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Judith R. Glickman, Partner

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Presentation on theme: "Judith R. Glickman, Partner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Judith R. Glickman, Partner

2 The design of the partnership Your relationship with the Head of School Your respective roles A growth mind set Communication protocols  Resource information

3  Whole group presentation  Small group analysis  Whole group synthesis

4 Above the Diagonal Line = Allocation of Board’s Time

5  Board Chair  Board of Trustees  Individual Trustees/Resources

6  Policy vs. day-to-day responsibility  Strategic vs. tactical  Full Board vs. Executive Committee function

7  Succession  Giving and Stewardship  Serving as a Single Entity  Fiduciary, Strategic, Generative  Support of the Head

8  Board Chair/Head  Flow to avoid bottlenecks  No surprises  “I was a parent.”

9 There is considerable parking lot discussion about the school’s science program in the middle grades. There is strong sentiment on two sides of the issue: a vocal group of parents think that the program is outdated and is not emphasizing project based learning and experiential instruction. Another group thinks and feels equally strongly that the issue has arisen because two teachers are wedded to their existing curriculum and position within the faculty and are unwilling to look at ways of teaching differently. The Head of School and Division Director understand how these perceptions have arisen but are hesitant to move as quickly to address the personnel and program issues as several trustees think they should. The HOS thinks it is critical that the process be thought through carefully and implemented in a way to not undermine the overall faculty and their perception of intrusive parenting. What are the issues? What should the head do? What should the chair do? What should the board do?

10 Above the Diagonal Line = Allocation of Board’s Time

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