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© Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please.

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Presentation on theme: "© Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. February 1, 2012 Katie Delahaye Paine CEO © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Measuring Real Naked Conversations A presentation to the Mile High Social Media Club

2 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Social Media Measurement in A Nutshel 2 Integrated with other data, email, web analytics, marketing metrics & traditional media metrics Comparative: Social vs Mobile vs. Traditional vs. everything else Competitive

3 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Myth Busting 1. There’s something “new” about “New Media” 2.It’s all about Facebook & Twitter 3.Someone needs to own Social Media 4.It’s all about you 5.Followers = Influence 6.Likes = Engagement 7.Engagement = ROI 8.Sentiment is what’s really important 3 Only 3 to 7.5% of consumers on average actually see posts made by the Organization. Organizations with fewer fans (between one and 10,000) will have higher engagement rates

4 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Reality #1: It’s only new if: You’ve never had a conversation with stakeholders You’ve never cared about relationships You’ve never thought that reputations are related to behavior 4

5 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Reality # 2: It’s not just Facebook & Twitter 5

6 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Reality # 3: No one needs to “own” social media 2004-2010 Force-fitting Social Media into Existing Structure Social Media PRMktg Digital Corp Comm Direct 2000-2004 Social Media/CGM emerges as a technology function 2010-2015 Integrating Social Media into the Organizational DNA \]’???\`]’]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ ]’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’[] \] \ ]’] ‘]’:]\’’’]]’]]]’]’\]]]’]’ 6

7 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Conversations $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Savings, shorter cycles, more renewals, better ideas, research Product Support HR IR Sales CIR&D Mktg Research Prod. Mktg PR/Com ms/Mktg Reality #4: It’s not all about you, so get over it 7

8 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Reality #5: Followers/Reach does not = influence Measure what matters There is no “bible” Influence ≠Reach, GRP, or any other magic bullet All influence is relative A computer cannot tell you who matters most

9 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. 9

10 Reality # 6: Likes are not engagement 10 LikesImpressionsFollowers Trial/Consideration Purchase Advocacy

11 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Reality #6: Engagement is a continuum Click thrus, Unique visitors, Likes Repeat Visitors, Twitter followers, Comments Retweets, Repeat Comments. Reposts, Shares, Use of hashtag, @message Registration, Positive sentiment, Advocacy

12 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Reality #7: ROI may be Efficiency not Sales Need some help with that lawn? More effective marketing 44 % of junk mail goes to landfills unopened. Response rates <0.25% now acceptable 94% better SEO results * Build long term relationships and networks Loss prevention; risk mitigation *Comscore GroupM study

13 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Reality #9: Sentiment may not matter There’s a reason they call it “earned” You are what you do, not what you say, and if enough people get angry at you, you will be replaced. Assumes sentiment exists 80% of conversation is neutral, just making an observation Majority of business doesn’t evoke sentiment Requires lots of data Once you eliminate spam, content farms and invalid mentions, make sure content volume is sufficient Assumes sentiment drives action, but you need analytics to prove it Real time sentiment is not measurement

14 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Old School Metrics -- Outputs Activity AVE Eyeballs HITS (How Idiots Track Success) Couch Potatoes (GRPs) # of Twitter Followers (unless you’re a celebrity) Page 14 AVE

15 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. New School Metrics - Outcomes SEO & Page Rank = Likelihood of being found Influence = The power or ability to affect someone’s actions. Engagement= Some action beyond zero Relationships = Long term engagement leading to trust Advocacy = engagement driven by an agenda Sentiment = contextual expression of opinion – regardless of tone ROI: Return on Investment – no more no less. End of discussion

16 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. The Measurement Process Monitoring/ Listening Establish Rules Crawl Agreed upon metrics Content Analysis Sentiment Analysis Walk Dashboard Attitude/ Awareness Survey Use Data to Continuously improve Run Tie efforts to outcomes Integrate all Comms Fly 16

17 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. 1.Define the “R” in your ROI 2.Connect the dots between organizational goals and PR 3.Establish benchmarks 4.Define your metrics 5.Pick a tool 6.Figure out what it means, change and measure again 17 6 Steps to Measuring Success

18 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. What are you measuring? Paid – Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, popups, banners etc. Owned – Facebook, Google + Pages, Websites, Blogs, @yourorganization Earned -- Everything else 18

19 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. You have to connect the dots Improved positioning Increased Engagement More qualified leads 19 Definitions of success Media Tracking Measuring web traffic CRM Data Qualitative Analysis Multi-variate testing Web traffic or clicks Message Analysis Relationship Survey Key Influencers Measurement in place Needed Tools MediaCustomersEmployees Priority audiences Social Media Content Analysis

20 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Step 3: Establish benchmarks A peer group Control groups vs. other departments Over time Whatever keeps your C-Suite up at night

21 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Step 4: Why you need a Kick-Butt Index? 21 You become what you measure, so pick your KPI carefully The Perfect KPI Gets you where you want to go (achieves corporate goals) Is actionable Continuously improves your processes Is there when you need it KPIs should be developed for each major priority/initiative

22 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Charting KBI over time between divisions 22

23 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Trend against competition with KBI 23

24 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Step 5: Pick the right measurement tools If you want to measure messaging, positioning, themes, sentiment: Content analysis If you want to measure awareness, perception, relationships, preference: Survey research If you want to measure engagement, action, purchase: Web analytics If you want predictions and correlations you need two out of three 24

25 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Tool #2: Measuring “Owned” Media Web analytics Google Analytics Web Trends Omniture SEO Page Rank Post Rank Influence Twitalyzer Traackr Klout CRM/Business Intelligence Salesforce SAS SAP 25

26 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Find your “Abby” Ask “So What” three times Look for failures first Check on what your peers are doing Then look for exceptional success Compare to last month, last quarter, 13-month average Move resources from what isn’t working to what is Step 6: Tying it all together: Research without insight is just trivia Page 26

27 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. 6 Steps to Success = Think Different 1.Break down the silos 2.Use crowdsourcing to find solutions 3.Seek relationships, not “likes” 4.Remember what matters 5.Use metrics to inspire not to justify 6.Crawl, Walk, Run or Fly 27

28 © Copyright 2011 KDPaine & Partners LLC, Berlin NH. This presentation and all of its content are the intellectual property of KDPaine & Partners. Please respect intellectual property and do not copy or reproduce. Thank You! For more information on measurement, read my blog: or subscribe to The Measurement Standard: For a copy of this presentation go to: Follow me on Twitter: KDPaine Friend me on Facebook: Katie Paine Or call me at 1-603-682-0735 28

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