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Confidence-Weighted Linear Classification Mark Dredze, Koby Crammer University of Pennsylvania Fernando Pereira Penn  Google.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidence-Weighted Linear Classification Mark Dredze, Koby Crammer University of Pennsylvania Fernando Pereira Penn  Google."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidence-Weighted Linear Classification Mark Dredze, Koby Crammer University of Pennsylvania Fernando Pereira Penn  Google

2 1 Natural Language Processing Big datasets, large number of features Many features are only weakly correlated with target label Heavy-tailed feature distribution Linear classifiers: features are associated with word counts Feature Rank Count

3 2 Who needs this Simpsons book? You DOOOOOOOO This is one of the most extraordinary volumes I've ever encountered encapsulating a television series …. Exhaustive, informative, and ridiculously entertaining, it is the best accompaniment to the best television show …. Even if you only "enjoy" the Simpsons (as opposed to being a raving fanatic, which most people who watch the show are, after all … Very highly recommended! Sentiment Classification Who needs this Simpsons book? You DOOOOOOOO This is one of the most extraordinary volumes I've ever encountered encapsulating a television series …. Exhaustive, informative, and ridiculously entertaining, it is the best accompaniment to the best television show …. Even if you only "enjoy" the Simpsons (as opposed to being a raving fanatic, which most people who watch the show are, after all … Very highly recommended!

4 3 Sentiment Classification Many positive reviews with the word best W best Later negative review –“boring book – best if you want to sleep in seconds” Linear update will reduce both W best W boring But best appeared more than boring How to adjust weights at different rates? W boring W best

5 4 Linear Classifiers Instance to be classified Weight vector

6 5 Online Learning Memory-efficient, simple to implement, often competitive Successive rounds – Get an input instance – Output a prediction – Receive a feedback label – Compute loss – Update the prediction rule

7 6 The weight vector is a linear combination of examples Two rate schedules (among others): –Perceptron algorithm, conservative: –Passive-aggressive Span-based Update Rules Value of feature f of instance Target label, -1 or 1 Learning rate Weight of feature f

8 7 Distributions in Version Space Example Mean weight-vector

9 8 Margin as a Random Variable Signed margin is a Gaussian-distributed variable Thus:

10 9 Place most of the probability mass in this region Weight Vector (Version) Space

11 10 Nothing to do, most weight vectors already classify the example correctly Passive Step

12 11 Project the current Gaussian distribution onto the half-space Aggressive Step The covariance is shirked in the direction of the new example Mean moved past the mistake line (large margin)

13 12 PA-like Update PA: New Update : Confidence Parameter

14 13 The Optimization Problem convex such that not convex! where

15 14 Simplified Optimization Problem convex! Exact variance method High dimension  restrict to diagonal

16 15 Approximate Diagonal Algorithm Approximate by projecting onto the diagonal Closed form solution variable learning rate scaled counts (binary features)

17 16 Visualizing Learning Rates 20 features, only two informative Covariance ellipses (20 x cov) –Black: the two informative features –Blue: several pairs of noise features –Green: target weight vector FullDiagonal 30 rounds

18 17 Visualizing Learning Rates Full (2 x)Diagonal (20 x) 90 rounds

19 18 Experiments Online to batch : –Multiple passes over the training data –Evaluate on a different test set after each pass –Compute error/accuracy Binary problems from –Newsgroups –Reuters Sentiment classification

20 19 Data Sentiment –Sentiment reviews from 6 Amazon domains ( Blitzer et al ) –Classify a product review as either positive or negative Reuters, pairs of labels –Three divisions: Insurance: Life vs. Non-Life, Business Services: Banking vs. Financial, Retail Distribution: Specialist Stores vs. Mixed Retail. –Bag of words representation with binary features. 20 newsgroups, pairs of labels –Three divisions: vs. comp.sys.mac.hardware.instances, sci.electronics vs., and talk.politics.guns vs. talk.politics.mideast.instances. –Bag of words representation with binary features.

21 20 Typical Performance (20 NG)

22 21 Summary Statistics

23 22 Parallel Training Split large data into disjoint sets Train using each set independently Combine resulting classifiers –Average Average performance of individual classifiers –Uniform mean of weight vectors –Weighted mean of weight vectors using confidence information

24 23 Parallel Training Sentiment ~1M ; Reuters ~0.8M #Features/#Docs: Sentiment ~13 ; Reuters ~0.35 Performance degrades with number of splits Weighting improves performance

25 24 Summary Online learning is fast and effective … … but NLP data has skewed feature distributions Confidence-weighted linear prediction represents explicitly how much to trust feature weights –Higher accuracy than previous methods –Faster convergence –Effective model combination Current work: –Direct convex version of original optimization –Batch algorithm –Explore full covatiance versions

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