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A Brief Overview. Contents Introduction to NLP Sentiment Analysis Subjectivity versus Objectivity Determining Polarity Statistical & Linguistic Approaches.

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Presentation on theme: "A Brief Overview. Contents Introduction to NLP Sentiment Analysis Subjectivity versus Objectivity Determining Polarity Statistical & Linguistic Approaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Brief Overview

2 Contents Introduction to NLP Sentiment Analysis Subjectivity versus Objectivity Determining Polarity Statistical & Linguistic Approaches Application Conclusion

3 Introduction to NLP What is Natural Language Processing? - Use of Computer technology - Analyse written or spoken human language - To get computers to process the supplied data - Respond adequately if necessary

4 Sentiment Analysis What is Sentiment Analysis? - An attempt to determine the direction of opinion - Positive, negative or neutral opinion - In a body of text (written) - Using computer technology

5 Subjectivity Versus Objectivity Subjectivity – Opinions/Objectivity – Facts - We need to distinguish between these two A number of ways to achieve this - Manually tag words that express opinion, emotion, evaluation and speculation - Give strength values: low, medium, high or extreme - Sentence with a word having medium or more value is subjective while all others are objective

6 Determining Polarity Main approaches to determining polarity - Statistical approach - Linguistic approach

7 Statistical Approach Uses calculations to determine polarity Example: Naïve Bayes classifier - Documents are manually classed - Calculates the probability of a word appearing in any document contained in a particular class - Compares the probability of same word in new documents and groups where closest match exists

8 Statistical Approach cont. Limitation: - Independence assumption of words - E.g. Assuming a review on Laptops; has the occurrence of ‘small’ referring to the size of the Laptops, which is then tagged as positive. What if ‘small’ was followed by ‘computer’ then ‘memory’?

9 Linguistic Approach Uses structure and meaning of language Mostly uses the predetermined polarity of adjectives Limitation - Ambiguity of human language - E.g. the word ‘sucks’ is tagged as negative ‘the movie sucks’ versus ‘it appears that the baby sucks his thumb whenever he wants to sleep’

10 Application Influencing decision - From an individual trying to purchase an item to a Government trying to please its people Market intelligence - Getting information on competitor’s strong points Dealing with customer experience - People may write about experience online but not fill questionnaires

11 Conclusion A difficult area of study Huge ongoing effort to solve challenges Due to its importance I believe this challenges will be solved in the future Still a cost effective way to retrieve opinion

12 Questions?

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