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Febea FEBEA, the European federation of Ethical Banks and local Financing Institutions FEBEA: Mutualising: building common financial tools while keeping.

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2 Febea FEBEA, the European federation of Ethical Banks and local Financing Institutions FEBEA: Mutualising: building common financial tools while keeping the diversity of local, regional and national characteristics of all members

3 Febea BELGIUM: Crédal (Louvain-La-Neuve), Hefboom (Bruxelles)
24 members, 12 countries BELGIUM: Crédal (Louvain-La-Neuve), Hefboom (Bruxelles) DANMARK: Merkur (København) ESPAGNE: Bbk Solidarioa Fundazioa (Bilbao), Caixa Pollença (Pollença, Baleares), Fiare Fundazioa (Bilbao), Fundació Un Sol Món (Barcelona) FRANCE: Caisse Solidaire du Nord Pas-de-Calais (Roubaix), Crédit Coopératif (Nanterre), Femu Qui (Bastia), La Nef (Villeurbanne), Sidi (Paris), Sifa (Paris) GERMANY: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft (Köln) ITALY: Banca Popolare Etica (Padova), Cassa Centrale Casse Rurali Trentine (Trento), Consortium Etimos (Padova) NORWAY: Cultura Sparebank (Oslo) POLAND: Bise Bank (Warszawa), Tise (Warszawa) SLOVAKIA: Vernus (Bratislava) SWEDEN: Ekobanken (Järna) SWITZELAND: Alternative Bank ABS (Olten) UNITED KINGDOM: Charity Bank (Kent)

4 FEBEA Goals Set up common mutual financial instruments
Strengthen social finance, local economy and micro-finance through technical assistance Set up common mutual financial instruments mutual guarantee fund “Garantie Solidaire” co-operative investment company SEFEA common office in Bruxelles promoting social finance

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