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School-wide PBIS Universal Systems Year 3 Chris Borgmeier, PhD Portland State University

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1 School-wide PBIS Universal Systems Year 3 Chris Borgmeier, PhD Portland State University

2 Team Sharing Review Implementation of SW-PBIS  Tier 1 – Universal systems  Tier 2 – CICO (# of students on CICO) Teaming & Data Systems  Tier 1 team – TIPS – SWIS?  Tier 2/3 team – CICO SWIS? Successes, Surprises & Challenges/Questions

3 Primary Prevention: School/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: FBA  BSP for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT PRIORITY #1 PRIORITY #2 PRIORITY #3

4 Role of Tier 1 - PBIS Team Monitoring & Maintaining Implementation  At least monthly team meetings With monthly review of data  Regular updates with whole staff Re-Teaching Planning & maintaining Acknowledgment system & assemblies Monitoring Discipline Data & challenging areas to inform action planning  Continuing Development of PBIS intervention

5 Team Process PBIS is active, alive -- not static It’s not something we’ve done – it’s something we’re doing Requires regular team meetings with a team that represents ALL school staff Team keeps PBIS alive through ongoing planning, support, and decision making to address needs as they arise Looking at data & maintaining & developing programs to meet needs  Constantly asking: What can we do to address this need? What can we do to decrease this trend? How can we improve the current programs we have in place?

6 Universal Interventions: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Targeted Group Interventions: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behaviour Intensive Individual Interventions: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behaviour CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~80% of Students ~15% ~5%

7 PBIS Assessment

8 Team Activity Open up your School Account on  Click on “Login” tab in upper right of page  Type in your School ID #  Click the “Action” arrow next to Team Checklist  As a team complete the Team Checklist on-line  Use your results to identify action items & develop an action plan Identify any other priorities related to student behavior/ discipline/ PBIS in your school

9 2013-14 PBIS Training Schedule Sept 26 Sept 27 Tier 1 & Tier 2 (CICO & Data Teaming) Review & Planning Tier 3 –Function-Based Assessment Nov 7 Nov 8 Tier 3 – Function-Based Intervention Planning Tier 2/3 - Modified CICO Jan 9 Jan 10 Tier 3 - Behavior Support Planning Tier 3 – Implementation & Evaluation Planning Apr 3 Apr 4 Tier 3 – Case Review & Teaming Planning for Maintenance Tier 1 teamTier 2/3 team -Administrator -Tier 2 Coordinator -SPED teacher -District Behavior Specialist -SPSY -PBIS Team members

10 Tier 2/3 Problem Solving Team Individual PBIS Team (or whatever you want to call it) FBA Team Progress Monitoring Team Plans SW & Class- wide supports Monitors effectiveness and fidelity of Tier 2 Interventions (overall and for each student) Conducts FBA, develops BIP NOT a standing team Sept. 1, 2009 Universal SWPBIS Team Tier II Tier I Tier III

11 Tier 2 Intervention Coordinator Facilitator Process Monitor Notetaker > 1 hour meeting Review Tasks

12 Continuum of Assessment & Intervention Intensive Targeted Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Student Referral Data (ODRs) “Tweak”/ Small change to CICO Basic CICO Intervention Assessment Borderline Initial CICO Data

13 Team Task Complete the CICO Self- Assessment & Identify Actions for improved implementation

14 Typical Reasons CICO may not be working for an individual student 1) Low fidelity of implementation 2) The student needs more instruction on how to use the program 3) The rewards are not powerful or desirable for the student 4) The program does not match the function of the problem behavior 5) The student requires more intensive, individualized support Address Implementation Issue Individualize Tier 2 Escalate to Tier 3 Support

15 Continuum of Assessment & Intervention Intensive Targeted Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Student Referral Data (ODRs) Refer to Tier 3 team: Practical FBA “Tweak”/ Small change to CICO Basic CICO Modified CICO Matched to Function Intervention Assessment Borderline Initial CICO Data Non-Responder Preliminary FBA Individualized Behavior Support Plan

16 Non-Responder After multiple interventions, including match to function-based CICO Tweak ABC CICO RTI  Time to move to Tier 3 Support FBA/ BSP CICO

17 Screening Coordinator Tier 2 Intervention Coordinator Tier 3 Intervention Coordinator Facilitator Process Monitor Notetaker > 1 hour meeting Review Tasks

18 Who should be on the Tier 2/3 team? Administrator Check-In/Check-Out Coordinator Behavior Specialist(s):  Person(s) in school involved with conducting behavioral assessments, developing behavior support plans and providing support to students with challenging behavior Often = School Psychologist, Special Education Teacher, and/or School Counselor

19 Administrator Manage & monitor system (Tier 2 & 3) implementation Actively demonstrate commitment to supporting students with challenging behavior in school environment Decision-maker present to maintain efficiency of Tier 3 teaming & planning Monitor implementation fidelity of Tier 2 & 3 implementation

20 CICO Coordinator Responsibilities Organize & coordinate implementation of CICO system  Coordinate check-in and check-out Possibly do Check-in & check-outs Lead meetings Enter data daily (or monitor daily data entry) Organize & summarize student data for meetings Problem solve challenges to implementation of CICO Establish rapport with students Provide training to all students before they begin CICO Contact person for caregivers Process requests for assistance

21 Behavior Specialists Some flexibility in schedule to conduct assessments & support implementation of Behavior Support Plan (BSP) Training/ background knowledge in behavioral principles and intervention  Will be provided at trainings

22 Behavior Specialists Lead FBA/BSP process:  Conduct interviews & observations  Develop Summary Statement  Complete Competing Behavior Pathway  Lead process of Behavior Support & Implementation planning  Support & Monitor implementation  Lead BSP meetings

23 District Behavior Specialist Support school implementation of FBA/BSP to build capacity at local site for simpler cases Provide support for challenging cases Potentially lead Efficient Function-based Intervention Training (E-FIT) with other school teams

24 Team Task Complete the Team Charter What do you want to call your team? Do you have the right team members on your I-PBIS team?  Anyone you’d like to add? What is your meeting schedule? Questions for Year 3 planning & implementation

25 Non-Responders – escalate to Student Centered Team FBA Team Progress Monitoring Team Plans SW & Class- wide supports Monitors effectiveness and fidelity of Tier 2 Interventions (overall and for each student) Conducts FBA, develops BIP NOT a standing team Sept. 1, 2009 Universal SWPBIS Team Tier II Tier I Tier III

26 FBA/BSP Team members School FBA Team Principal and Behavior Specialist (usually School Psychologist or SpEd teacher) GenEd teacher/ staff Other school staff that work with the student Aides, Paraeducators, Yard Duty staff, etc. SpEd teacher/ staff Parent Other involved community members/ services Mental health services, Medical services, Big brother/sister, etc

27 Priorities for Year 3 1. Successful Implementation, Problem Solving & Maintenance of School-Wide PBIS systems a) Tier 1 & b) Tier 2 (CICO) 2. Development & Practice of Tier 3 system a) Interventions for individual students with challenging behavior

28 PBIS Assessment

29 Team Activity Open up your School Account on  Enter your “School ID” in upper right of page & Log-in  Click the “Action” arrow next to Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers  As a team complete the BAT on-line  Use your results to identify action items & develop an action plan Identify any other priorities related to student behavior/ discipline/ PBIS in your school

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