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Telecom Bretagne A graduate Engineering School and a Research Centre in the field of Science and Information Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Telecom Bretagne A graduate Engineering School and a Research Centre in the field of Science and Information Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telecom Bretagne A graduate Engineering School and a Research Centre in the field of Science and Information Technologies

2 page 2 Telecom Bretagne environment

3 Telecom Bretagnepage 3 A membre of Institut Mines-Telecom

4 page 4 Palaiseau-Saclay Paris Evry Fontainebleau Brest Rennes Pau Toulouse Saint-Etienne Alès Nimes Albi Gardanne Nantes Douai 10 SCHOOLS MINES AND TELECOM Mines Albi-Carmaux - Albi, Saint-Dié Mines Alès - Alès, Montpellier, Nimes, Pau Mines Douai - Douai Mines Nantes - Nantes Mines ParisTech - Paris, Palaiseau-Saclay, Evry, Fontainebleau, Sophia Antipolis Mines Saint-Etienne - Saint-Etienne, Gardanne Télécom Bretagne - Brest, Rennes, Toulouse Télécom Ecole de Management - Evry, Palaiseau-Saclay, Paris Télécom ParisTech - Paris, Sophia Antipolis Télécom SudParis - Evry Lille Nancy Sophia Antipolis 2 SUBSIDIARY SCHOOLS Eurecom - Sophia Antipolis Télécom Lille1 - Lille 1 STRATEGIC PARTNER SCHOOL Mines Nancy - Nancy, Saint-Dié Saint-Dié 10 ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS ENSEEIHT - Toulouse Enseirb-Matmeca - Bordeaux Télécom Saint-Etienne - Saint-Etienne Télécom Physique Strasbourg - Strasbourg Télécom Nancy - Villers-lès-Nancy ENSIIE - Evry ESIGELEC - Rouen ENSG - Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy IFMA - Clermont-Ferrand SupCom Tunis - Tunis Bordeaux Strasbourg Rouen Clermont-Ferrand Tunis Montpellier

5 Telecom Bretagnepage 5 and a membre of lUniversité européenne de Bretagne 23 member institutions 149 research units 72 000 students 3 000 PhD students 6 000 staff

6 page 6

7 page 7 Facts and figures

8 page 8 Telecom Bretagne resources Director Dr Paul Friedel 438 staff on 4 sites Budget of 41 M (70 % State funding) 26500 m2 of premises 10 technological test platforms 2 business incubators 20 video-conference stations including an immersive videoconferencing room

9 page 9 Teaching staff 160 Telecom Bretagne research- lecturers 400 external staff 83%:invited speakers from industry 12%:part-time language lecturers 5%:part-time sports instructors

10 page 10 One college on various sites Brest : 74% 8 academic departments 4 specialization streams (regular engineering programme 3 rd year) 1 Sandwich course engineering programme (specialized in computer sciences, networks and telecommunications) 4 post Master Certificates 1 MSc 1 Master of Science by Research PhD Continuing education Rennes : 12% 2 academic departments 2 specialization streams (regular engineering programme 3 rd year) 3 post Master Certificates 1MSc PhD Continuing education Toulouse and Montpellier : 1% Specialization in Space communication (engineering programme 3 rd year and mastère) 1 post Master Certificates Overseas campuses 7% Vietnam, Mexico, Syria, Morocco The remaining 6% are located on other sites in France or abroad. 1200 students in 2010-2011

11 page 11 Services for students and visiting professors Modern halls of residence Rooms, studios, lofts, villas Catering services Restaurant, snack bar, café Sports complex Sailing in Brest harbour International office for international students and visitors Placement and careers advisory service Two incubator units (Brest and Rennes) Alumni association (AITB)

12 page 12 Three different diplomas for a specific carreer: Engineers, MSc and PhD

13 page 13 385 diplomas awarded per year 236 Master of engineering 68 Post Master Certificates 44 MSc 47 PhD

14 page 14 An international vocation 297 Master of Engineering 34 Post Master certificate 54 MSc 158 PhD * on French campuses 543 international students from 54 countries* Vietnam Master of Engineering PFIEV Morocco Post Master certificates in Web technologies: Systems, Services and Security Mexico post Master certificate in Networks and Information Systems for Industry Syria Post Master certificate in Advanced Engineering in Telecommunications (temporarily suspended) 73 students off-shore

15 page 15 Two MSc dedicated to foreign students MSc in Telecommunication Systems Engineering MSc in Design and Engineering of Convergent Networks MSc in Design and Engineering of Convergent Networks First semester in English Intensive French courses Dedicated classes

16 page 16 Two doctoral Schools: Sicma and Matisse 200 PhD students Sicma Health Information Communication Materials and Mathematics with UBO and UBS Matisse Mathematics, Telecommunications, Computer Science, Signals, Electronic Systems with Rennes 1 and 2, Supélec, Insa and Agrocampus Ouest

17 page 17 An international research centre in Information Technology

18 page 18 Research centre of the highest level 400 researchers (full time professors, under contract researchers and PhD students) 9 millions of income 4 Research laboratories Latim(Inserm) for medical information processing Labsticc(CNRS) for communications systems development and information processing Irisa for telecommunications networks and software engineering Marsouin for internet applications Marconi Prize (turbocodes), SPIE Award (optics), Inserm Prize (Medical Imagery)... One representative at the French Académie des sciences Claude Berrou co-inventor of turbocodes One European Chair Jean Monnet Annie Blandin Member of Labex CominLab and Cami

19 page 19 The 9 research-teaching departments Electronics Optics Microwaves (Brest and Toulouse) Signal and Communications Computer Science Networks, Security and Multimedia ( Rennes) Image and Information Processing Logics in Uses, Social Sciences and Information Science (Brest and Rennes) Languages

20 page 20 Research Programmes covering all aspects of information technology 4 application areas Sustainable development Digital health Digital services Global security 4 scientific challenges Networks of the future Communicating Objects Uses and digital life Media of the future 400 chercheurs 9 millions deuros de CA

21 page 21 From fundamental research to industrial applications Test platforms for technology transfer

22 page 22 Two incubator Units in Brest and Rennes Three objectives Training for Entrepreneurship Support for companies incubated Animation of company network

23 page 23 Actions for sustainable development Telecom Bretagne is committed to: Reduce its environmental footprint Equipment management, recycling Travel policy Control its expenditure Sensitize students to the issues of SD Integration of SD concept in research, training and projects Jean-Claude Pierre, sponsor of the 2011 promotion Making buildings accessible to people with disabilities Promote equality of opportunity among staff and students Partner of programmes Cordées de la réussite, @Talent égal… Promote sustainable development training Specialized Master "Marine Renewable Energy College of Advanced Studies for Sustainable Development

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