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AES-based primitives LUX, Cheetah Alex Biryukov University of Luxembourg 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "AES-based primitives LUX, Cheetah Alex Biryukov University of Luxembourg 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 AES-based primitives LUX, Cheetah Alex Biryukov University of Luxembourg 2009

2 Contents Design of Cheetah Design of LUX Speed vs Security discussion (see the last slide)

3 Cheetah 256-bit state 1024-bit message 16 Rijndael 256-bit rounds 3 rounds of 1024-bit Rijndael in the keyschedule MD-HAIFA construction (128-bit optional salt is treated as part of the message)

4 Cheetah

5 Cheetah Compression

6 Cheetah Round Just a Rijndael-256 Round

7 Cheetah Message Expansion

8 Security Trunc-Differential attacks not possible (analysis to appear at CT-RSA’09) Generic attacks – HAIFA Length extension – final permutation (Hirose at al Asiacrypt’07)

9 External Cryptanalysis Length extension (Gligorsky) Need to fix the permutation to avoid fixed points (make IV non-zero, adding a constant, output transform?) 8.5/12 round for 512-bit version (Schläffer et al) Resume: scratched but not broken. We encourage more cryptanalysis of the compression function and the mode.

10 Speed Intel 2 Core Duo. Standard AES-code. Can be further optimised. One of the fastest.

11 LUX Stream cipher-like (sponge-like) design Round trasform based on 256-bit AES Wide-pipe design Belt: 16 words (512-bits) Mill: 8 words (256-bits) Message XORed 32-bits at a time to both Belt and Mill 32-bit feedback from Belt to Mill

12 LUX

13 16 Blank rounds at the end 8 filter rounds (32-bit outputs, each round) Constant XORed each round to break symmetry Supports Salt (128-bits), treated the same way as the message.

14 Security


16 LUX External Cryptanalysis Free-start collision, free-start preimage (Wu, Feng, Wu). This a 768-bit “free” start, works for any sponge-like hash. Length extension slide attack (Peyrin) needs salt size to be equal to 31 (mod 32) bits. Salt size is fixed to 128-bits in LUX.

17 Speed 32/64-bit Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel compiler 10.1, Windows XP 1.2 times faster than standard AES implementation on the same platform. Should be possible to bring below 10 cpb

18 Speed vs Security Many AES-based constructions. Many very concervative constructions. Slow but secure approach. Users need fast hashes, reluctant to switch even from MD5. Ideally we need hash that is not slower than AES and has tunable number of rounds. Much faster than SHA-256.

19 Speed vs Security Observable universe: 3 × 10^52 kg 5% of total mass. Total mass only: 2^179 E = MC^2 so if we burn the universe in order to power our computers we can perform O(2^235 ) computations.

20 Speed vs Security Observable universe: 3 × 10^52 kg 5% of total mass. Total mass only: 2^179 E = MC^2 so if we burn the universe in order to power our computers we can perform O(2^235 ) computations. Forget about attacks that have complexities higher than 2^256. (Reversible computation ????)

21 Speed vs Security Parallel or sequential attacks? For attacks with complexities above 2^256 it doesn’t matter. They don’t exist in this world anyway. Number of computations is a simple standard measure of attack complexity. In the price of the parallel computer don’t forget about the electricity bill.

22 Possible Scenario Allow to tweak #rounds, other trivial tweaks by the end of round 1. Select 15 fastest still unbroken (or even unscratched) candidates. Let cryptanalysts do the work.

23 The End

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