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WebVoyáge Enhancer Ere Maijala The National Library of Finland Voyager Developer meets Developer 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "WebVoyáge Enhancer Ere Maijala The National Library of Finland Voyager Developer meets Developer 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebVoyáge Enhancer Ere Maijala The National Library of Finland Voyager Developer meets Developer 2010

2 Why? Tomcat WebVoyáge is flexible in some ways, not so much in others Need to get to tweak the OPAC in a very deep way

3 Basics A perl daemon Talks AJPv13 protocol with Apache and Tomcat – Sits between them and intercepts requests and responses Modular – Most functionality provided by plugins Utility class provides helper functions

4 Diagram of the Data Flow ApacheTomcat Web Browser 8010007 Without WebVoyáge Enhancer: ApacheTomcat Web Browser 8010007 With WebVoyáge Enhancer: WebVoyáge Enhancer 30007

5 Possibilities Modify HTML content returned from Tomcat (postprocessing) Craft custom responses without accessing Tomcat at all (preprosessing) Fetch data from the database, other sources Reuse connections, cache database connection

6 Limitations No magic – E.g. Can’t get patron id if it doesn’t exist in the html – There’s code to grab and store the patron id upon login, though No multipage operations without going through great hurdles No things that take too much time – E.g. AJAX may be better suited for some cases

7 Current Functionality Built-in: Easy text replacements – String to string – Regular expressions Extended OpenURL creation Reference Management functions (export) – HTML lists – RefWorks Export – MarcXML – IMS Packages for virtual learning environments Open all external links in a new window Show a condensed summary of holdings Extend patron account information

8 In Practice… Installation Apache configuration Language tag in HTML (optional) Configuration Plugins Logging XSL Files

9 TODO More plugins! – Need feedback to know what is needed Testing in a production environment

10 Thanks!

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