaugh, Mayer.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Equilibrium Team: Borden, Garrison, Holley, Malaugh, Mayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Equilibrium Team: Borden, Garrison, Holley, Malaugh, Mayer

2 Modeling Tools Links Goals Plan Timeline

3 Modeling Tools Stella (secondarily, Excel)

4 Links Physical experiments: 1. Water height achieving equilibrium between two connected containers. 2. Water temperature achieving equilibrium between two volumes mixed together. 3. Potato slice immersed in sugar-water solution achieving equilibrium in water concentration.

5 Goals 1. Understanding dynamic equilibrium in various scientific settings. 2. Using computer technology for problem-solving and real-world applications. 3. Using technological tools to model nature. 4. Hypothesizing mathematical relationships and verifying/falsifying through experimentation. 5. Simulating systems first studied in wet-lab setting, then using simulation to motivate further experiments.

6 Plan 1. Perform experiment 1 or 2 in wet-lab. Gather data and graph in Excel. Build simple Stella simulation of system 1 or 2 achieving equilibrium. 2. Compare simulation to recorded results; (dis)confirm validity of model. 3. Perform experiment 3 in wet-lab. 4. Modify, add layer of complexity, to first Stella simulation to model experiment 3. 5. Observe further details in any of experiments; add additional layer(s) of complexity to second Stella model; make prediction; perform experiment again; 6. (dis)confirm validity of model. 7. Iterate step 6.

7 Timeline 1. SC2000: select tool and topic; make outline and timeline. 2. March: experiments 1-3 designed; Stella models validated. 3. May: possible directions for step 5 of Plan explored, described, models built. 4. July UAH Workshop: complete equilibrium module.

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