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Scaling Agile: Finding your Agile Tribe
Outline Introduction Project Background Project Challenges
What We Learned Conclusion
Introduction This report describes an experience with a largescale global development effort our primary challenge to scaling agile became finding the right people to form our agile “tribe It‘s led to an identified set of attributes that describe the type of person that we believe will thrive in a large-scale Agile environment. 1.over 300 people across 3 global sites 我們主要的目標是找到適合的人才,讓他們能夠組成一個agile tribe讓我們這個大型專案更能夠蓬勃發展 因為有很多人只適合在小團隊中開發而無發使他們加入大團隊,而這樣的人就可能不適我們要找的人才
Outline Introduction Project Background Project Challenges
What We Learned Conclusion
Project Background The project under discussion was a large-scale global development effort for the Health Services (HS) division of Siemens Medical Solutions USA The healthcare industry services to over 5,000 healthcare organizations in 20 countries The project team consisted of 300 developers, product analysts,scrum masters, and testers across 25 scrum teams in three development sites: USA, India, and Europe
The project was organized into three sub-programs:
core application(1)---->(11) common architecture components(2)---->(7) a common supporting application(5)---->(7) 前兩個是由美國和印度做的 最後一個是美國和歐洲做的 在這一年的期間預計將這些團隊數成長到25個scrum master 每個team平均會有12個組員. (Scrum Master, 4-5 Developer Pairs, 1-2 Analysts, and 1-2 Testers
Outline Introduction Project Background Project Challenges
What We Learned Conclusion
Project Challenges Integration & Dependency Management
The number of concurrent work streams increased, so did the number of dependencies. Managing Heavily-Used Services As their customer base increased, so did the requirements to customize, or “tweak”, services to accommodate the consumers of these services Managing Distributed Teams 這樣的大型專案其中有一個難度就是個相依模組之間的整合案管理 因此他們除了用規定好的文件及變數命名之外讓各scrum team再開發時相互的合作與溝通讓他們在可以一起完成相依的部分 另外 我們必須好好管理一些客戶使用量比較大的服務 向這些服務未來的使用量將會是很大的因此也必須多做一些客製化的設計,所以我們會將這些服務切成多個小模組讓scrum team然後竭盡所能的開發 再來就是各組織間的管理,因為在個別團隊之間平常會交流的時候可能都只有整合時或是開會時而造成各組織間有相當多的歧見 使得互看不順眼,因此在開發時會將各組的成員互相打散分到其他組去讓他們可以一起兼併間的開發
Outline Introduction Project Background Project Challenges
What We Learned Conclusion
What We Learned When addressing these challenges, we sought to adhere to the basic principals of the Agile manifesto as much as possible We sought to empower individuals and teams to make decisions and formulate their own processes, and to take calculated risks without fear of reprisals 當我們想要解決一些難題時我們會想要他們用agile manifesto原則去思考並且與他人多多合作與溝同而不是死板的去聽讀那些流程 並且我們授權各團隊能夠不在乎他人報復的思考下評估個事件的風險並自行決策
In large-scale projects
Most of the Scrum teams rapidly evolved to highly performing teams and demonstrated tremendous productivity. In smaller projects we work encourage team members to focus exclusively on their individual team goals as expressed in the backlog In large-scale projects team members must participate in cross-team activities and allocate time to project-wide activities 有一些scrum team會想要快速有效地完成任務,但是我們發現這樣的方式若到了大型專案的環境將不適用 因此在小團隊中我們要積極地完成團隊的目標 再大的團隊中我們要跨團隊的溝通
Outline Introduction Project Background Project Challenges
What We Learned Conclusion
Conclusion The challenge is locating these people
Rule #1:Don’t base your decision on Agile experience! Agile is a mindset, not a skill set. 最後會規整篇paper我們最重要的目的是在於建立一個agile tribe因此找人將是我們最重要的挑戰, 有些人對big agile project有興趣但是他不一定有能力加入這樣的團隊 因此有一個很重要的法則,敏捷是一種心態而不是一種技能
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