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Yoshua Bengio Statistical Machine Learning Chair, U. Montreal ICML 2011 Workshop on Unsupervised and Transfer Learning July 2 nd 2011, Bellevue, WA.

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Presentation on theme: "Yoshua Bengio Statistical Machine Learning Chair, U. Montreal ICML 2011 Workshop on Unsupervised and Transfer Learning July 2 nd 2011, Bellevue, WA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yoshua Bengio Statistical Machine Learning Chair, U. Montreal ICML 2011 Workshop on Unsupervised and Transfer Learning July 2 nd 2011, Bellevue, WA

2 How to Beat the Curse of Many Factors of Variation? Compositionality: exponential gain in representational power Distributed representations Deep architecture

3 Distributed Representations  Many neurons active simultaneously  Input represented by the activation of a set of features that are not mutually exclusive  Can be exponentially more efficient than local representations

4 Local vs Distributed

5 RBM Hidden Units Carve Input Space h1h1 h2h2 h3h3 x1x1 x2x2

6 Unsupervised Deep Feature Learning  Classical: pre-process data with PCA = leading factors  New: learning multiple levels of features/factors, often over-complete  Greedy layer-wise strategy: raw input x unsupervised raw input x P(y|x) Supervised fine-tuning (Hinton et al 2006, Bengio et al 2007, Ranzato et al 2007) raw input x

7 Why Deep Learning?  Hypothesis 1: need deep hierarchy of features to efficiently represent and learn complex abstractions needed for AI and mammal intelligence.  Computational & statististical efficiency  Hypothesis 2: unsupervised learning of representations is a crucial component of the solution.  Optimization & regularization.  Theoretical and ML-experimental support for both.  Cortex: deep architecture, the same learning rule everywhere

8 Deep Motivations  Brains have a deep architecture  Humans’ ideas & artifacts composed from simpler ones  Unsufficient depth can be exponentially inefficient  Distributed (possibly sparse) representations necessary for non- local generalization, exponentially more efficient than 1-of-N enumeration of latent variable values  Multiple levels of latent variables allow combinatorial sharing of statistical strength raw input x task 1task 3task 2 shared intermediate representations

9 Deep Architectures are More Expressive Theoretical arguments: … 123 2n2n 123 … n = universal approximator2 layers of Logic gates Formal neurons RBF units Theorems for all 3: (Hastad et al 86 & 91, Bengio et al 2007) Functions compactly represented with k layers may require exponential size with k-1 layers

10 Sharing Components in a Deep Architecture Polynomial expressed with shared components: advantage of depth may grow exponentially (Bengio & Delalleau, Learning Workshop 2011) Sum-product network

11 Parts Are Composed to Form Objects Layer 1: edges Layer 2: parts Lee et al. ICML’2009 Layer 3: objects

12 Deep Architectures and Sharing Statistical Strength, Multi-Task Learning  Generalizing better to new tasks is crucial to approach AI  Deep architectures learn good intermediate representations that can be shared across tasks  Good representations make sense for many tasks raw input x task 1 output y 1 task 3 output y 3 task 2 output y 2 shared intermediate representation h

13 Feature and Sub-Feature Sharing  Different tasks can share the same high- level features  Different high-level features can be built from the same set of lower-level features  More levels = up to exponential gain in representational efficiency … … … … … task 1 output y 1 task N output y N High-level features Low-level features … … … … … task 1 output y 1 task N output y N High-level features Low-level features Sharing intermediate features Not sharing intermediate features

14 Representations as Coordinate Systems  PCA: removing low-variance directions  easy but what if signal has low variance? We would like to disentangle factors of variation, keeping them all.  Overcomplete representations: richer, even if underlying distribution concentrates near low-dim manifold.  Sparse/saturated features: allows for variable-dim manifolds. Different few sensitive features at x = local chart coordinate system.

15 Effect of Unsupervised Pre-training AISTATS’2009+JMLR 2010, with Erhan, Courville, Manzagol, Vincent, S. Bengio

16 Effect of Depth w/o pre-training with pre-training

17 Unsupervised Feature Learning: a Regularizer to Find Better Local Minima of Generalization Error  Unsupervised pre- training acts like a regularizer  Helps to initialize in basin of attraction of local minima with better generalization error

18 Non-Linear Unsupervised Feature Extraction Algorithms  CD for RBMs  SML (PCD) for RBMs  Sampling beyond Gibbs (e.g. tempered MCMC)  Mean-field + SML for DBMs  Sparse auto-encoders  Sparse Predictive Decomposition  Denoising Auto-Encoders  Score Matching / Ratio Matching  Noise-Contrastive Estimation  Pseudo-Likelihood  Contractive Auto-Encoders See my book / review paper (F&TML 2009): Learning Deep Architectures for AI

19 Auto-Encoders  Reconstruction=decoder(encoder(input))  Probable inputs have small reconstruction error  Linear decoder/encoder = PCA up to rotation  Can be stacked to form highly non-linear representations, increasing disentangling (Goodfellow et al, NIPS 2009) … code= latent features … encoder decoder input reconstruction

20 Restricted Boltzman Machine (RBM)  The most popular building block for deep architectures  Bipartite undirected graphical model  Inference is trivial: P(h|x) & P(x|h) factorize observed hidden

21 Gibbs Sampling in RBMs P(h|x) and P(x|h) factorize h 1 ~ P(h|x 1 ) x 2 ~ P(x|h 1 ) x 3 ~ P(x|h 2 ) x1 x1 h 2 ~ P(h|x 2 ) h 3 ~ P(h|x 3 )  Easy inference  Convenient Gibbs sampling x  h  x  h…

22 RBMs are Universal Approximators  Adding one hidden unit (with proper choice of parameters) guarantees increasing likelihood  With enough hidden units, can perfectly model any discrete distribution  RBMs with variable nb of hidden units = non-parametric (Le Roux & Bengio 2008, Neural Comp.)

23 Denoising Auto-Encoder Learns a vector field towards higher probability regions Minimizes variational lower bound on a generative model Similar to pseudo- likelihood A form of regularized score matching Reconstruction Corrupted input

24 Stacked Denoising Auto- Encoders No partition function, can measure training criterion Encoder & decoder: any parametrization Performs as well or better than stacking RBMs for usupervised pre-training Infinite MNIST

25 Contractive Auto-Encoders: Explicit Invariance During Feature Extraction, Rifai, Vincent, Muller, Glorot & Bengio, ICML 2011. Higher Order Contractive Auto-Encoders, Rifai, Mesnil, Vincent, Muller, Bengio, Dauphin, Glorot, ECML 2011. Part of winning toolbox in final phase of the Unsupervised & Transfer Learning Challenge 2011 Contractive Auto-Encoders

26 Training criterion: wants contraction in all directions cannot afford contraction in manifold directions Few active units represent the active subspace (local chart) Jacobian’s spectrum is peaked = local low- dimensional representation / relevant factors

27 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge: 1 st Place in Final Phase Raw data 1 layer 2 layers 4 layers 3 layers

28 Transductive Representation Learning  Validation set and test sets have different classes than training set, hence very different input distributions  Directions that matter to distinguish them might have small variance under the training set  Solution: perform last level of unsupervised feature learning (PCA) on the validation / test set input data.

29 Small (4-domain) Amazon benchmark: we beat the state-of-the-art handsomely Domain Adaptation (ICML 2011) Sparse rectifiers SDA finds more features that tend to be useful either for predicting domain or sentiment, not both

30 Sentiment Analysis: Transfer Learning 25 domains: toys, software, video, books, music, beauty, … Unsupervised pre- training of input space on all domains Supervised SVM on 1 domain, generalize out- of-domain Baseline: bag-of-words + SVM

31 Sentiment Analysis: Large Scale Out-of-Domain Generalization Relative loss by going from in-domain to out-of-domain testing 340k examples from Amazon, from 56 (tools) to 124k (music)

32 Deep Sparse Rectifier Neural Networks, Glorot, Bordes & Bengio, AISTATS 2011. Sampled Reconstruction for Large-Scale Learning of Embeddings, Dauphin, Glorot & Bengio, ICML 2011. Representing Sparse High- Dimensional Stuff … code= latent features … sparse input dense output probabilities cheap expensive

33 Speedup from Sampled Reconstruction

34 Deep Self-Taught Learning for Handwritten Character Recognition Y. Bengio & 16 others (IFT6266 class project & AISTATS 2011 paper) discriminate 62 character classes (upper, lower, digits), 800k to 80M examples Deep learners beat state-of-the-art on NIST and reach human-level performance Deep learners benefit more from perturbed (out-of-distribution) data Deep learners benefit more from multi-task setting

35 35

36 Improvement due to training on perturbed data Deep Shallow {SDA,MLP}1: trained only on data with distortions: thickness, slant, affine, elastic, pinch {SDA,MLP}2: all perturbations

37 Improvement due to multi-task setting Deep Shallow Multi-task: Train on all categories, test on target categories (share representations) Not multi-task: Train and test on target categories only (no sharing, separate models)

38 Comparing against Humans and SOA All 62 character classes Deep learners reach human performance [1] Granger et al., 2007 [2] Pérez-Cortes et al., 2000 (nearest neighbor) [3] Oliveira et al., 2002b (MLP) [4] Milgram et al., 2005 (SVM)

39 Tips & Tricks Don’t be scared by the many hyper- parameters: use random sampling (not grid search) & clusters / GPUs Learning rate is the most important, along with top-level dimension Make sure selected hyper-param value is not on the border of interval Early stopping Using NLDR for visualization Simulation of Final Evaluation Scenario

40 Conclusions Deep Learning: powerful arguments & generalization principles Unsupervised Feature Learning is crucial: many new algorithms and applications in recent years DL particularly suited for multi-task learning, transfer learning, domain adaptation, self-taught learning, and semi- supervised learning with few labels

41 : numpy  GPU

42 Merci! Questions? LISA ML Lab team:

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